Fluctuating weight - it won't come off



  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Doesn't sound like you're eating enough. Especially when you are burning 600-700 calories through exercise. Increase calorie intake and have a snack in between breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

    If she's maintaining her weight, she's eating enough or if she's gaining, she's eating too much. If she were not eating enough, she would lose weight.
  • riskybizness02
    You want to see some progress. Drink PGX vanilla meal replacement, its balanced carbs and protein and is excellent source of fibers to keep you full and not starve yourself. I think the other guy that mentioned heavy weights was right on target too. and don't forget half your weight in water a day to stay hydrated. junk food is high in sodium and can fluctuate 3 pounds of water weight in a day as hard for body to break down the sodium.. check your diet for hidden things like high sodium and definitely track and measure your food. best of luck.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    My weight keeps fluctuating. I probably have been stuck at the same place since summer. In the summer I used to do lots of cardio and not eat much, so that didn't help. Then I went through a eat small amounts of junk food rather than good food phase, and now I eat extremely healthy. I don't really eat that much. I have porridge or granola for breakfast, two ham sandwiches (brown bread) for lunch, and usually just have a normal healthy meal for dinner - something with vegetables and probably meat, just simple and healthy, on the lines of that.
    When I weighed last Sunday, I was 8 stone 9. It was odd, I had gone to the gym on Friday, had junk on Saturday and the weight just come off. I am now back to 8 stone 12, but it changes, not very worried because I will probably be 8 stone 11 tomorrow, or something like that. It fluctuates. I just don't know how to lose anymore weight. It wont come off, I will not give up but my gosh, how frustrating! I go to the gym once a week, it is hard because I have to revise. I just want to lose weight, but what more can I do? Is there anything I can do to help?

    I exercised every night. I do 200 sit ups, 170 squats, 90 leg raises per legs, 35 stomach 'things' (no idea what they are called), and 10-13 push ups.

    I also drink at least one cup of warm lemon water a day, and LOTS of water.

    Thank you :)

    P.s, I am around 5'3-5'5. I want to get to about 8 stone...

    It never ceases to amaze me when people say thing like " Oh, I think I am around 5'1" or 5'3" and I weigh around so-and-so-ish " . It's really easy to get accurate data , which I think is important, because I imagine that people who have no clue how tall and heavy/light they are probably also don't want to know how many calories they eat, which makes the whole process a guessing game.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I don't count my calories anymore.

    This would be the problem.


    It doesn't matter whether your food is "healthy" if you're still eating too much of it.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    My weight keeps fluctuating. I probably have been stuck at the same place since summer. In the summer I used to do lots of cardio and not eat much, so that didn't help. Then I went through a eat small amounts of junk food rather than good food phase, and now I eat extremely healthy. I don't really eat that much. I have porridge or granola for breakfast, two ham sandwiches (brown bread) for lunch, and usually just have a normal healthy meal for dinner - something with vegetables and probably meat, just simple and healthy, on the lines of that.
    When I weighed last Sunday, I was 8 stone 9. It was odd, I had gone to the gym on Friday, had junk on Saturday and the weight just come off. I am now back to 8 stone 12, but it changes, not very worried because I will probably be 8 stone 11 tomorrow, or something like that. It fluctuates. I just don't know how to lose anymore weight. It wont come off, I will not give up but my gosh, how frustrating! I go to the gym once a week, it is hard because I have to revise. I just want to lose weight, but what more can I do? Is there anything I can do to help?

    I exercised every night. I do 200 sit ups, 170 squats, 90 leg raises per legs, 35 stomach 'things' (no idea what they are called), and 10-13 push ups.

    I also drink at least one cup of warm lemon water a day, and LOTS of water.

    Thank you :)

    P.s, I am around 5'3-5'5. I want to get to about 8 stone...

    It never ceases to amaze me when people say thing like " Oh, I think I am around 5'1" or 5'3" and I weigh around so-and-so-ish " . It's really easy to get accurate data , which I think is important, because I imagine that people who have no clue how tall and heavy/light they are probably also don't want to know how many calories they eat, which makes the whole process a guessing game.

    Just my impression, but I think she knows exactly how tall she is and it's probably over 5'5". She doesn't want folks to tell her that she wants to be too thin.

    Look at the exercise she does every day and knows every number there. She has the same breakfast and lunch every day. She has a 'mental thing' about counting calories. I'm sensing ED tendencies at a minimum, myself.

    I'm guessing her calories are in that very low range, and she's not losing weight as quickly as she was this summer and wonders why.

    Apologies, OP, if I'm way off base. It's just a feeling I have.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I don't count my calories anymore.


    This whole thread. :noway:
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    My weight keeps fluctuating. I probably have been stuck at the same place since summer. In the summer I used to do lots of cardio and not eat much, so that didn't help. Then I went through a eat small amounts of junk food rather than good food phase, and now I eat extremely healthy. I don't really eat that much. I have porridge or granola for breakfast, two ham sandwiches (brown bread) for lunch, and usually just have a normal healthy meal for dinner - something with vegetables and probably meat, just simple and healthy, on the lines of that.
    When I weighed last Sunday, I was 8 stone 9. It was odd, I had gone to the gym on Friday, had junk on Saturday and the weight just come off. I am now back to 8 stone 12, but it changes, not very worried because I will probably be 8 stone 11 tomorrow, or something like that. It fluctuates. I just don't know how to lose anymore weight. It wont come off, I will not give up but my gosh, how frustrating! I go to the gym once a week, it is hard because I have to revise. I just want to lose weight, but what more can I do? Is there anything I can do to help?

