Eating healthy makes me sick.



  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
    i would start tracking your fiber, if you're not already. In my humble experience, going from 0 to 60mph in the fiber fast're gonna have a bad time. Let's just leave it at that. You'll get used to it, but. Yeah.

    Exactly this. Exactly. I tried that and I ended up pale and shaky for days. It HURT.
  • feelin_gr_8
    feelin_gr_8 Posts: 308 Member
    Fiber, allergies, food poisoning? I know it's weird, but your diet coke might even be to blame. I noticed within the last year that diet dr. pepper was giving me cramps and having a laxative effect on me-might be the fake sugars.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Give your body time to adjust to eating these foods for a few months. Then go eat fast food and watch how quickly you wonder if you are going to *kitten* your pants.
  • ehorn625
    ehorn625 Posts: 144
    Its been about 8 months since I started eating healthy. I just reduced my junk food intake and fast foods to more veggys, brown bread, water and fruits. Thats when the strange attacks started. I have had about 6 and no one will help me. It all starts the same way. Sever bloating, nausea, sometimes vomiting, and diarrhea. Then all at the same time I feel the palms of my hands itch badly and turn red. Then the soles of my feet itch bad and turn bright red. Then it spreads all over my body and face (mostly around my nose and mouth) and my ears. I have been taken by ambulance 2 because the pain is so bad and disabling. Without running tests or checking me out Ive been told there is nothing they can do because Im not dying at that moment. The last time it happend all the parts that usually just turn red and itch swelled up. I looked like a monster. I went to urhent care still showing signs of what happend and the Dr. Told me there is nothing she can do because Im not dying. I tried to explain to here whats been going on, and at least adk her what she suggests I should do. Instead she kept repeating she cant help me. It all just seemef scripted and she was so cold and had no compassion. She just told me I could just go and I did. Ive had this happen 6 times and have had to put up with the pain, itchynesd and swelling on my own because no one will help me figure out whats wrong. Im super over weight and am trying bot to die, but I feel eating healthy is killing me. Has anything similar happend to any of you? Any suggestions? Im a single mom of two. And Im trying to stay alive.

    You need to find a different doctor! It sounds like an allergic reaction to something. She should be running blood tests at the very least! Find a new doctor!!
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    If your diet was as poor as you make it sound before and you have gone from that to eating quite healthily, so you are bound to have an adjustment period. I now feel a bit sick if I have anything greasy, and I never used to.

    Try tracking what you eat and how you feel and see if you can pinpoint certain reactions with certain foods. That will help confirm or eliminate an allergy. If it doesn't improve, visit a doctor and take the food diary with you.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    Seriously. Ugh. Since eating better I have just been so sick to my stomach. I feel gross all day and end up in the bathroom so many times. Before I would eat fast food 2-3 times a day and always felt just fine. Never had stomach issues at all. Today has been the worst day for tummy issues and here is what I have eaten so far:

    Oatmeal with a little brown sugar

    Turkey and cheese wrap
    2 servings raw carrots, 1 serving raw cauliflower
    7oz diet coke

    1 serving almonds
    1 serving cottage cheese

    And 4 glasses of water so far. I have about 900 calories left for tonight and plan to have a turkey burger, kidney beans, and a grapefruit for dinner.

    After weight lifting tonight I will have a glass of chocolate milk. And will most likely have at least 4 more glasses of water tonight.

    Anyway, this is how I eat now but dang it is hard to keep up when it makes me feel so crappy. I feel like I just want to eat all fast food tomorrow so I can feel better for a day! Is it normal to have such stomach issues while eating healthy? And before anyone says this isn't the healthiest, believe me this is such a drastic improvement over how I was eating, so for me this is VERY healthy! :)

    OMG it sounds like your day sucks with that diet...I really do not think you are going to keep it up long term.

    It is fantastic that you are making changes and wanting to eat more healthily...but maybe take it more slowly, you can still cut down on calories and eat stuff you enjoy.

