Good morning my friends!

I hope all my state side friends had a great Thanksgiving weekend! If you are like me you have likely indulged in a few extras that your new lifestyle has likely not allowed and are maybe feeling a little down about that, or perhaps feeling that you have failed and are going to give up.

Well, I say phooey to that! Today is a new day! We have another big holiday coming, and I for one am going to keep going and make sure i survive those just as I was able to survive this one!

While today is known as CYBER MONDAY for many....I am hereby changing it for us to REAFFIRMATION MONDAY! Anyone who wants to participate only need to do one thing..... Reaffirm your resolve to be healthier by listing your goals out in your reply.

This is my reaffirmation to myself:

1) Continue to make healthy food choices at all opportunities.
2) Workout 5-7 times per week for at least 30 minutes a day
3) Focus on reaching my NEW goal of 37 lbs lost by 12/30/13 (old goal of 27lbs lost by this date achieved 11/29/13)
4) Continue to stay positive in the face of adversity and those around me who wish to see me fail for the sake of their own reasons.

Best of luck everyone! Stay Strong!



  • AZ_Gato
    AZ_Gato Posts: 1,270 Member
    Good stuff brother. You're doing well man, keep on killing it!

    I've set some short term goals for the next 23 days, to do some clean eating. See where that takes me.

    Good luck to you sir.
  • tfleischer
    tfleischer Posts: 199 Member
    Rock on Crusher. The Thanksgiving holiday was not as bad as I feared, considering I had not one but two family gatherings. After an early Thanksgiving lunch with in-laws, took a 2.5 mile walk and had only one serving of dessert. Also, only one small scoop of dressing, which is usually one of my over-indulgences. The next day we cooked for my side of the family and everyone bought a pie or two. Overdid on this day, particularly with the after-dinner cigar and cognac with the nephew. Tossed out desserts. Best decision of the weekend! Also walked with Coco over the weekend. All-told, I walked about 10 miles since leaving work on Wednesday and coming to work this morning.
    Much better than last year!
    Hoping to take off another 10 lbs. by the end of the year, despite Christmas and New Year's. Asked my mom not to make the annual fudge and divinity candy that usually ends up at my house and in my belly.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,742 Member
    Great post!!

    The long weekend proved to be more taxing on me than expected. I did quite well on Thanksgiving, but what I did not anticipate was the temptation to eat badly (compared to usual) over the long weekend. Being out of my usual routine, sleeping later and staying up 'til all hours, drinking less water, running lots of errands...I overindulged quite a bit. Had a family emergency yesterday and indulged even more. I'm not proud to have gained nearly 2 lb. I know that does not sound like much...but in my entire 9 months on MFP, I've only gone UP in weight a couple of times and I don't want to let it become a trend.

    This week I resolve to get back into my good habits/routines and move more!
  • PriceK01
    PriceK01 Posts: 834 Member
    Great idea!!! While my holiday wasn't as bad as it could have been, this last month was filled with generally crappy nutrition and plenty of caloric overages, plus too many missed workouts. I'm six pounds up, and while I did want to gain a few, I didn't want to do it with fat (which is what I fear I've done).

    So today I am back at it! No more slacking for me. I will stick to my macros and do my very best to stay at a 100 calorie deficit for the majority of this month to make up for the overages of last and I will not miss any more workouts!
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,635 Member
    1) I'm good enough
    2) I'm smart enough
    3) Dog gone it, people like me
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    I'm back at it, too. Just need to get back on my regular eating plan and I'll be fine. I don't think I did too badly calorie-wise (I'm sure I was over, but not horrifically so), but we did have a meal a day of just pie. And ice cream - one of the pies needed ice cream with it, so ... yeah.

    Anywho, back to more balanced meal choices for me.
  • CrusherKun
    CrusherKun Posts: 353 Member
    Way to go everyone! Keep working at your goals! Your pace is your own, and as long as you make forward progress, its still better than going backwards any day of the week!

  • RozayJones
    RozayJones Posts: 409 Member
    The aftermath of the holiday has me feeling bloated and my shirt almost looks to small :(

    I am going to move more, lots more this month!
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    I have to do pretty much the same thing I need to work out a new schedule so I can be up in time to workout no matter what time I go to work.
  • MandyPie621
    MandyPie621 Posts: 27 Member
    My holiday/football 4 day weekend definetly took a toll on me. I threw all my reason out the window and overly over indulged in whatever came into sight. BUT.. Today is a new day and I am back on track. I affirm to continue to move more every day and make healthier choices at ever meal.
  • 5BAK
    5BAK Posts: 1 Member
    I've been stumbling.

    REAFFIRMATION MONDAY, perfect. Thanks Crusher for getting all going. I'll commit to 4 cardio workouts per week and logging EVERYTHIING I eat. Healthy eating of course!

  • CrusherKun
    CrusherKun Posts: 353 Member
    I've been stumbling.

    REAFFIRMATION MONDAY, perfect. Thanks Crusher for getting all going. I'll commit to 4 cardio workouts per week and logging EVERYTHIING I eat. Healthy eating of course!


    You are welcome! I dont look at it as a have to enjoy sometimes. Its the courage and will to get back on track that makes us all winners today!
  • ttruhol
    ttruhol Posts: 4,326 Member
    After a very hectic 2 weeks, my father passing away and going on vacation I am ready to get recommitted to my workout routine and eating on a more regular schedule. I am so very happy for MFP to keep my motivation up and to kick me in the pants when needed. We can all do this! Thanks for the inspiration!
  • lcgr13
    lcgr13 Posts: 12 Member
    I need this today! An orthopedist just diagnosed a problem with my knee that means I cannot run, play tennis, kickbox, or do much else for at least six weeks. Exercise is so key to my sanity, I just don't know what I am going to do! Well, I know one thing I will do, which is diligently log my food since I won't be burning much of it!
  • KRG111
    Great idea! Any weekend is difficult to stay on track! I am reaffirming my commitment to a healthy lifestyle: working out daily for minimum of 30 minutes. It is important to me!
  • CrusherKun
    CrusherKun Posts: 353 Member
    Excellent job everyone!

    @KRG - You are right! Weekends for many are so difficult as many who work the typical 9-5 m-f job structure are more proned to falling off track due to the temptation being more prevalent. I continually have that issue myself, even more so when my Wife works her 1 weekend every 3 weeks and I have the kids. When she isn't working, I find it easier to get out and do more exercises when I find myself bored.

    I really like what I am hearing from you all! I hope to see more reaffirm their goals yet today.
