It's not just about today.

So it's really frustrating when you work your *kitten* off and the scale doesn't move. I'm sure it has happened to all of us. I have been at 163 for 3 months now and even though I bounce down to 161, I always seem to bounce right back up to 163. I have stuck with it though and kept my exercise routine/calorie counting going because for me it's really about a lifestyle change and even if i'm 163 for the rest of my life, i'd rather feel this way than the way I felt before.

This past week my sister in law (who happens to be one of my best friends) came in for a visit from out of town. She was here for 5 days. I did not exercise. I did not count calories. I ate what I wanted. I did however stay active and tried to make good choices for the most part, but I basically had what I wanted when I wanted. We ate late several of the nights.

I also did not weigh.

I did plan for this. I knew when she was coming that I did not want to worry or stress about logging calories. I planned to take the 5 days off and get right back on track Tuesday morning (Today).

Wednesday morning I weighed 163

Today, after eating all sorts of stuff and not exercising for 5 days, I planned on a weigh in from hell. At least a 5 pound gain.

Today's weigh in was 163


Moral of the story: I guess all that exercising DOES do something. :bigsmile: My body kept up with me. Yay body!

Now to get serious about the next 25 pounds! :heart:


  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    Could be worse. Since June Mine has been moving. From 224 to 245.
  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    Me thinks your scale may be broked :D
  • LaurieEReid
    Activity and sensible choices. That's what its all about. Sustainable weight loss, even if you have a few days off. Good job.
  • corrinnebrown
    corrinnebrown Posts: 345 Member
    Maybe you should switch up your routine....not sure what you are doing for exercises but maybe try all cardio or all strength training, that may help you get under the 160's. Best of luck to you!
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    When you do it the right way, you can have bad days, and not gain weight. Which means you have been doing it the right way. You have also shocked your body with calorie increase it hasn't been use to in a while.

    Sometimes that body shock works out for you, because when you start eating right again, you may get some results, from now on.

    Keep up the good job......
  • SarahBC
    SarahBC Posts: 72 Member
    Maybe you should switch up your routine....not sure what you are doing for exercises but maybe try all cardio or all strength training, that may help you get under the 160's. Best of luck to you!

    I totally agree mix it up a little, also you need to realise muscle weights more than fat so you might be changing and not even realise scales are the worst to go by