    What worked for me at the start was changing the amount I ate at a sitting of a meal, then cutting out some of the high calorie stuff.

    Then I moved on to cutting out processed food.

    Try to find what will work for you and not make you feel sick, otherwise you will not keep it up x
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I get this too. To the point I would throw up. Give it time add smaller amounts. And don't think of it is "healthy" part of it can be your mindset.

    This is the reason why I more than believe in food withdraw.
  • goodnamegone
    Seriously. Ugh. Since eating better I have just been so sick to my stomach. I feel gross all day and end up in the bathroom so many times. Before I would eat fast food 2-3 times a day and always felt just fine. Never had stomach issues at all. Today has been the worst day for tummy issues and here is what I have eaten so far:

    Oatmeal with a little brown sugar

    Turkey and cheese wrap
    2 servings raw carrots, 1 serving raw cauliflower
    7oz diet coke

    1 serving almonds
    1 serving cottage cheese

    And 4 glasses of water so far. I have about 900 calories left for tonight and plan to have a turkey burger, kidney beans, and a grapefruit for dinner.

    After weight lifting tonight I will have a glass of chocolate milk. And will most likely have at least 4 more glasses of water tonight.

    Anyway, this is how I eat now but dang it is hard to keep up when it makes me feel so crappy. I feel like I just want to eat all fast food tomorrow so I can feel better for a day! Is it normal to have such stomach issues while eating healthy? And before anyone says this isn't the healthiest, believe me this is such a drastic improvement over how I was eating, so for me this is VERY healthy! :)

    What if you didn't eat the oats, the brown sugar, the diet coke,the cheese wrap, the cottage cheese, the kidney beans?

    Have the grapefruit in the morning not after you eat other food?

    Drink more water

    It's an improvement on junk food though.
  • xmysterix
    xmysterix Posts: 114 Member
    Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor.

    You might talk to your healthcare provider about this. A colleague of mine (who IS a medical professional) was telling me about the uptick in cases of diverticulitis he's seeing. Most people begin experiencing distress when they begin eating healthier -- lots of fiber, veggies, etc. They have done so much damage to their intestinal tract with years of processed food that the body no longer has the ability to digest whole, healthy food.

    It's worth looking into if the feeling doesn't pass soon.
    That's what I was coming in to dad has terrible diverticulitis issues and can't eat a lot of raw or fiber-heavy foods. He goes almost entirely off high-fiber foods when his symptoms flare up. Maybe just switch to eggs or something for breakfast, cook your veggies well for awhile. Also, avoid things like popcorn. See if that helps?
  • JeniferEverx3
    JeniferEverx3 Posts: 219 Member
    Depending on how long you've been at it, I would say your body is detoxing, aka getting used to the drastic change in diet. Over time it will subside. Maybe adding a daily multivitamin would help...
  • econista
    econista Posts: 26 Member
    If you have been eating a typical American diet your whole life, and have just switched to a healthy whole foods diet with an effort to avoid artificial additives, you are going through withdrawal. Your body is addicted to all the junk manufacturers adulterate the food with! This is why when you eat junk you feel better for that day. Your body got it's fix of the crap it is addicted to.

    Recently a study was published showing that a typical American diet inhibits the grows of the types of gut bacteria that healthy lean people naturally have in their GI tract that obese people do not have. You probably need to take some high quality pro-biotics for a bit to get your gut microbes healthy so they can digest your food properly for you,.

    Final word - Diet sodas are worse for you than regular, especially when you are dieting. (those liars!) The artificial sweetener is actually a toxic carcinogen! The acids are strong enough to melt bone if you leave a one in a bowl of coke sitting overnight. Just drink the regular soda and workout for an extra 15 min if you can't eliminate soda altogether. Or make fresh lemonade with maple syrup, a lemon and water. That's actually good for you and your digestive system!
  • runningvegan
    That's kinda odd to be turned away twice with an explanation that you can't be helped. I'd think they'd at least run some tests to see what might be going on.