    I exercised every night. I do 200 sit ups, 170 squats, 90 leg raises per legs, 35 stomach 'things' (no idea what they are called), and 10-13 push ups.

    I also drink at least one cup of warm lemon water a day, and LOTS of water.

    Thank you :)

    P.s, I am around 5'3-5'5. I want to get to about 8 stone...

    It never ceases to amaze me when people say thing like " Oh, I think I am around 5'1" or 5'3" and I weigh around so-and-so-ish " . It's really easy to get accurate data , which I think is important, because I imagine that people who have no clue how tall and heavy/light they are probably also don't want to know how many calories they eat, which makes the whole process a guessing game.

    Just my impression, but I think she knows exactly how tall she is and it's probably over 5'5". She doesn't want folks to tell her that she wants to be too thin.

    Look at the exercise she does every day and knows every number there. She has the same breakfast and lunch every day. She has a 'mental thing' about counting calories. I'm sensing ED tendencies at a minimum, myself.

    I'm guessing her calories are in that very low range, and she's not losing weight as quickly as she was this summer and wonders why.

    Apologies, OP, if I'm way off base. It's just a feeling I have.

    ^I agree with this. Who doesn't know their height? You don't fluctuate inches lengthwise...just saying.
  • SassyLion
    I am really not any higher than 5'5. I thought I was 5'5', but when measured I was 5'3... but I will check again, because it seems too small. Also, with my weight, I weigh everyday so it varies.

    I think I will count calories again, but as I have said, it doesn't help me mentally. I tend to eat less than I should, but that was a few months back, so perhaps it'll be fine.

    I have the same breakfast because I know porridge is good for me, and it is low calorie - it fills me up and I need the energy, like anyone. Also, I am pretty happy with my sandwiches. I think they are basic and just a normal lunch. I would like a healthier alternative.

    I am just not really sure what I should do. I think perhaps I will count the calories but hm... I guess trying wouldn't hurt. I am burning 600-700 while at the gym, it shows me when I am working out. No problem there.
  • SassyLion
    Also, yes I do not 'need' to lose weight, I just want to. I am content with myself, I don't have any issues, I just would like to be thinner. I want to be around 8 stone, if I do feel like I am too thin I can always gain. Just difficult losing it right now.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Instead of trying to lose more weight, since you already belong to a gym, why not start a good progressive loading strength training program and work on body composition rather than weight?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    P.s, I am around 5'3-5'5. I want to get to about 8 stone...

    Are you 5'3", 5'4" or 5'5"? 112 pounds is more realistic for 5'3" than 5'5", except in some specific cases. What do you weigh now?
  • SassyLion
    I didn't weigh today, I got up a bit late and just didn't. I range from 8 stone 10 to 8 stone 12 really, just fluctuates. I know it may seem odd, but I want the scale to decease, I just want to lose more weight. I am healthy, nothing to worry about.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    She has the same breakfast and lunch every day.

    While I agree with a lot of what you said, this isn't an indication of an eating disorder necessarily. I eat the same things pretty much daily because I enjoy the taste and I've found what's filling without being super high in calories.

    I fluctuate here and there, but not a whole lot. I don't have an ED.

    That said, I do know my height.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I didn't weigh today, I got up a bit late and just didn't. I range from 8 stone 10 to 8 stone 12 really, just fluctuates. I know it may seem odd, but I want the scale to decease, I just want to lose more weight. I am healthy, nothing to worry about.
    Well, you're already at a healthy weight, so it's that much more difficult to lose. Your body may be telling you that this is what you should weigh. And if you're 5'5", it's probably right.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I didn't weigh today, I got up a bit late and just didn't. I range from 8 stone 10 to 8 stone 12 really, just fluctuates. I know it may seem odd, but I want the scale to decease, I just want to lose more weight. I am healthy, nothing to worry about.

    I think it's a little worrisome that you just want to lose weight for the sake of losing weight. If you don't have any issues with your body then what difference does it make how much you weigh?
  • SassyLion
    I do know my height, I am just unsure how accurate it was when measured... I thought I was 5'5, but I could be 5'3.
  • SassyLion
    I do not have any issues, I just want to look thinner. I do not 'hate' myself, I am content, I would just rather be thinner! Pretty normal I think, most people are like that.
  • Aries03
    Aries03 Posts: 179 Member
    Bumping for later
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    I do not have any issues, I just want to look thinner. I do not 'hate' myself, I am content, I would just rather be thinner! Pretty normal I think, most people are like that.

    If you want to look thinner, it's a body composition problem, not a weight problem. Right now, it's probably a few factors.. body fat is too high and lean body mass is too low. You can try to eat at maintenance for awhile and lift heavy or you might want to try a few bulk/cut phases. And before you freak out over the terminology (because when people hear bulk, they think hulk) look at the below link and concentrate on Staci's before and after photos from going from 120 to 130. If you want that lean fit look , then you need muscle.
