Anyone else struggling to balance life and fitness?



  • Territravel
    Territravel Posts: 165 Member
  • emjaycazz
    emjaycazz Posts: 330 Member
    I can relate. I work in-house (legal) and have a son who has practices 3+ a week in the evenings. I do a lot of the meal prep and dinner plus other household chores (honestly it sounds a little old-fashioned but those are things that I learned from my mom and can easily get around to them). I am the morning workout person, and that has recently meant that I'm in bed before my son sometimes.

    I have set some of my hobbies (photography, writing, paper-crafts, knitting) on the back burner since I started pursuing fitness more. If I have an hour or so (and the energy to do so), I'll pick something up. Usually, it'll be spurred by a burst of creativity or an idea that intrigued me. However, it's usually one thing at a time these days.

    I try not to stress too much about it. If there's something I really want to do, sometimes I let other stuff go and try not to freak out about it. A pre-packaged breakfast every now and then, a shorter workout, letting the hubby manage bedtime wrangling, etc.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    You don't have to work out every day. 3 or 4 times is fine. Do HIIT for time saving cardio. Strong Lifts can be done in about 45minutes.

    Maybe I will try HIIT again. The last time I did it, it turned running into a chore for me! In fact, I almost stopped running because I was so focused on speed/intensity. I know that is backwards for many people. I hear of so many people really loving it, but I guess it takes all kinds of things for all kinds of people!

    At least I could shorten some of my run days with HIIT.

    you can do HIIT with other activities, not just running. stationary bike, jumping jacks, running up and down the stairs in your house... that might help on days you don't run.


    I don't understand why so many people think HIIT = running intervals only. shrug- I like doing weight training stuff with HIIT. much moar fun.
  • alwinkler
    alwinkler Posts: 5 Member
    Trying to balance it all is an ongoing effort each month as schedules & "free" time changes. I'm a single parent sharing custody of our 3 busy boys with an unconventional placement schedule due to their dad's job, so I have them different days each week. I work full time and in a long-distant relationship with has me traveling on weekends sometimes. Keeping balance is like goal setting or keeping your financial need to revisit it each month or as often as needed so you can stay on task. Priority setting, flexibility, determination & compromise is key. Plus, having your entire family on board is a must. Unless I want to work out at 4am everyday, my workout times are not consistent, yet I manage to get one in each day. I have sat my kids down, explained to them the importance of me working on my health & fitness. They are my biggest support/ fans!! They understand why I may need to workout for a bit and give some attention to myself vs. to them at times. You may find that they want to join in!! The 8 yr old wants to do yoga with me, the 11 & 14 yr olds have gone running with me too. We can't forget that we are leading by example. You may be tired at first, but once you get the ball rolling, it's a breeze!!!
  • amrluvarr
    amrluvarr Posts: 52 Member
    I completely understand how you are feeling. I have two young children (2 years old and 2 months old) and I also work. I workout after 8pm when my son goes to sleep for 30 minutes to one hour. My daughter eats again at 9 and then I shower and hit the bed by 10. I really try to view it as "my" time and have started to think of working out as a hobby. I do miss some of my hobbies (watching movies and reading) but I can usually fit in something on a Saturday night (I try to workout early in the morning on Saturday). I cook on Sunday for the whole week that way when I get my children from childcare I can spend the whole evening with them. My two priorities are spending time with my babies and taking care of my health. As a result my house is always messy and I don't have much of a social life but its working so far.

    Good Luck- you will find a balance that work for you!
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    Thanks for all the comments!

    I think I have tried many of them at different times.

    And most of the time I manage to get 4-6 workouts in a week.

    I think the frustration for me, now that I have been at this for nearly four years, is that this is the rest of my life. It is not that I will do this until I lose 10 more lbs, or fit into a size whatever. I have done those things. Now, to maintain, the realization is that this is a LIFETIME thing! Yes, I guess I am whining!

    I think the best point made above is that there are seasons in life, and I will get to a season where I will have more time to do what I would like to do someday! And then I may be looking back and wishing for all the distractions!

    But for the here and now, I must keep on!
  • Followingsea
    Followingsea Posts: 407 Member

    My life is crazy.

