feeling like i have let my self down

emkam11 Posts: 66 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
hi guys,
hope we are all well and doin better than what i have over th apast week or so ,

i was doin so well i felt really really good while i was watchign what i was eating ect ect, my depression felt like it was under controll and all sorts ,
but i dont know what happened i really dont, it was like i sort of turned a corner and just gave up and i really dont know why,

i really want t o start getting back in to it again but i feel like i have lost my motivation,

i went out on saturday and actually felt pretty good witch was a huge thing for me i had my hair done and even got my self a dress but i thought that would of gave me more motivation but i dont know whats happened to me i really dont,

i feel like inside i have given up and i dont want t o but i am geelign pretty low about things atrm,

i am so sorry for the rant guys i have tried really hard not to moan but i have go tup this morning feeling rubbish again

hope ur all doin welll and feelign great



  • Zuznana
    Zuznana Posts: 284 Member
    That's ok, moan away, that's why we are here, to support each ohter. And I find, that when I moan and let it out, it feels a bit better rather then just bottle it up. You had a bad week and that's ok, you will learn from it. We all have bad days. Some more then others. I find the end of a year very depressing. It's always rains here (I live in England) and it's really grey and just the type of day, that makes you want to stay hibernated.

    I hope you will have better days to come and get back to normal. Depression is not a nice thing and it really makes you just give up and feel so tired and drained even if you are not doing anything. Good luck.
  • emkam11
    emkam11 Posts: 66 Member
    That's ok, moan away, that's why we are here, to support each ohter. And I find, that when I moan and let it out, it feels a bit better rather then just bottle it up. You had a bad week and that's ok, you will learn from it. We all have bad days. Some more then others. I find the end of a year very depressing. It's always rains here (I live in England) and it's really grey and just the type of day, that makes you want to stay hibernated.

    I hope you will have better days to come and get back to normal. Depression is not a nice thing and it really makes you just give up and feel so tired and drained even if you are not doing anything. Good luck.

    hi hunni i am in england too and the weather is rubbish ,
    i just feel so low about things and i dotn know for why ??
    i just cant seem to motivate my self bk in to things again grrr x
  • philipjhill1
    philipjhill1 Posts: 7 Member
    I don't know if this helps or not (am also in England by the way). Motivation, I find waxes and wanes when you're goal or goals seems unlikely or impossible. Maybe you need to look at what you have achieved so far, set a new (mini) target and also set yourself a little challenge of something different. This might be something like join a library and find out how to build a wall, or it might be to save for a holiday or write a short story. In my case I was 1.5 stone overweight, loved bits of my life and didn't like others so much. By setting myself a goal of losing half a stone I then kept going. Also the stairs at work are a lot less work than they were. Will I ever get a six pack belly? - I doubt it so if I set myself a goal like that I'd probably fail. People who go to Gyms would probably tell me the belly thing is in reach but it doesn't feel like it.

    Anyway achieving goals is one sure way to motivate yourself.

    I'm fitter than I was ...... is an achievement. I didn't get a six pack belly yet just sounds like a failure.
  • I think some "mini-goals" will help you stay motivated. They help me take one day at a time. Trying adding one veggie to each meal or drinking an extra glass of water or working up to another 15 min of working out a week. Little goals that you can hit each day to remind you how well you are doing at changing your habits. Don't be too hard on yourself, this is a process.
  • emkam11
    emkam11 Posts: 66 Member
    I don't know if this helps or not (am also in England by the way). Motivation, I find waxes and wanes when you're goal or goals seems unlikely or impossible. Maybe you need to look at what you have achieved so far, set a new (mini) target and also set yourself a little challenge of something different. This might be something like join a library and find out how to build a wall, or it might be to save for a holiday or write a short story. In my case I was 1.5 stone overweight, loved bits of my life and didn't like others so much. By setting myself a goal of losing half a stone I then kept going. Also the stairs at work are a lot less work than they were. Will I ever get a six pack belly? - I doubt it so if I set myself a goal like that I'd probably fail. People who go to Gyms would probably tell me the belly thing is in reach but it doesn't feel like it.

    Anyway achieving goals is one sure way to motivate yourself.

    I'm fitter than I was ...... is an achievement. I didn't get a six pack belly yet just sounds like a failure.

    thank you very very much i think ur right i need to set my self a goal a small goal to start with then build it up i really need to get it sorted out i really do,

  • emkam11
    emkam11 Posts: 66 Member
    I think some "mini-goals" will help you stay motivated. They help me take one day at a time. Trying adding one veggie to each meal or drinking an extra glass of water or working up to another 15 min of working out a week. Little goals that you can hit each day to remind you how well you are doing at changing your habits. Don't be too hard on yourself, this is a process.

    thank u hun i am trying so hard to not beatmy self up but today thats all i seem to of done, although i have been good ish today and i did not have a choc buiscuit at work when they were left in front of me
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