I have a major problem!

I need help. I am about to give up.

I am 5 foot 7. I was 210 pounds. I have a medium frame. In April of 2013 I decided I wanted to be healthy. I decided I wanted to be in a tri-adventure. I started eating healthier. One huge subway salad a day was my MAIN meal. I also ate cheese, things like nutri-grain bars, some fruits, milk, orange juice, 2 quarts of water. I became completely caffiene free.

My ONLY form of exercise was biking. I did frequent short distances, sometimes interval training.

I was loosing 2 pounds a week. I had so much energy. It felt amazing. In three months time I lost 27 pounds.

Then I was laid off work. My big healthy salad turned into food pantry spaghetti, grilled cheese, and junk. I got into a huge fight with my mom. My energy was gone. I gave up. For the next three months I gained about 20 pounds back.
I went from motivating others to being unmotivated myself.

But I did manage one good thing in this time frame. I had smoked up to two packs of cigarettes for 16 years. I was able to quit. I associated everything I did in life to smoking cigarettes. I was a horrific feen! The simple thought of quitting smoking made me ANGRY. and then- poof! I was done. It was quite easy. In fact, I have been asked to speak at smoking cessation classes. Perhaps some time I can write about how I did it- maybe it can help some people here too! Anyways, I have now been smoke free for FIVE months!

Then I realized I only had 7 more months left to get ready for my tri-adventure, so I started exercising again in the beginning of November. I started at 207 pounds.

I began eating even healthier.

I am a vegetarian and think it may be a part of my problem. I am thinking that perhaps I am not getting enought calories. I am unsure.

During this month I began eating three to four giant healthy salads a day, each with protein in them (beans, cheese, nuts, eggs, or a combo). I do not eat ant bread, but make veggie wraps here and there with tortilla shells. Empty carbs have been kicked out of my diet.

I put ranch (and now olive oil) on these salads. But I am not going overboard with it- just enough to LIGHTLY coat it for a bit more flavor. I am not drenching it! I allow myself a small helping of junk food one time a week. I eat cereal here and there. Some fruit.

I am NEVER hungry. I have so much happy energy! I know that salads are high in nutrition but low in calories.

I read on RAW food diet websites and paleo websites that when one eats their food natural he or she doesn't even need to count calories, as veggies are low calorie food. I agree. I know a lot of people think that they are not really eating that much and they are shocked to find out just how many calories they consume.

Not me. about 95% of what I eat is raw and I feel full all day long. I live a pretty sedentary life except for the times I exercise:

I started exercising my rebounding. Then dancing, and now jogging 2-5 miles bundled up outside for to 30 degree weather. I do this about every other day. If I am REALLy sore, I take two days off. I listen to my body. I make my exercise cardio. I rest when needed, and then go back at it.

I have only lost 2-3 pounds in a month.

I can NOT figure out why.

Does my body think it is in a caloric deficit even though it is getting PLENTY extremely healthy foods? This is not what I read
before though. I'm so confused.

I really want to remain as natural as possible. I don't want to add a bunch of cereal, bread, pasta, or what have you to gain calories (P.S. I will NOT add in peanut butter. I won't buy the stuff. It is my downfall. I love it way too much and can just sit there and eat it all day!).

I just don't know what to do.

If so, what else can I eat AS A VEGETARIAN that can increase my calories in a healthy manner? I really need some ideas as I think I am below 1,200 calories on most days. But please do not say I am starving myself. Because I am not! I eat like a crazy rabbit! I crave these salads. They are so good! I feel good!

OR... Jogging for up to 5 miles... Since I just started I assumed I would loose pounds before I gained muscle weight- especially since I am 60-70 pounds or so overweight... But my legs DO get a good work out from this. Could it be that I am gaining muscle weight? OH- WHY DID I NOT MEASURE MYSELF WITH A TAKE MEASURE?!?! I will buy a tape measure Tuesday.

I'm just very, very sad and need your help figuring out why I am accidentally sabotaging my weight loss goals.

I used to loose two pounds a week, but now it feels like 2 ounces. Affording a personal trainer is not an option due to finances.

What can I do to rev my metabolism?

And I don't want to end up with huge muscles! NOT FOR MY! My goal is to slim down. Will jogging help or hinder this goal?

Please help! I now have six months to loose weight, and gain endurance for my tri-adventure! It will be 36 miles on my road bike, 6 miles of kayaking, and 8 miles of joggin through a wooded trail with 20% of my body weight on my back.


