Do I Want to Gain Weight or Lose?

Hey Guys

So my weight currently is 65kg. I have quite a big of stomach fat. But my arms and legs are skinny. I know I want to get rid of the stomach fat and build muscle... so what do I put as my goal weight?


  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    How tall and how many lb??
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    How tall are you?

    ETA: You weight 65kg or 143 pounds. If you are under about 5'5" you'll definitely want to lose some more weight. If you know your body fat you probably don't want to start bulking (gaining) until you are under 20% body fat. You could set your weight to a slight deficit (5% below TDEE) and start heavy lifting.
  • oasai
    oasai Posts: 3

    im 175cm
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member

    im 175cm

    Okay, so you are technically at a healthy weight for your height. Strength training is going to be important for losing the last of the belly fat (muscle helps burn fat). I suggest finding your TDEE and eating at that number of calories for a while.
  • 2spamagnet
    2spamagnet Posts: 60 Member
    Hard to say... Sounds like you want to lose fat and gain muscle. To lose fat, you need to eat less calories than you burn. To gain muscle, you need to do strengthening exercise and get enough protein (0.8 gr to 1.0 gr of protein per lb of body mass - sorry, don't know the metric conversion).

    If you do those things, watching the scale won't be definitive. Keep an eye on your body and how it changes. If you eat at a slight deficit, you will lose the fat.
  • oasai
    oasai Posts: 3
    im starting to think some of the belly fat is actually water retention and will drop off almost immediately, considering im at a healthy weight.

    that is all really helpful guys. thanks. i appreciate your time.
  • MzzFaith
    MzzFaith Posts: 337 Member
    Lose definitely for me.
  • tashaturner04
    tashaturner04 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm trying to gain weight.
  • Persönlich denke, dass Bewegung ist der beste Weg, um Gewicht zu verlieren, 15 bis 20 Minuten, um sicherzustellen, dass die Sprints und Aerobic-Übungen jeden Tag, es wird immer noch eine gute Wirkung.Aerobic-Übungen einschließlich Laufen, Schwimmen, Radfahren, etc., aber jedes Mal, wenn Sie mehr als eine Stunde dauern soll, um effektiv verbraucht wird, ist eine Handarbeit.
  • Personally believe that in order to lose weight, you must get rid of the activities do not love life, to increase exercise, consumption of excess calories. Thank you!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    im starting to think some of the belly fat is actually water retention and will drop off almost immediately, considering im at a healthy weight.

    that is all really helpful guys. thanks. i appreciate your time.

    I would go with heavy lifting at maintenance or slightly below.
  • Im trying to gain to...I have problems with gaining weight since I was a kid I have a high metabolism. I need any and all help I can get
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    im 175cm

    Okay, so you are technically at a healthy weight for your height. Strength training is going to be important for losing the last of the belly fat (muscle helps burn fat). I suggest finding your TDEE and eating at that number of calories for a while.

    sounds about right.