    * I'm constantly on the move for work (since September, I've been to Detroit, Chicago, Palm Beach (twice!), Gainesville, three cities in China, New Orleans, Minneapolis... and I have some upcoming trips too,)
    * I just moved to a new place 90 minutes from work, so when I *am* home my commute is a bloody nightmare
    * I'm still dealing with residual paperwork from the move (have to register my car in a new state... ugh)

    So I don't have a lot of time to balance fitness in with everything else I want to get done :(
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Single parents working multiple jobs have my sympathies. The rest, not so much.
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    Single parents working multiple jobs have my sympathies. The rest, not so much.

    You have a point! When I start feeling too sorry for myself, I think about how it is for single parents. (Or for the sandwich generation--I was there for awhile with two small children and an elderly person to care for.) Puts it in perspective!
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    When I was working out every day during the summer, it was hard sometimes. But since I've cut it down to about 4-5 times a week, it's not bad. I cut most of the cardio out, and generally just do 30 minute lifting sessions, and maybe 20 minutes on the elliptical once or twice a week. The only thing I haven't been doing is reading. Because if I read, I won't do anything else. I tend to neglect the rest of my life when I'm really into a book. :laugh:
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    I have that problem I decided to wake up at the same time everyday several hours before any shift I might work starts so I can squeeze it in.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Squats and deadlifts.

    Here you go again! It seems that your vocabulary is very limited because the only comment that you make to any and all threads is "squats and deadlifts."

    There is more to life and exercise than that. Geez!

    Edited to add: sorry if my comment was off and I didn't mean to hijack the thread, but I was annoyed by the comment made by that poster.

    OP: We were all in your shoes at sometime in our lives. Balance is hard to achieve, but with trail an error you will get there. You got some nice ideas thrown at you ( except the squats deadlifts), take what fits in your schedule and life style. Good luck!
  • greenhudler
    Single parents working multiple jobs have my sympathies. The rest, not so much.

    You have a point! When I start feeling too sorry for myself, I think about how it is for single parents. (Or for the sandwich generation--I was there for awhile with two small children and an elderly person to care for.) Puts it in perspective!
    Sadly I have been there, and feel lucky every day to not be in that situation anymore. I was a single mom of two, living out of my car. It was AWFUL.
  • lavender_fairie
    lavender_fairie Posts: 76 Member
    Maybe I'm weird or too much of a newb but..I'm not giving up all my hobbies, especially for exercise. I don't care if that makes me sound all anti-fitness or whatever. Folks talk about balance then talk about getting up at 4 am, exercising thru lunch, etc (I'm not pointing fingers. Just repeating things I've read on the thread). If that works for them, that is Awesome!! But it won't work for everybody. If we r talking about *balance*, I like what one poster said about prioritizing- sometimes you say fug it and finish your book. Sometimes the laundry doesn't get put away. And yes, sometimes the workout just ain't happening. So be it. If I had to replace knitting with exercising I would be an unhappy person. I'm Not doing it.

    OP, you have my sympathies and I agree that it's almost impossible to fit in what you have to do and have room for anything else. I do agree that there are seasons in one's life where "balance" is just about laughable. I could bore you with my my stats about my young, numerous, and belligerent kids and work and hubby always being gone, but I'm not gonna. You wanna whine? I'm right there with you! I get it- it's hard! And I hope it gets easier for you and me and everybody else who is trying to do it all and be fit, but I know you said you've been at this for years now (I haven't), but I'm hoping that as time goes by we can improve on achieving our own personal balances. In the meantime, try not to stress it too much. Just do what you can do- that's all you can do anyway. One can't do better than their best so why beat ourselves up over doing our best?
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,789 Member
    I try to make my fitness stuff as part of my normal routine: walking or biking to and from work, squats while cooking or washing up, crunches while watching a show, lunges down the hallway at work, bicep curls (with nonslip dumbbells) while my conditioner sets in the shower, leg lifts at the copier, wall push-ups before bed... but this may not be a solution for you, depending on how hardcore your routine is. You can generally work a lot of isometric and cardio exercise in if you try, though.