Video Games :S GRRRR

Not only do i love to eat but i love to play video games... <--- probably why i gained weight in the first place. I recently purchased a new title which is one of my all time favorites and cant seem to stop playing. I still make time for the gym but im working out thinking on playing :S lol i have such a addictive personality... Now here comes the worse part... there is COD (Call of Duty) game coming out soon and im afraid that this will keep me plastered on my couch with the remote in my hand :S ahhhhhhhhhhhh maybe i should do pushups everytime i die in the game :) Just needed to let this out and by no means can i stop from buying or playing these games for that matter...

GL TO ME! :)


  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I just got great news. Gears of War 3 is delayed until xmas. Otherwise my workout would have gone all to hell.
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Maybe use this as your reward for doing your exercise daily. If you exercise 30 minutes a day, give yourself 30 minutes of game time.
  • orange_avocado
    I feel the same way about the new Fable 3 that just came out. I know that once I'll buy it I'll want to skip the gym so I can sit on the couch and play for hours at a time. So I'm resisting the urge to buy, and made it into one of my goals, actually. Once I lose 10lbs, *then* I can buy it!
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I feel the same way about the new Fable 3 that just came out. I know that once I'll buy it I'll want to skip the gym so I can sit on the couch and play for hours at a time. So I'm resisting the urge to buy, and made it into one of my goals, actually. Once I lose 10lbs, *then* I can buy it!
    Any idea if you can get the threesome and prostitute achievement like fable 2? :laugh: :drinker: :drinker:
  • DancingDreamer
    oh Video games. i can get caught up playing a Final Fantasy game for HOURS!!!! that doing sit ups every time you die thing is a great idea though! (what do i do for games that there is no dieing in though! XD)
  • Bigpelly8
    Bigpelly8 Posts: 504 Member
    Maybe use this as your reward for doing your exercise daily. If you exercise 30 minutes a day, give yourself 30 minutes of game time.

    30 minutes only on call of duty is impossible. If that is the case, you work out for 8 hours, for 8 hours of game time!!!
    That online mode is so addicting!! Nothing better than shooting at mouthy 13 year olds!!
  • becomingsara
    I am a novice at home exercise equipment, but are there machines you can use WHILE playing??? WOuld that be an option?
  • Ahzuri
    Ahzuri Posts: 272 Member
    Oh man I'm gonna have to start doing that push ups after every death thing.Too bad I didn't think of/hadn't seen this before I beat Arkham Asylum, I'd have been slim by the time I beat it! LOL Thankfully my husband drags me to the gym after work for a hour before I can really set down and veg out :)

    I'm also thankful most of my World of Warcraft things take place in the evening lol
  • RZEE
    RZEE Posts: 32
    haha i know how u feel , i'm a gamer as well , and it's one of the reasons why i gained weight ... but i don't sit on my lazy bum all day and play "lazy" games" .. my wii is keeping me moving .. with the new just dance2 game i'm always breaking a sweat .. i admit that i HATE HATE HATE to exercise unless it's related to video games , wii fit was fun at first , but it got boring .. but omg i fricking love just dance games , it's even better than DDR tbh >_> .
    so try it out if u have a wii , and if u don't , get one nao !! XD
  • Ahzuri
    Ahzuri Posts: 272 Member
    I am a novice at home exercise equipment, but are there machines you can use WHILE playing??? WOuld that be an option?

    I think it would be hard to concentrate on something like that and work out but if you can they have bike peddles at walmart for like 30 bucks. I really need to start using mine again alas my 1 year old daughter thinks she needs to put her face in front of them when I do.
  • RZEE
    RZEE Posts: 32
    "I'm also thankful most of my World of Warcraft things take place in the evening lol"

    omg WoW is sooooo addicting!!

    i actually stopped playing it cuz i was addicted in a scary way O_O
  • Ahzuri
    Ahzuri Posts: 272 Member
    "I'm also thankful most of my World of Warcraft things take place in the evening lol"

    omg WoW is sooooo addicting!!

