December Challenge

Hi everyone!

I am starting a December Challenge (tomorrow) and I am hoping there are some people that would like to join!

I have about 20lb to lose and want to tone up. I am hoping I can jump start my goal in December.

My goals include:

*Clean eating (no added sugar, no processed food, no caffeine, no fake sugar)
*Working out 6 days a week (I will be checking in daily to say what I ate and did for that day!)
*Taking weight and measurements once a week

Would anyone like to do this with me? I will be blogging about it at and putting updates up on Instagram (Fitnessburn) and Twitter (Fitnessburn)

Would love to have some buddies to keep myself accountable!

Anyone out there looking for a challenge? What are your goals for this month?


  • marieskee
    marieskee Posts: 120 Member
    Cool there are a few of us doing a vlogging challenge.
    My goals have changed due to life. But I want to keep up with eating clean and working out. I hope I lose at least 10 pounds.
  • SURE! I'll try!:wink:
  • kellytime2lose
    kellytime2lose Posts: 62 Member
    Me too, and will add you as a friend???thanks for starting this! Kelly
  • CassieFindley86
    CassieFindley86 Posts: 18 Member
    Great! I am really excited =)
  • Count me in! My goals are pretty much the same - eat clean (except caffeine - gotta have my morning joe!), exercise 6 days a week and measure weekly. I plan on losing 35 lbs overall and really didn't want to go through the Holidays feeling worse than I already do about my weight.
  • AdeYossie
    AdeYossie Posts: 5 Member
    I am in.
  • jaxxbaum
    jaxxbaum Posts: 5 Member
    I am in too! -jaxx

    20 pounds, eating clean(er!), working out consistently.
  • bethbmamaof3
    bethbmamaof3 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in too! My goals are to lose about 45 lbs overall, follow the Weight Watchers points system, and workout 6 days a week. I'd love to have weekly check-ins to keep on track.
  • Count me in! I definitely need this!
  • hi everyone,
    can I join you? because I have to lose a lot of weight,its nearly 120 lbs.but I want to get rid of it. I can't leave desserts n ice cream. but in this time I'll try my best to avoid these things and control my portion size.
    best of luck everyone.
  • anewme517
    anewme517 Posts: 8 Member
    I am in had to start again and now is the time:smile:
  • deelovelilly
    deelovelilly Posts: 8 Member
    I would love to a part of this challenge I too. I have about 20 lbs. to lose also. I want to loose any thing from 5-10 lbs in December. I started loosing weight in August but Oct and Nov although I kept exercising my good eating habits went side ways. So count me in I am definantely back on the eating better band wagon.
  • hwoeltjen
    hwoeltjen Posts: 199 Member
    I would be interested in helping you get that blog put together. I can get you guys your own server...domain name...and we can build a pretty crazy blog site for the challenge...and hopefully challenges to come.....let me know.
  • suzee102
    suzee102 Posts: 8 Member
    Im in! I weighed myself today and holidays or not I need to lose starting tomorrow!
  • shl_kgbn
    shl_kgbn Posts: 9 Member
    I'm in! This will be a great challenge to keep us motivated throughout the christmas holiday. For me fitness is the best gift ever!
  • Belleminus25
    Belleminus25 Posts: 5 Member
    I'd definitely love to be a part of it...i fell off the wagon a few months ago and today is the day i've made up my mind to get back on...renewed my gym membership and eating clean - 20-25 lbs to lose
  • Count me in!!! I want to utilize this site more, I have 100 lbs to lose and I could use all the support I can get. Also, I will be in my first 5k in March 2014, so I have a LOT of work to do in a short amount of time. Let's do it!!!
  • vivimade
    vivimade Posts: 1 Member
    coount me in
  • Amberh82
    Amberh82 Posts: 468 Member
    I'm in. My goals are to plan my meals for the day ahead of time and stick to them! work out 5 times a week doing at least SOMETHING! I have 25 pounds to lose and I have been pretty much stuck at maintenance because I am not doing what I need to. I decided that Dec 1st (yesterday) I was going to stick to the plan!
  • I'm in too. I woke up this monring and decided to start AGAIN!. :) I would like to loss 50 pounds.