  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    Weight lifting will not build huge muscles. That is a misconception people get because they look at those body builders and think, "They lift weights and they look like that, so that means I will look like that." Believe me, heavy lifting is not going to turn you into a chunk of muscle.

    You need to begin counting every single calorie you eat.
  • 4ME77
    4ME77 Posts: 25 Member
    muscle helps burn fat, u can do it. I'm trying running too so I can slim down….I just need to increase my mileage
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Weight lifting will not build huge muscles. That is a misconception people get because they look at those body builders and think, "They lift weights and they look like that, so that means I will look like that." Believe me, heavy lifting is not going to turn you into a chunk of muscle.

    You need to begin counting every single calorie you eat.

    Also my suggestion. Lift weights. Lots of yo-yo dieters have lost lean mass due to dramatic/fast weight loss. You will not get bulky and it will help you lose weight. It is all I do now when I workout (no cardio).

    ETA: Make sure your calorie count is correct. Weigh and measure everything. Log accurately.
  • leeanneowens
    leeanneowens Posts: 319 Member
    I would start by weighing and measuring everything I was eating and then logging everything on MFP. Many people think they have a good idea of how many calories they are eating but are surprised when they see what the amount actually is. I'm not saying you are over-eating but measuring and logging is important for anyone trying to lose weight.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Ummm okay , well first of all you won't get super big muscles from your diet/training plan so you don't have to even worry about that....but I would start by weighing and measuring every bit of food you eat and then you'll know where to start, if you need to increase or decrease your daily calories.
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member

    "I have only lost 2-3 pounds in a month."

    When did losing and making progress become a major problem?

    If you are not already, keep track of more things, more measurements. Run time, breast/waist/hip measurements, body fat %. The more measurements, the better. Perhaps you have "only" lost two pounds, but in the past month have added a mile to your run or lost an inch around your waist. The more measurements you take, the more areas you will see success. And if one measurement plateaus, but another progresses, you will still see progress, thus minimizing your frustration & retraining your brain. There is so much more to this than the number on the scale.
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
    A couple thoughts:

    Weight loss is not always linear, some weeks or months you lose more than you might expect, some less. Losing three pounds in a month is not in itself a problem.

    Building muscles is not an issue. Too short of a time, not enough focused work. You don't need to worry about this. You're not going to suddenly develop giant muscles. And you shouldn't avoid lifting - if you want to do well in a tri, you should look to build some muscle.

    Fundamentally, you need to start tracking your calories and get a handle on how you're doing - calorie deficit and macro-wise.

    There's very good info here:


    With this being a good place to start:


    Good luck!
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Start at the beginning, figure out your calorie and macro goals. Make sure you're hitting your protein, fats and fiber targets. You'll probably need to eat more. Often peanut butter is the answer. :wink:

    And don't worry about getting muscular, as a girl, you have to eat like a grizzly bear and lift like Schwarznegger to get bulky. See these threads here:
  • kdmorris71
    HI, I will tell you what I have learned from my personal trainer -

    First off congratulations on eating so clean and healthy! I do recommend you up your calorie intake. I too was eating 1200 calories, until my trainer explained to me that my body was probably thinking it needed to store up fat because I was eating too few calories! Your body is made so that if it thinks you are stressed, or are eating too few of calories - then it tries to conserve. So - I upped my calories (reluctantly) and saw decrease in weight after about two weeks!

    Also - cardio is awesome, but your muscles burn more calories even while you are sedentary. So, add weight training to your routine. Weight training at least 3 times a week alternated with your awesome cardio routine will make you a super calorie burner! It will also give you more endurance for your jog! You can do Monday arms and abs, Tuesday cardio, Wednesday Legs and abs, Thursday cardio, Friday arms and Abs, Saturday or Sunday cardio - take one day off at least!

    Hope this helps you! Sounds like you are doing awesome! Dont quit!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member


    2-3 pounds in a month is a nice and slow and the way it should be. Carry on.
  • thelionstooth
    thelionstooth Posts: 11 Member
    I will write it again- I am under calories and need healthy ideas to increase calories that don't involve meat or too many carbs.

    To maintain my current weight I would need to consume 3,500 calories.

    95% of what I eat is low calorie veggies. There is no way I am eating 3,000ish calories of vegetables.
  • jb72908
    I need help. I am about to give up.