    i actually stopped playing it cuz i was addicted in a scary way O_O

    Lol it really is! My "addiction" to it was worse before my daughter was born but once shes out for the night I love nothing more than to play WoW with hubby. Course if it ever got to the point where I stopped doing my daily routine I'd have to stop playing!
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    Well since we are getting into the topic of video games....I have played WoW for....sigh....almost 5+ years. I was to the point where raiding was my life I based my real life schedual around it. I started to feel really unhealthy 6 months ago and started this weight loss effort. You can see by my ticker that slowing my game play has helped. I no longer rush home to make a raid, in fact I'm not raiding at all anymore. I'm trying to play more casually. But with CATA coming out in a Who knows. I think I'm mostly tired of the game tho, I only play now when I'm bored, and so far I am not putting it before the gym, I guess my mind set is just different. I am working on my 7th and 8th I did stop completely for like 4 months, then just last month I turned it back on.
    I think as long as you don't stop working out to play your game its all good.
  • jennylynn84
    Not only do i love to eat but i love to play video games... <--- probably why i gained weight in the first place. I recently purchased a new title which is one of my all time favorites and cant seem to stop playing. I still make time for the gym but im working out thinking on playing :S lol i have such a addictive personality... Now here comes the worse part... there is COD (Call of Duty) game coming out soon and im afraid that this will keep me plastered on my couch with the remote in my hand :S ahhhhhhhhhhhh maybe i should do pushups everytime i die in the game :) Just needed to let this out and by no means can i stop from buying or playing these games for that matter...

    GL TO ME! :)


    I definitely get where you're coming from. I just want to go home and play Dragon Age, because I STILL haven't finished it.

    "I'll go the gym after I save Ferelden from the darkspawn!"

    And DC Online is coming out soon (pushed back to Jan, unfortunately), which is totally going to monopolize all my "me" time. I'm indulging that one though, since I've been waiting for it for years (literally).
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    How many hours do I need to spend on the treadmill before I can multi-class?
  • Utahbeth
    This thread is Epic WIN! :)

    I also had to quit WoW because of my addiction and the commitment needed for raiding, since my daughter was born I just don't have that kind of time. I'm really tempted to sign back up when CATA comes out, but at the same time I've got plenty of console games to finish. Right now I'm working on Dragon Age: Origins & Fallout: New Vegas.

    I cannot wait for Fable 3 & Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood!
  • Ahzuri
    Ahzuri Posts: 272 Member
    This thread is Epic WIN! :)

    I also had to quit WoW because of my addiction and the commitment needed for raiding, since my daughter was born I just don't have that kind of time. I'm really tempted to sign back up when CATA comes out, but at the same time I've got plenty of console games to finish. Right now I'm working on Dragon Age: Origins & Fallout: New Vegas.

    I cannot wait for Fable 3 & Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood!

    I had to quit for awhile when my daughter was born too of course I also managed to beat DA:O twice after that lol After she started sleeping well at night I just got on while she slept.
  • FitnessTim
    FitnessTim Posts: 234 Member
    Video games do not make me fat. I can go for hours playing while drinking diet soda and just eating a handful of pretzels.

    I recently ordered the Kinect for the Xbox 360 so I'll be able to get my game on while still exercising. I know it's not the same because motion based games are typically lame, but when you are jonesing for a dose of gaming it might help.

    Honestly, the Wii didn't even try to target the dude demographic. Friggin hula hoops and Yoga. Can you picture a guy telling his buddy at the gym, "Hey man, I did 100 spins in Hula hoops and 50 downward facing dogs to get the You-go-girl achievement! I rock!"

    Still, I guess anything that helps you get off the couch is better than nothing.
  • FitnessTim
    FitnessTim Posts: 234 Member

    I definitely get where you're coming from. I just want to go home and play Dragon Age, because I STILL haven't finished it.

    "I'll go the gym after I save Ferelden from the darkspawn!"

    And DC Online is coming out soon (pushed back to Jan, unfortunately), which is totally going to monopolize all my "me" time. I'm indulging that one though, since I've been waiting for it for years (literally).

    One question JennieLynn84 - is that the Question standing next to you?

    I'm such a geek for recognizing his costume. Quiz: Do you know which character in "The Watchmen" was based on the Question?
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Oooh, Hubby and I can't wait for CoD black ops to come out! We will work out in the am as usual, the fear is that it will cut into our sleep as it usually does (also bad for weight loss). At least we aren't as interested in eating while playing. It's all fruit and popcorn...