Got so off track!!

Ugh ever since thanksgiving I have been so off track with my diet! I haven't excited since Wednesday or really tracked my food! I even gained backed 2 lbs! I feel so discouraged and I just feel like I'm never going to lose the weight! To make it even worse I looked at the pictures from thanksgiving and I look so large. I'm just feeling so down!


  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    This short true video always lifts my spirits:

    The two pounds are probably water weight. Drink water, take a walk in the fresh air, and start anew. Take a mental break and eat something different, s protein shake for a meal if you don't usually do that. You can do this.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    well, 2lb is water weight + a turd, so don't worry about that.

    its totally illogical to be like "omg I look FAT! I should stop trying to loose weight because I feel so ashamed!" --- that does not make sense.

    You will lose the weight, just start tracking your food again.

    unless you have legitimate struggles in your life, you are just making yourself feel down. so fight back.

    exercise, track your food and stop making excuses to quit.

    dust yourself off and try again.
  • 50poundshed
    This short true video always lifts my spirits:

    The two pounds are probably water weight. Drink water, take a walk in the fresh air, and start anew. Take a mental break and eat something different, s protein shake for a meal if you don't usually do that. You can do this.

    Thank you I just feel like I always do this. I do so good for 2 weeks lose about 4-5 pounds and get right back to my old habits and gain all my weight back with an extra 3 lbs added on!
  • 50poundshed
    well, 2lb is water weight + a turd, so don't worry about that.

    its totally illogical to be like "omg I look FAT! I should stop trying to loose weight because I feel so ashamed!" --- that does not make sense.

    You will lose the weight, just start tracking your food again.

    unless you have legitimate struggles in your life, you are just making yourself feel down. so fight back.

    exercise, track your food and stop making excuses to quit.

    dust yourself off and try again.

    Thank you your so right! I just feel like omg I'm so big I'm never going to lose the weight so might as well give up which is a dumb way of thinking!
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    well, 2lb is water weight + a turd, so don't worry about that.
    :laugh: Oh my days, this made me lol!
    2lbs is nothing. No-one else can make you get back to it, make yourself do well for the next week and you will soon be back in the swing of it.
  • ElegantSlenderChic
    Everybody falls off the wagon sometimes, Thanksgiving is done but we have Xmas and New Years coming up...just focus on being as hot as possible for those shots. Sent you a friend request. you've got this:glasses:
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    This short true video always lifts my spirits:

    The two pounds are probably water weight. Drink water, take a walk in the fresh air, and start anew. Take a mental break and eat something different, s protein shake for a meal if you don't usually do that. You can do this.

    Thank you I just feel like I always do this. I do so good for 2 weeks lose about 4-5 pounds and get right back to my old habits and gain all my weight back with an extra 3 lbs added on!

    Thanksgiving, Hannukah, Christmas, and other holidays come every year. Choose to be positive. You got to see your loved ones and it's time to move on now.

    Everybody has to come to a point when they feel enough is enough... being fat, feeling bad, not fitting in your clothes. That moment is personal. Nobody else can reach it for you. I want a life with more quality -- better food, more exercise, to take a walk outside instead of sitting on the couch. Don't be hard on yourself. Add more positive steps tomorrow. Small things add up.
  • helloskl2014
    Everyone gets off track once in awhile, but just focus on what you can do today and making today a good day. What's done is done, let that go and just move forward. Don't let a few days here or there derail you. Good luck and stay focused!
  • 50poundshed
    Thanks guys feeling a tad but better! I no two lbs is two lbs but ugh I feel like I worked so hard for two lbs lol!
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    We do understand, we've all been there. I'm going to reach my 3 year MFP anniversary in February, and if I've learned one thing in the last 3 years it's that 2lb goes back on WAY easier than coming off. But you can't let it beat you. Come on now., shake yourself down, dust yourself off, get those 2lbs or more back off before Christmas and then you'll be back in the race, you can do it!
  • briana12077
    briana12077 Posts: 128 Member
    bump because im off track too and need the motivation too
  • Mercybou
    I'm sure it's water weight I went to the gym the day after being 210 and was 208 after I was done working out. I am not 204 just a couple days later. You got this don't put your self down. Your stronger then that positive thinking.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,112 Member
    If you have 48 pounds to lose, it's going to take some time. Weight loss is about a long-term commitment to a goal. Are there going to be yummy holidays and birthdays and anniversaries and funerals and girls night out and etc etc? Yes.

    You can enjoy the special events and get right back at it. That's how life goes. Food is enjoyable. Huge indulgences don't erase all your good work. It's life, make it work for you.

    Want to stop failing? Stop quitting.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    Like another poster said, we all fall off the wagon sometimes. That is not what causes us to fail though. It when we don't get back on.
  • shafa4321
    shafa4321 Posts: 132 Member
    This short true video always lifts my spirits:

    The two pounds are probably water weight. Drink water, take a walk in the fresh air, and start anew. Take a mental break and eat something different, s protein shake for a meal if you don't usually do that. You can do this.

    Thanks for sharing
  • akshngrl
    akshngrl Posts: 27 Member
    Thank you for posting this because this is just how I feel, and I am sure many others do too after Thanksgiving. My best friend was here, I ate whatever I wanted, and I gained 3 lbs since my last weigh in. It's so hard to feel like I'm getting anywhere but as another poster said: This is a LONG TERM COMMITTMENT. The weight WILL come off but it will take sustained effort OVER TIME. So we have to tell each other, this too shall pass, get back on it!

    Today I am just doing food diary again, recording my eating even though it ain't good eating. Then tomorrow I will exercise AND try to eat better. One small step at a time! Good luck you too!
  • KaterinaTerese
    KaterinaTerese Posts: 345 Member
    Definitely fell off this past week; graduate school applications, Thanksgiving, getting together with friends, not updating MFP... it all added up, and now my skinny jeans are too tight again. I'm going to be a little stricter with myself this coming week diet-wise, but not going to let it get me down! My jeans have been too tight before and will probably be too tight again, lol
  • eileenjez
    eileenjez Posts: 38 Member
    The holidays mean I bake. Usually enough for an army. I have to sample them too. So at night I just get on the treadmill for 30 minutes and say I'll be better the next day. I know it'll take time to take off the weight I put on over the years because that's how it works if I want it to last. The encouragement we get from this site is great. I read others stories and I say "I've been there". Just know you are not alone out here and there are others who support you.