How do you make Green Tea taste better?



  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I think the best way is for it to have cooled down quite a bit, the flavour is less 'full' and much more palatable - its an acquired taste but persevere and you will come to love it :)

    I prefer it weak, just dunk the bag in for 30 secs rather than 3 mins - much better!
  • 0800ella
    If you shop around you can find green tea with lemon or bergamot tea bags. Or you could add a slice of lemon. To help get rid of the bitter taste, I put 1/4 cold water in a cup, then the boiled water, THEN put the tea bag in the water. Leave it to brew for a couple minutes.
  • fannyfrost
    fannyfrost Posts: 756 Member
    The flavored green tea is better. If you really want a good green tea and can afford it check or and get Gyokuro Genmeicha. This is a loose leaf green tea and is awesome.

    Bagged green tea does not have the best flavor or the best benefits. Switching to a loose leaf tea you will get better benefits and better flavor. Keep in mind that with a looseleaf tea you can steep it more than once. So don't freak over the price. I made this the other day and steeped it three times with the same flavor.

    There are also flavored green teas that are much nicer.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,614 Member
    You've received a lot of good tips, and the few of mine aside of one are included in them. The only other thing I can think of is to try making the green tea with another tea, possibly an herbal one you like as it'll still do well with lower heat. The heat levels would be different for black teas, not sure on others. You may find if you use the whole tea (use an infuser with the leaves inside instead of a bag) you'll enjoy the flavor more. Honestly, if you don't find an idea here that works, taking a supplement would be the best way to go.
  • maasha81
    maasha81 Posts: 733 Member
    I drink flavoured green teas - mint or fruit and ice cold. Some plain green tea with lemon wedge ice cold is quite refreshing