My big mouth

I went back to the gym for a second workout with my friend last night. We went from 10-11pm. There were 3 girls on the treadmills. They were talking pretty loud having fun. We were behind them. There was a lady that I am guessing to be at least 300 pounds that was getting on the mill in front of them. She had a hard time getting up to start. One of the girls made a comment that the mill had a weight max. I was mad. So I left my friend and got off my mill and went in front of the girls and to see if I could help the lady out. Her name is, Janet and she is 58 years old and she is on her way to lose 225 more pounds. She has already lost 30. She goes to the gym late so she is not so embarrassed. I told her she should be proud and not embarrassed. We started walking. She was doing a 2.0 and was having a hard time. She would break every two minutes to regain her breath. The girls made another comment about the mill is going to break.
I excused myself, walked to the girls and told them that when I was in high school and in my twenties I looked like they do. Then I got married and had kids and chose an unhealthy life. Now I am here to change, as well as Janet. If you don't like the was we look, then leave. One called me a chose word, and I told here that ugly people will always be ugly, but fat people will be beautiful. She got the manager and I told him what had happened. He excused the girls from the gym.
When we finished we walked Janet out, and the girls were outside of the juice shop with one big mouths mom. What do you know, I went to school with her. I told her what had happened and introduced her to Janet. She made the girls say sorry.
I felt so good...made a new friend and got some brats in big trouble.
I am going to workout with Janet Friday morning at 4.
Just had to share.


  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    I went back to the gym for a second workout with my friend last night. We went from 10-11pm. There were 3 girls on the treadmills. They were talking pretty loud having fun. We were behind them. There was a lady that I am guessing to be at least 300 pounds that was getting on the mill in front of them. She had a hard time getting up to start. One of the girls made a comment that the mill had a weight max. I was mad. So I left my friend and got off my mill and went in front of the girls and to see if I could help the lady out. Her name is, Janet and she is 58 years old and she is on her way to lose 225 more pounds. She has already lost 30. She goes to the gym late so she is not so embarrassed. I told her she should be proud and not embarrassed. We started walking. She was doing a 2.0 and was having a hard time. She would break every two minutes to regain her breath. The girls made another comment about the mill is going to break.
    I excused myself, walked to the girls and told them that when I was in high school and in my twenties I looked like they do. Then I got married and had kids and chose an unhealthy life. Now I am here to change, as well as Janet. If you don't like the was we look, then leave. One called me a chose word, and I told here that ugly people will always be ugly, but fat people will be beautiful. She got the manager and I told him what had happened. He excused the girls from the gym.
    When we finished we walked Janet out, and the girls were outside of the juice shop with one big mouths mom. What do you know, I went to school with her. I told her what had happened and introduced her to Janet. She made the girls say sorry.
    I felt so good...made a new friend and got some brats in big trouble.
    I am going to workout with Janet Friday morning at 4.
    Just had to share.
  • jessjess
    Good for you for sticking up for someone....and a stranger at that! It's good deeds like that that'll really make a difference in this world.

    Give Janet all our best wishes!
  • Rene3634
    I sit here with tears in my eyes reading your story! I have been Janet.... I lost 160 lbs, but over the past few years have gained 40 of it back. Having turned 40 on Christmas, I have decided it is time to lose the xtra 40 (again)!! I can't imagine what it would have been like to have had someone at the gym stand up for me when I was 330+ lbs trying to lose weight struggling to walk one mile 3 times a week. I am so proud of you for taking Janet under your wing - You are my new hero!!!!
  • amandagreen1980
    amandagreen1980 Posts: 286 Member
    Hahahahaha!!! :laugh:

    Good on ya!!

    It is so awful how cruel some people can be, and Janet was obviously there doing something about her weight which should be a thing to be proud of!!

    I'm sure Janet felt good about herself last night after that!
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    That is wonderful. Not only did you help someone out who probably truly needs it. But gave a life lesson to the girls. I truly commend you on that.
  • JulieB21
    JulieB21 Posts: 492
    Bless your heart:heart: Most people would have ignored what was going on. Best wishes to Janet from me please.
  • gabdavidson3
    That is awesome. I am so glad there are people like you out there in this world. I would have done the same thing. I wish more people could be like that.
  • FatDancer
    FatDancer Posts: 812 Member
  • amandastamey
    amandastamey Posts: 67 Member
    Wow, that was awesome! YOU ROCK! Ya know not many people would stick up for thier "own kind" ! (as in those who chose to get healthy) I cant stand people who think they are better that others just becouse they might be thinner or prettier or whatever the case may be.:drinker:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Strong work, icandoit.

    I was Janet, too. I used to go to the gym early, early in the a.m. (not my natural schedule) so that people wouldn't see me. I was so baffled by the machines, I wish someone had helped me!

    This made me happy. :flowerforyou:
  • texasdreams000
    WOW... you are awesome! The kids now and days have no respect for themselves much less another person. I see it everyday in the ugly world that has sprung up around us. What you did not only put those brats in the place, it also gave you and that lady an ego boost. It's bad enough we tend to beat ourselves up for being overweight, we don't need to hear it from other people. You kept it real and that is a huge!

  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Good for you and your big mouth!

    Going to an all women's gym, I've never seen someone not included/encouraged by others, or made fun of for their weight - it's one of the reasons I choose to go there.

    I really don't understand such cruelty.
  • scorp112
    Good for you!!! I wonder how long it would take the world to change if everyone had the courage to stand up and do what's right.

    I saw a quote the other day and it seems to fit what happened perfectly: "Be the change you wish to see in the world." I don't know who said it, but I know someone who did it last night!!

  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    Thank you all!! I will give your kind words to Janet. Maybe I can get her to join up with all of us.
    Have a great day.
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    :heart: That was the best thing I have read in ages!!!! How old were these girls? They should have known better. I am so proud of you and Janet!!!!!

    Tell Janet we are all here for her!!! and you. You make me smile.

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Thank you for making my day!!:bigsmile: Some angels are good at hiding their wings!!:heart:

  • kristie874
    kristie874 Posts: 774 Member
    Wow, what a wonderful person you are! Thank you for taking the initiative to tell those nasty girls off. I haven't had the experience myself, but have intentionally avoided Bally's due to being embarassed of my weight and have been sticking to Curves and my own home treadmill. I hope Janet can draw strength from you and what you've done for her. Tell her about this site! Hopefully she can get some more support here! Thank you, thank you, thank you! :flowerforyou:
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    :flowerforyou: for being the wonderful person we all know you are. Say hi to Janet for us.
  • TommieAnn
    TommieAnn Posts: 7 Member
    Good for you!!!! You are a brave and very kind person.
  • CamCam
    CamCam Posts: 43
    what these girls should know is that when they start having a family and age start to catch up they too can end up in such a position.