    I am 5 foot 7. I was 210 pounds. I have a medium frame. In April of 2013 I decided I wanted to be healthy. I decided I wanted to be in a tri-adventure. I started eating healthier. One huge subway salad a day was my MAIN meal. I also ate cheese, things like nutri-grain bars, some fruits, milk, orange juice, 2 quarts of water. I became completely caffiene free.

    My ONLY form of exercise was biking. I did frequent short distances, sometimes interval training.

    I was loosing 2 pounds a week. I had so much energy. It felt amazing. In three months time I lost 27 pounds.

    Then I was laid off work. My big healthy salad turned into food pantry spaghetti, grilled cheese, and junk. I got into a huge fight with my mom. My energy was gone. I gave up. For the next three months I gained about 20 pounds back.
    I went from motivating others to being unmotivated myself.

    But I did manage one good thing in this time frame. I had smoked up to two packs of cigarettes for 16 years. I was able to quit. I associated everything I did in life to smoking cigarettes. I was a horrific feen! The simple thought of quitting smoking made me ANGRY. and then- poof! I was done. It was quite easy. In fact, I have been asked to speak at smoking cessation classes. Perhaps some time I can write about how I did it- maybe it can help some people here too! Anyways, I have now been smoke free for FIVE months!

    Then I realized I only had 7 more months left to get ready for my tri-adventure, so I started exercising again in the beginning of November. I started at 207 pounds.

    I began eating even healthier.

    I am a vegetarian and think it may be a part of my problem. I am thinking that perhaps I am not getting enought calories. I am unsure.

    During this month I began eating three to four giant healthy salads a day, each with protein in them (beans, cheese, nuts, eggs, or a combo). I do not eat ant bread, but make veggie wraps here and there with tortilla shells. Empty carbs have been kicked out of my diet.

    I put ranch (and now olive oil) on these salads. But I am not going overboard with it- just enough to LIGHTLY coat it for a bit more flavor. I am not drenching it! I allow myself a small helping of junk food one time a week. I eat cereal here and there. Some fruit.

    I am NEVER hungry. I have so much happy energy! I know that salads are high in nutrition but low in calories.

    I read on RAW food diet websites and paleo websites that when one eats their food natural he or she doesn't even need to count calories, as veggies are low calorie food. I agree. I know a lot of people think that they are not really eating that much and they are shocked to find out just how many calories they consume.

    Not me. about 95% of what I eat is raw and I feel full all day long. I live a pretty sedentary life except for the times I exercise:

    I started exercising my rebounding. Then dancing, and now jogging 2-5 miles bundled up outside for to 30 degree weather. I do this about every other day. If I am REALLy sore, I take two days off. I listen to my body. I make my exercise cardio. I rest when needed, and then go back at it.

    I have only lost 2-3 pounds in a month.

    I can NOT figure out why.

    Does my body think it is in a caloric deficit even though it is getting PLENTY extremely healthy foods? This is not what I read
    before though. I'm so confused.

    I really want to remain as natural as possible. I don't want to add a bunch of cereal, bread, pasta, or what have you to gain calories (P.S. I will NOT add in peanut butter. I won't buy the stuff. It is my downfall. I love it way too much and can just sit there and eat it all day!).

    I just don't know what to do.

    If so, what else can I eat AS A VEGETARIAN that can increase my calories in a healthy manner? I really need some ideas as I think I am below 1,200 calories on most days. But please do not say I am starving myself. Because I am not! I eat like a crazy rabbit! I crave these salads. They are so good! I feel good!

    OR... Jogging for up to 5 miles... Since I just started I assumed I would loose pounds before I gained muscle weight- especially since I am 60-70 pounds or so overweight... But my legs DO get a good work out from this. Could it be that I am gaining muscle weight? OH- WHY DID I NOT MEASURE MYSELF WITH A TAKE MEASURE?!?! I will buy a tape measure Tuesday.

    I'm just very, very sad and need your help figuring out why I am accidentally sabotaging my weight loss goals.

    I used to loose two pounds a week, but now it feels like 2 ounces. Affording a personal trainer is not an option due to finances.

    What can I do to rev my metabolism?

    And I don't want to end up with huge muscles! NOT FOR MY! My goal is to slim down. Will jogging help or hinder this goal?

