I"m new and in need of motivation! :)

Hi everyone!
This is my first day on myfitnesspal after it was suggested to me by a friend who uses and loves it! So I hope it will help me also! :) I'm just wondering what everyone's areas of motivation are? I tend to get on a high for a couple of days and then nothing. Any suggestions or help?


  • kvr414
    kvr414 Posts: 111
    welcome! this is a fabulous website. I know it's helped so many people lose weight the GOOD way. Feel free to add me as a friend and we can help keep each other motivated. good luck on your weight loss journey!
  • mandiewalters
    mandiewalters Posts: 15 Member
    I do the same thing. I get going and feeling good for a few days, and then laziness sets in and I get off track. The key for me is just to remember why I'm doing this and force myself to go to the gym and eat more healthy foods. I think a lot of times, for me anyways, it's mind over matter. Once you do it for a while, you'll get into a habit of doing it. MFP keeps me accountable, too.
  • swakefield
    I've been trying to stay on track with a new product I'm using but haven't been motivated nor following the program correctly. This is going to be my new way of keeping motivated, on track and reach my goal. We're all in this together, no matter what program we use.
  • JustJessie
    JustJessie Posts: 162 Member
    The one section I love the most about MFP is the success stories on the message boards. I look at all these people that have reach there goal or are on their way to it. I love looking at the pics and I think, if they did it I can do it too. I want to be someone that can post my before and after photos and be proud!

    I also like seeing the progress of my friends on here. So many people are facebook fanatics. I'm a MFP fanatic!
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    I definitely have slipped up over the past couple months. Almost once a week in fact. However, I am determined to have a better body. If you can consistently make your weight a priority over a long period of time you will come out on top. Yes, you'll have some low points, but the highs will outweigh them ten fold.
  • janamuma
    I do the same thing. Really high, really low. I just recently started working from home and thought how great! I will have time to work out. It has backfired. Find myself getting lazier and eating more!

    I am logging in my foods and snacks religiously everyday. I think it really does help to see it. Trick is not to stop (or not enter the things you don't want to) :)

    I have the app on my iphone too so that helps with easy access to enter information all the time.

    My best advice to you would be to track everything!!! And don't stop after a few days. Set realistic goals for yourself also.

    Hope that helps a little.
  • JuicyJBaby3
    JuicyJBaby3 Posts: 123 Member
    Welcome... this is a really neat site.. the motivation from others is even better!! Whenever you feel like you are losing intrest.. reach out and tell somebody... we are all here to help you get back on track!!

    Good Luck!! :flowerforyou:
  • nellsimp
    I started Myfitnesspal at the end of September and I can honestly say that it helps me tremendously because it keeps me honest. I've tried counting points with weight watchers and although very similar to counting calories, this just works better for me. Fortunately for me, I can get this app on my phone as well so when I'm not near a computer, I can check in on my phone. The motivation is watching the reports of my eating habits, my weight going down, trying to drink the 8 cups of water suggested daily and getting the extra calories when I exercise. I'm excited about it. I've lost 6 pounds since I started (went over my allowed calories about 5 times) and now know when I'm going to lose more weight or stay the same, because I refuse to gain any! :wink: Hope I helped in some small way!!! Good luck!!!
  • cmsdives
    I think we all struggle with that motivation thing (at least those of us who are willing to be honest - the rest do too, they just don't want to admit it! :wink: ). For me, it's been a life-long struggle since I was a teenager, and it will probably continue to be a battle on some level for the rest of my life....I think I've just about come to terms with that and realized that it doesn't make me a horrible person if I fall off the wagon and need to get back on (no matter how many times a day that happens!) - what matters is that I keep getting up, dusting myself off and climbing back on that daggone wagon! My MFP friends are so incredibly helpful and supportive, I'd be lost without them. I'm single and live on my own so there's not really anyone at home to support (or sabotage for that matter) me and I've really come to rely on this site. To be very honest with you, I went out and bought an "until I figure out what phone I really want" phone (used Droid-had a Palm and there's no mobile app for Palm) so I could have the mobile app and keep track of my food/exercise better. I am on this site all day (more than I should be so don't tell my boss - HA! :bigsmile: ) but it really does make a huge difference for me - the support and encouragement I get really does help get me over the humps and back on track when the motivation slips. Not only that, but for me ('cuz I'm kinda weird this way), I get just as much (if not more) when I'm supporting my friends as when I'm getting support from them....

    Anyway, feel free to friend me, I'd love to walk this journey with you! :happy:

    Best of luck!