Support and hugs needed.

I am having a serious problem. I don't know what has been wrong with me but I am just burnt out. I don't remember to log my food, my weight loss has stagnated, I haven't gone to the gym in 3 weeks, I lost my wii u fit meter and I have been more and more depressed.

I have been having an issue with my weight not changing for weeks now. Every time I get on the scale it is always between 223 and 228 pounds. Over the past month I have had a ton of family issues, illnesses, hospital visits so on and so forth. I can't seem to stay under my calorie goal latly and I am not doing the work to burn it off other than normal daily activities.

I just don't know what to do anymore.


  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    perhaps just worry about getting your feet back under you for a couple weeks and then pick this back up. Sounds to me like you need sleep, rest, TLC, a bit of pampering, and a chill out.

    Remember - the goal is a healthy happy you, not one who is hating on herself for not meeting some of the bits that add up to the whole of this goal.
  • Kiayaxo
    Kiayaxo Posts: 57 Member
    Think of this more a lifestyle change than a short term happiness fix. The scales going down shouldn't be your motivation but the knowledge that your making the best decisions for your life and your family. That way when results falter you'll stay motivated. It's hard and a bumpy journey, but you can do it. And at the end you'll be able to know you've done your best for you and your loved ones that need you at your best. Good luck, take this as a little extra challenge that you will overcome.
  • jluyt
    jluyt Posts: 7
    Focus on what is important right now. You can fall off the diet and get back on anytime. For now just choose you food wisely and get some excercise in since it will help with the stress.
  • zekerella
    zekerella Posts: 58 Member
    Depression really gets in the way of weight loss. I know first hand. It makes you want to stay in bed all day and hide from everything.

    BUT you know what helps with depression? Is exercise and eating healthy. It really worked for me and sometimes you just need to put your big panties on and do whats good for you although you may not feel like it. In a few days or a week you'll be WANTING to do it because foul remember how good you feel!
  • Swiftdogs
    Swiftdogs Posts: 328 Member

    You might want to set your goal to maintenance for a while to avoid the added stress of trying to be under goal. Just do the best you can while being there for your family. Getting the weight off is a long term goal. Slowing down because life gets in the way isn't a failure. Maybe tell some of your family members that you're trying to watch what you eat so when somebody goes to get lunch they'll bring you something healthy. Or maybe they'll pick something healthier for everybody.
  • TamaraKat
    TamaraKat Posts: 533 Member
    First thing's first: *hugs*
    To the bigger issue: Take baby steps - one step at a time until you hit the resolve.
    Exercise helped me through my depressive period and there WILL be times where you don't see any progress (the notorious plateaus) but just push through it! Whatever doesn't kill you will only make you stronger.
    Feel free to vent to me if you need! :heart: I'm always there for my fellow MFPers!
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Hugs!! :-)
    When I lose motivation, or am going through tons of crap and am off track, I just kids force myself to stick to a plan for a few days. After the few days, it all starts to become routine again..after it's part of your daily routine, then things kinda fall into place. But either way, just do whatever you can to make good choices in your day and remember that nobody is perfect. All the good choices add up at the end of the day :-)
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Kinda,,,, not kids!! I'm on my cellphone so please forgive all the typos!!!
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member

    I think that going on maintenance for a few days is a great idea. Most of us need a break from trying to lose weight, anyway. Think if it as a refeed.

    You have lost 16 lbs. That is AWESOME! You should be very proud.
  • LovelyMarie774
    LovelyMarie774 Posts: 49 Member
    That really stinks about being so flustered and feeling off :( I get that. Everyone here can probably sympathize. I know when I am feeling burned out and run down I just switch to maintaining my weight rather than losing. If I don't I usually end up off track and going waaay to crazy with refined carbs and fat and completely ignore protein. It helps with my leptin levels and I think it helps chill me out a bit so I can get back on track when I feel I am ready for it again. Even though I want to shove a million blueberry muffins in my face when I feel like committing carbicide, I don't (well, I try reaaally hard not to) because my future self would not be feeling so great the next day. Plan your food out so you don't have to think about it and just try and focus on you instead. Buy yourself some flowers or if you have a pet spend some time cuddling it! It releases happy hormones :) Most importantly realize every fall that you get back up from makes you a stronger person. It gives dimension to a person. It creates good character. Your falls and slip ups do not define you!
  • jensiegel39
    jensiegel39 Posts: 163 Member
    I'm sorry you're going through such a hard time. As a depressed person, I am finding that exercise really helps. It's all those endorphins. Perhaps find some time each day to do something active. It'll allow you time to think, de-stress and get those feel-good endorphins pumping. It'll also make you feel better about your situation. And stress you know leads to over-eating and not sleeping and whole host of other things.

    I was very down before starting my "health kick", and I cannot tell you how much my mood has improved by exercising. It really works. All the best to you, and don't be so hard on yourself. Sometimes, life gives you a challenge (or ten) and it can be overwhelming. Be nice to yourself, whatever you do!
  • jensiegel39
    jensiegel39 Posts: 163 Member
    That really stinks about being so flustered and feeling off :( I get that. Everyone here can probably sympathize. I know when I am feeling burned out and run down I just switch to maintaining my weight rather than losing. If I don't I usually end up off track and going waaay to crazy with refined carbs and fat and completely ignore protein. It helps with my leptin levels and I think it helps chill me out a bit so I can get back on track when I feel I am ready for it again. Even though I want to shove a million blueberry muffins in my face when I feel like committing carbicide, I don't (well, I try reaaally hard not to) because my future self would not be feeling so great the next day. Plan your food out so you don't have to think about it and just try and focus on you instead. Buy yourself some flowers or if you have a pet spend some time cuddling it! It releases happy hormones :) Most importantly realize every fall that you get back up from makes you a stronger person. It gives dimension to a person. It creates good character. Your falls and slip ups do not define you!

    I love what LovelyMarie wrote here! Especially the part about cuddling with your pet. My pets are always there for me even when no one else seems to be. It does help!