    Please help! I now have six months to loose weight, and gain endurance for my tri-adventure! It will be 36 miles on my road bike, 6 miles of kayaking, and 8 miles of joggin through a wooded trail with 20% of my body weight on my back.

    Something I just learned after having issues losing weight and working on it for quite a long time is that I have to think of this as something that will take the rest of my life. I cannot think in terms of dates to achieve a certain weight or to try to accomplish everything I need to in just a few months. I have been thinking that I had to change everything overnight and that is just not going to happen because I was so far off from a physically healthy me. Beginning at over 300 lbs, I am not going to get to 150 in just a year or a year and a half. It will take time, but that is not bad becasuse I can make changes as I am able. I get super hungry and tired if I don't eat enough and I injure myself when I exercise too much. So right now I decided just to eat at the calorie deficit necessary to lose one lb per week and exercise 25 minutes a day walking type aerobics and get in one day a week of weights. I plan on building on my activity over time as my body is able to handle it but sticking to 1 lb a week of weight loss. More weight may fall off as I include more activity. Oh, and I found this site through the government called Supertracker.usda,gov and it has shown me how easy it really is to be a vegetarian and still eat a very balanced diet. I prefer the Supertracker site for tracking. It is very motivating for me to see all of the foods I need to eat and the dial for physical activity. This site is great for the community that is offered through the forums and groups.
  • thelionstooth
    thelionstooth Posts: 11 Member
    Ah! Thank you!
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    I too was eating 1200 calories, until my trainer explained to me that my body was probably thinking it needed to store up fat because I was eating too few calories! Your body is made so that if it thinks you are stressed, or are eating too few of calories - then it tries to conserve.

    Sorry, but your trainer is misinformed. Even people on Very Low Calorie Diets (VLCDs) don't store up fat; what happens to them, and to other people who starve, is that they lose lean body mass (mostly muscle) as well as fat. They also become lethargic, hollow-eyed, sallow, and all sorts of other horrible things, largely due to deficiencies in vitamins and essential amino acids. And they continue to draw down fat mass too, because fat=energy. If what your trainer said is true, there would have been lots of "skinny fat" people in the innumerable concentration camps of the 20th and 21st centuries. I don't remember seeing pictures of any of them.

    ETA: People on VLCDs who are under careful medical supervision, with supplements and exercise routines, won't necessarily experience these problems, but they're a small minority.
  • jb72908
    One thing I would like to add is that I have to eat plenty of whole grains and oils to feel good. When I do not eat rice, bread, and stuff like that I start to feel pretty bad and very hungry. I feel the same if I do not have enough oil. I am very sensitive if one of my nutrients is off. You may be the same way.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    I will write it again- I am under calories.

    To maintain my current weight I would need to vonsume 3,500 calories.

    95% of what I eat is low calorie veggies. There is no way I am eating 3,000ish calories of vegetables.
    Mmmm... maybe doublecheck that. My thoughts are that your TDEE should be around 2500. I am 5'11, 175 and mine is 2500-2750ish and I am quite active. Try a couple of online calculators if you need to, because something might be off. Totally don't blame you for not wanting to choke down 3,00 cals worth of veg. :sick:
  • jb72908
    I will write it again- I am under calories and need healthy ideas to increase calories that don't involve meat or too many carbs.

    To maintain my current weight I would need to consume 3,500 calories.

    95% of what I eat is low calorie veggies. There is no way I am eating 3,000ish calories of vegetables.

    Tofu, healthy oils, beans, smoothies and whole grains are usually the easiest way to add some calories for me. If you don't want to eat grains than incorporating more fats, beans, and smoothies should help.
  • thelionstooth
    thelionstooth Posts: 11 Member
    I meant I think my diet is a problem from not getting enough calories since I eat many low calorie veggies for the amount of cardio I am doing.

    I guess I should have made it more clear- apologies.

    I am hoping to find healthy foods to increase caloric intake withput it being meat or processed foods.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I will write it again- I am under calories and need healthy ideas to increase calories that don't involve meat or too many carbs.

    To maintain my current weight I would need to consume 3,500 calories.

    95% of what I eat is low calorie veggies. There is no way I am eating 3,000ish calories of vegetables.

    Wait a minute now. Something is not right in this whole equation.

    You said you are unhappy with your weight loss of 2-3 pounds in a month. That is a healthy weight loss. However, if you want to lose more weight, you need to reduce your calorie intake.

    If you add in more calories, you will either maintain or gain weight.