What does 1500kcal vegan diet look like?

any chance i could use someones vegetarian food diarys if thats cool :)


  • deathoria
    would be awsome :)
  • MarineCodie
    MarineCodie Posts: 256 Member
    Hmmm, I know for sure there aren't any animal products in it.
  • losangels
    losangels Posts: 27 Member
    vegan here! feel free to check out my diary!!
  • cannibaldoll
    cannibaldoll Posts: 50 Member
    Vegan here! Add me if you like!
    I usually try and start out my day with a green smoothie, usually 400-600 cals.
    Lunch is usually a bean burrito 400 cals,
    and snacks- another 300 cals of fruit and bread.
    Dinner has been either a yam or vegetable home made sushi rolls! Another 500 cals.
  • Veggiegirlsf
    Hi. I just joined and don't understand 'anything'. But, I'm vegan! And it would help me tremendously to have a couple of vegan friends on here to do this with. I'm great at motivating other people - just not myself. ;) If you know how to add me as a friend, please do! I'll try to figure it out! Herbivoresf@yahoo.com. THanks! Hari