Quite new here. Looking for support/friends.

I'm from Romania and at age of 36 I weight ~95kg (210lbs) for 172cm (5' 8"). That put me in BMI category: obese with about 31.

Until I've graduated i was weighting only 55kg (120lbs). Then the weight started to increase because lack of exercise, junk food, sugar...

About 1 month ago decided to do something about that. I've tried to run, but after only 1-2 minutes i get some pain in the tibial area, maybe some shin splints??!?. So, I've decided to take it slower with some 30 minutes walks and 1h hike/walk in weekends.

This week decided to walk to work instead of driving. That will mean 2 x 2miles each day. I will see if I can do it all the week :)

My goal is to loose about 20kg/40lbs by next summer and maybe run 5k next year and half-marathon sometime.



  • ciccanti38
    ciccanti38 Posts: 37 Member
    Hello, I would love to help you out! I have created a Facebook Fitness accountability group & I would love for you to join! It is a private group where only other members can see what you post. It is a group for encouragement & support! I will be hosting group challenges in the near future where you will be required to check in daily which will help greatly! But they will be optional. I want this group to be a success where we can share & help one another and just have fun! Please join us....Group name is "Fit and Healthy Minds"
  • postolache
    postolache Posts: 187 Member