    My guess would be that they turn away people who don't have insurance and aren't dying. Tests are expensive.
  • brimn1992
    I have the same issue with food! I started have GI issues and was constantly nauseous. Eventually I started throwing up several times a day. After months of appointments I found out that I have gastroparesis. Basically, my stomachs digestion sucks. When I switched to a healthy diet I had to start seeing a nutritionist to know what type of foods to avoid. Basically, I try to stay away from most raw veggies and some raw fruits because of their fiber intake. I make sure to eat a yogurt or some kind of probiotic daily to keep my digestive system moving. Eating smaller but more frequent meals also keeps your digestion up. I also have decreased my carb intake but not necessarily to low carb. My stomach and my health have never felt better :) I would try decreasing your fiber intake first and see if that makes a difference. If you end up getting sick daily like I did definitely go see a dr. Although it's a hassle, they have helped tremendously in getting my life back together.
  • Franki261
    This is such a good thread - so much of what you all are saying really rings true. It does take your body time to get used to a new diet. When I moved in with my boyfriend, he always used to comment on what a good metabolism I seemed to have. This was essentially because I cooked fresh and ate healthy (ish - I'm no saint!) food while he'd been on the typical single man's takeaway-and-beer diet. It wasn't my metabolism that was particularly good, it was his that was bad!

    But as everyone has said, it does get better and you will eventually see a reversal. I am SO not a Gwyneth Paltrow 'my body is a temple' type at all but even just the thought of eating a KFC makes me feel a bit ill and the odd time I have been to a McDs or something (eg at an airport) it has made me feel totally rank.

    In terms of tips, as other people have said, go easy. Try cooking your veg and going for salad veg instead for something a bit easier/more familiar/tastier (raw cauliflower sounds way too masochistic for me!). Eating little and often might help too rather than giving your system a whole load of new things to deal with at once. I understand the desire to go cold turkey and get the detox process out the way but don't be too hard on yourself.
  • kw1452
    kw1452 Posts: 113 Member
    I have been having tummy trouble for MONTHS. It sucks, but it does get better, I promise!! For a long time it seemed like every time I ate a salad I'd be having tummy trouble the next day. Now most days I find myself fairly regular, and even when I have tummy trouble its not nearly as urgent or bad.

    Its just a fact of life - your digestive tract has probably never had to deal with fiber before, so when it gets fiber it just freaks out, and that will take a long time to change. But it will change, because our bodies are wonderfully adaptive.
  • VioletNightshade
    What you're eating sounds very punishing... I doubt I'd feel decent after eating that, either.

    I have issues whenever I eat too much raw veggies for some reason... my stomach HATES raw carrots with a passion and I feel strange for hours after eating them. However, I can eat virtually any steamed or grilled veggie with no problem. Perhaps change up how you're preparing your food to add a little interest and make it easier to digest (ie steam or grill the veggies and serve them with some low sodium soy sauce or a mustard dressing or something to flavor them but not add a terrible amount of calories) so it doesn't sit like a rock in your stomach.
  • misskariw
    misskariw Posts: 171 Member
    Yep. I am with some of these other folks. If it's new, drink plenty of water with all that fiber, cook your veggies if you need to (I think raw food is great, but not if your body can't tolerate it yet.) And if it says diet, or light, or anything like that...start looking at your labels. Maybe your body doesn't like all the chemical substitutes. And maybe lay off the dairy and see if that helps (lactose intolerance is a beast!)
  • amandajones1978
    Stick with it! If all you ate before was processed food and fast food, your body is basically de-toxing right now. All that greasy, chemical laden crap is getting flushed out. The same thing happened to me when I switched over to healthy eating. Now its the reverse, when I eat any fast food or processed food I feel so heavy and lethargic, sometimes sick to the point of throwing up. Weird..
  • momwhosbusy
    momwhosbusy Posts: 154 Member
    OOPS! forgot the quote on my original reply....
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Too much fiber too soon.