Whats YOUR reason for gaining weight???



  • Followingsea
    Followingsea Posts: 407 Member
    I became an alcoholic after a late miscarrage. Was up to nearly 200 just 3 years ago. Now Trying to get back to my thin weight before my personal problems got out of control as I am getting married In 10 months. I weigh 119 now (but I am ultra petite) So trying to get to 108 which was my steady weight in High school before things got crazy.

    My deepest condolences for your loss.
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    Great topic! Interesting, thoughtful replies, too. Thanks for posting.

    Losing loved ones at any age does indeed affect your life views on yourself, the world and your family. I lost a sister and father before I was a teen, so I can see how that affected my outlook.
    My whole family has always worked hard to keep their weight down, so some of it must be genetic for me. Part of it is we're not a very athletic family; it's just not something for which we gathered as a family. Instead, we'd gathered for food. So food is comfort and family to me. The rest is that I love to eat and I like feeling full, not hungry. Add that together and I get to struggle to keep my weight down.
    The good news is I am now about 10 stubborn pounds from goal weight and thrilled to have finally found an eating style that makes me feel great, look great and stay healthy.
  • AnabolicKyle
    AnabolicKyle Posts: 489 Member
  • Lifelink
    Lifelink Posts: 193 Member
    I gained weight through loss of motivation after getting out of the service and not being able to find work. This caused a really bad depression.

    3 years of that, and I decided to work on getting into shape so I can go back in.
  • sara_qayoom
    Im glad youve had a turn around to your life and i hope everything goes well for you, not just weight loss- wise
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    Calling it a reason vs an excuse doesn't negate the usefulness of taking a long hard look at our lives and what led us to where we are now, and what we can do to get back on track (or stay on track).
    Well said. While sometimes painful, a long hard look at our lives now and then is a good thing.
  • MacMomma2013
    MacMomma2013 Posts: 128 Member
    Lazyness. I just got lazy and didn't bother to take proper care of myself. NO exercise and eating whataver I wanted to, whenever I wanted to, made me fat.
  • SemperAnticus1643
    SemperAnticus1643 Posts: 703 Member
    1. Babies, or baby - I didn't lose the baby weight after having #2
    2. Desk job - After my first child, I was working as a waitress and always on the go. With my second, I was a staff accountant and sat down all day.
    3. Inactivity - That goes back to #2
    4- Ordering in - tax seasons get pretty crazy and consist of late nights. So ordering in from wherever became a habit.
  • ninjacakegirl
    ninjacakegirl Posts: 26 Member
    While I will be the first to admit I'm not the healthiest eater in the world, I still ate what I wanted. Soda, candy, Dairy Queen (ice cream's my major weakness). But my favorite foods are things like meat, some veggies, and rice/pasta/mac-n-cheese.

    In 2009, I found out some genetic conditions were showing up younger and younger in my family, so I started reducing the bad stuff. Still ate it, but it wasn't as much as before. I found and lost weight with MFP, but as soon as I stopped because of life (had to move, among many other things), the 40lbs I'd lost came back in a flash. TWO YEARS, to be precise. My brain wasn't with me (forgetful, groggy) and my body hated me.

    I decided enough was enough and went to the doctor this past March.

    The doctor was concerned that I'd gained all that weight back in two years. Said that despite going back to some old habits, it shouldn't have come back like that. So then I became a lab rat of sorts - blood taken, tests run, etc.

    It turns out I have really bad hypothyroidism. On a scale of 1-10 for your pituitary gland trying to compensate for your thyroid, with 10 being one of the highest (and worst) levels, I was at a 9.95. Once you hit 10, that means your thyroid might as well not be there, and you'll start to experience failures, if you're not already. One of the first things to go at higher levels is your metabolism, because your thyroid controls it. My body pretty much knew no such thing as a "metabolism."

    This is the reason for everything - my rapid regain, my brain pooping out on me, my utter lack of caring - everything.

