Trying to get Pregnant

So, my husband and I have decided that we are going to try to have another BABY!!! I'm excited and nervous at the same time! We have a 9 year old and a 5 year old. We've tried to adopt for the last year, but have had no luck. Part of the reason that we wanted to adopt is because I had terrible pregnancies. With my oldest I gained 70 pounds; with my son I gained 60 and topped out at 265 lbs. Because of my weight, I had gestational diabetes with both, preeclampsia and hypertension with my first, and a tough recovery after my second. I went to my doctor and she said that I'm perfectly healthy to have another child, as long as I don't gain lots more weight. I'm trying now to eat better, and I've been exercising daily, but I'm starting out at 230. Doctor said I was fine to stick around 1,800 calories in my pregnancy, and as long as I eat the right foods, I could still be healthy even if I lose weight in pregnancy.

I NEED MOTIVATION! Please, if you are in the same situation, or have been in the same situation, help me out! I would like all the support I can get. Friend request me if you wish. Thanks a bunch :)



  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    I had a lot of complications during my pregnancy (gallbladder removed at 5 months pregnant & appendix removed at 2 weeks pp, cholestasis of the liver) & had a very premature baby. My kiddo is 2 1/2 so I decided to lose weight & get in the healthy bmi before trying for baby #2. I feel so much better & feel like I won't have those complications again. Good luck & you'll do great!
  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    Although I've never had kids and am having a pretty good pregnancy so far (I'm 30 weeks), feel free to friend me. I've had to really keep an eye on my eating and stay active because I'd been overweight since childhood, recently lost over 100lbs and most of the women in my family gain the majority of their weight during pregnancies so I've really had to be careful!
  • athenalove46
    athenalove46 Posts: 182 Member
    We're currently TTC #4. I think that once you get your diet under control, and stick with that (read: whole foods...not so much the lack of calories) you should have no issues. With my first 2 I ate a SAD diet and gained 50 lbs with each pregnancy. With my son, I ate a whole foods diet and only gained 25#, so it's all relative. Just because you gained tons of weight in the past, does not mean you can't learn from that experience, realize what you did wrong (give in to all of your cravings?), and work to make that better this time around. :)

    Good luck!
  • LJTetz
    LJTetz Posts: 3 Member
    I am in the same situation as you! We are going to start trying to conceive our 1st in a few months and I have about 30 lb to lose before then. I want to avoid complications, like you were saying, as I have been reading a lot about fertility issues and complications from being overweight. My Mother and Grandmother had fertility issues, took a long time to conceive, miscarried several times and had pregnancy complications and neither were overweight. So I feel that my family history, along with the weight, will make things difficult.

    I am trying to eat ~1200 cal per day, no wheat, gluten or dairy (food sensitivity diet recommended by my Naturopathic dr) and low carb and exercise daily. Do you have a specific plan?
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 480 Member
    wish i could get pregnant :( any advice?
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    wish i could get pregnant :( any advice?

    * Make sure your weight is in a healthy range
    * Get some exercise
    * Get a phone app and start charting your cycles so you become familiar with when you are ovulating (Fertility Friend is good)
    * Buy some OPK strips (v cheap on Amazon) so you can track when your hormones surge during ovulation
    * Sex - lots of it! They say it's best to have sex every other day so the sperm is good quality but nothing to stop you doing it every day during ovulation!
    * Make sure you have sex in the days leading up to ovulation so the sperm is ready and waiting when the egg is released as doing it on ovulation day may be too late ;)
    * Make sure you are taking your folic acid and, if you can afford it, a pre-conception vitamin tablet. Also get your fella to have pre-conception tablets too - they usually contain zinc which can, ahem, improve the quantity he produces
    * After sex, prop your hips up on pillows and stay there for at least 15 minutes so the sperm can get to where it needs to go

    If after two years of trying you have no joy (one year if over 35) then get advice from a doctor.

    Good luck x
  • ErinMLB
    ErinMLB Posts: 100 Member
    I'm currently TTC my 1st. I've had two miscarriages but am still hopeful that I will be successful next time. I definitely recommend buying OPK tests online, SO MUCH cheaper than in stores.

    Feel free to add me :)