Enough is enough!

Hello, I'm not really that new here, but I feel as though enough is enough! I'm tired of always quitting. My weight-loss goal is 20lbs and I will try to the best of my ability to reach that goal. I look forward to meeting some of you people, and to give, as well as receive encouragement! :) happy weight-loss!


  • danedoesitall
    Sup Aaron. I just joined a few days ago. I keep fit year around. Fitness is a passion, and when I can meet new people that share that or want it, its awesome. Glad to meet you!

    Feel free ever to checkout my workout and meal plan anytime. I do it on a simple theory and on a budget. Cya
  • Vicxie86
    Vicxie86 Posts: 181 Member
    Good luck Aaron. Take it a step at a time and everything will fit into places.

    My advice will be to not stop eating what you like but eat better versions of them at a limit, because if you only eat the good stuff for a while and then go back to what you like to eat, thats when the weight loss starts to come back again. Stick to something that you know you can absolutely live with forever and not as a temporary fix.

    Get a food scale and measuring cup and start weighing everything. If someone else has posted a food type you want to add, double check to make sure the nutrition information is correct by double checking it on the back of the package. I have found, on more than one occasion that the information some people put up are not always 100%, this may cause you to overeat certain nutrients that you may otherwise be looking out for.

    Some people weigh themselves once a week, some people do it once a month. I prefer to do it everyday, this personally motivates me and my feet cant help walking to my scale every morning anyway lol

    Again, good luck and let's hope you are able to take a stand this time :)
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Hey Aaron... welcome back! 20 lbs... go slow. Lift weights. Don't worry about the number on the scale. Take pics. Eat protein. Small deficits... and for the love of all things Holy please don't try and live on salad to "lose weight".
  • amcsouth
    amcsouth Posts: 283 Member
    Hey Aaron... welcome back! 20 lbs... go slow. Lift weights. Don't worry about the number on the scale. Take pics. Eat protein. Small deficits... and for the love of all things Holy please don't try and live on salad to "lose weight".

    ^^^ YES! :)