    But now I'm at a dosage of medication where I feel better than I have in years, mentally (which is a feat considering my life stress and anxiety issues) and physically. I've lost 14lbs in 6 weeks (thanks in part to my medication), and I even bought myself a manual treadmill so I can keep my brain busy by watching things while exercising (I get bored easily).

    I have a follow-up doctor appointment today - I can't wait to show off my progress!
  • sara_qayoom
    Thank you CJMQ, theres a difference between excuse and reason... Its easy to say there was an excuse, but weight gain has so much more meaning behind it. Its more about the phycologocal (cant spell it! >_<) than the physical aspect why we gain weight. Calling it an excuse is really rude ya know ~_~
  • sara_qayoom
    Haha dont we all love those foods, ninjacakegirl?? Im glad things have worked out for you and im supporting oh with your progress!!
  • ninjacakegirl
    ninjacakegirl Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks! It's really been a struggle and quite the feat for me. :bigsmile:
  • Depression. I was in such a depression for over three years that I barely got out of bed. I would eat and sleep. I got up to go to work because I had to but once I got home I would get a ton of crap food and just eat myself to sleep. For over three years this was my life. I finally got on antidepressants and antianxiety meds which helped me a ton.
  • Lucy_6678
    Lucy_6678 Posts: 63 Member
    My mom has Huntington's Disease and is in a nursing home at age 62. I have a 50/50 shot of getting it as well. If I do get it, the onset of Huntington's starts earlier for each generation. I feel like a ticking time bomb. I eat and drink to block out how I feel and the worries I have.

    I know I need to change my lifestyle, but it feels so impossible for me.
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    I was thin until I had my third kid -three pregnancies, all 22 months a part from the last, it was the last one that got me :grumble: Started steadily gaining after he came along and hit my highest weight last fall. Knew where I was headed with a high glucose number in the pre-diabetic range and decided to do something about it. Fast forward a year and I'm now the thinnest I've ever been as an adult (or teenager actually), am rocking maintenance and I can keep up with my 5, 7 and 9 year old kids now, without it feeling like my heart is going to explode :laugh:
  • disasterman
    disasterman Posts: 746 Member
    My reason: calories in > calories out

    But I have lots of excuses. Mostly, I just didn't make my health a priority. There are people who are fit and at healthy weights who have much more difficulty in their lives than I've had so I know that anything I come up with is really just an excuse. For me, it's important to diffentiate between a reason and an excuse because only by thinking clearly and removing the rationalizations am I able to take action and do something about it instead of just letting things happen to me.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    Gained 70 lbs with my first pregnancy, lost half of that, gained 45 lbs with my second pregnancy, lost half of that....then gained it all back and then some.

    That's my story.
  • emartin17
    emartin17 Posts: 123 Member
    My gain is because sometimes I just don't know when to put down the fork. Let alone, being a full time worker (desk, sedintary) and a part-time/full time student doesn't allow for much exercising. Now that I'm done with the semester I am going to get back into my routine. Training for a marathon next year, too.
  • sara_qayoom
    Disasterman- its good that you dont believe in excuses , you have the same mantra like me, if you want something get it dont make a "reason why you cant do it!!!

    Twixlepennie- its good to hear someones success story and i hope you and your family lead a happy and healthy life! ;)

    Lucy_6678 - wow im soooo sorry to hear that.. I almost cried when i read your post because you remind me of the old me... Someone who didnt care if tommoro came...just wating for god to take my life and that would be the end of it... But now when i look back im glad i didnt give up and that im the person i am today, trust me its never to late for ANYONE. Live life everyday to your last breath in the best way you can. Life is a gift and you only have one shot at it ;)

    Flowersandfoo- i hope that everything works out for you and that you are doing well. Remember our pasts dont defy our futures :)
  • sara_qayoom
    Emartin17- wow a marathon!? I wish i could do that! And im glad your taking your steps to a better life!!