Just made my log public - Oh boy accountability

I've been logging somewhat regularly for a couple of weeks but need to make sure it's every day. Also not seeing any weight loss yet so thought it would be a good idea to have it public for possible ideas once I've been more consistent. Trying to focus on too much at once it's my downfall so goal 1 = log every day and goal 2= stick to calorie deficit. Need some time to start tweaking types of foods and consistent exercise. Everytime I go crazy on clean eating or low carb or low fat or whatever I never stick with it. Same thing with exercise I start a plan and fail after day 3. Thinking less stress right now might be what I need. Focus on doing better than yesterday but not pushing to be perfect tomorrow.

Looking for friends of all types!!!


  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    I've been logging somewhat regularly for a couple of weeks but need to make sure it's every day. Also not seeing any weight loss yet so thought it would be a good idea to have it public for possible ideas once I've been more consistent. Trying to focus on too much at once it's my downfall so goal 1 = log every day and goal 2= stick to calorie deficit. Need some time to start tweaking types of foods and consistent exercise. Everytime I go crazy on clean eating or low carb or low fat or whatever I never stick with it. Same thing with exercise I start a plan and fail after day 3. Thinking less stress right now might be what I need. Focus on doing better than yesterday but not pushing to be perfect tomorrow.

    Looking for friends of all types!!!
    You're not alone in that! This is an excellent article that definitely saved me from falling off the wagon and showed me not to deprive myself. Add me if you like. :smile:
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    that is because low carb/low fat/clean eating is pretty much unsustainable for the long wrong, of those three clean eating is probably the only one that might be sustainable...

    Just eat in a deficit and hit your macros for the day and you will be fine..
  • Cayjominara
    Cayjominara Posts: 270 Member
    That's good that you are making two definite goals to stick with for now. If you have too many things going at once it can become overwhelming and make you want to just stop trying. Now that you've set the goals, do all you can to keep them. It's not about being perfect, like you said. It's all about consistency. Stay consistent!
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Yep. I have done all of that. Now, I just try for a little bit of all of it, and NOW, it's actually feeling like a lifestyle instead of a diet. Friend request sent.
  • Aljoneshop
    Aljoneshop Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you for the support everyone!
  • seymousa
    seymousa Posts: 3 Member
    I just started myself yesterday. Trying to log everyday and I also started the T25 workout. I will send a friend request maybe we can stay on track togeather.
  • GothyFaery
    GothyFaery Posts: 762 Member
    I just sent you a FR. Having my log open helped me a lot with staying under and logging everyday at first too. Eat what you want as long as you keep it within your goal. it's a lot easier to stay on track that way. My diets always failed in the past because I couldn't eat my Taco Bell when I wanted. With MFP, I can make it work! Keep at this, after about a week, it starts to get really easy! Find a workout you don't hate and that will be easy too!
  • [/quote]
    You're not alone in that! This is an excellent article that definitely saved me from falling off the wagon and showed me not to deprive myself. Add me if you like. :smile:

    Thanks for sharing the article, it was a great read.
    BXCHICAinOHIO Posts: 33 Member
    new here - can you explain what MACROS are. Thanks
    BXCHICAinOHIO Posts: 33 Member
    that is because low carb/low fat/clean eating is pretty much unsustainable for the long wrong, of those three clean eating is probably the only one that might be sustainable...

    Just eat in a deficit and hit your macros for the day and you will be fine..

    Hi - my question was for you - What are MACROS? Thanks
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    that is because low carb/low fat/clean eating is pretty much unsustainable for the long wrong, of those three clean eating is probably the only one that might be sustainable...

    Just eat in a deficit and hit your macros for the day and you will be fine..

    Hi - my question was for you - What are MACROS? Thanks
    Macros are macronutrients. Explanation below copied from:


    There are 4 macronutrients. A high level explanation of each of their functions is:

    Protein, which is required for muscle retention/growth
    Fat, which is required for healthy body functions
    Carbs, which provide energy
    Alcohol, which provides for embarrassing photos

    Macronutrient goals should really not be based on percentages, but on grams which vary depending on your size and activity levels.

    We would recommend, as a rule of thumb, the following:

    1g of protein per lb of LBM as a minimum target

    0.35g of fat per lb of total body weight as a minimum target

    The balance can fall where you wish, taking into account performance, satiety and adherence.

    Note: the above protein minimum assumes that you are on a deficit, are undertaking moderate exercise and do not have a significantly low or significantly high body fat percentage. It also assumes that you have no pre-existing medical condition that would require a lower intake.

    At a very low body fat percentage or with highly intensive workouts a slightly higher amount of protein is recommended.

    Conversely, at a very high body fat percentage or with no or little exercise, a slightly lower amount of protein is acceptable.

    Also, at a high BF%, the fats recommendation can be decreased. If you have specific questions about this, please feel free to ask us for our input.

    When you have determined the minimum grams of protein and fat, you can calculate the corresponding percentages based on your calorie target to input into MFP. Protein and carbs have 4 calories per gram and fat has 9 calories per gram. Note that MFP only allows 5% increments so you will need to pick the one nearest your desired target.

    For example, say someone is 150 lbs with a BF% of 20% on a 2,000 calorie target. Note, a 20% body fat means that someone has a 80% lean body mass (LBM) as LBM is everything except fat (muscle, water, organs, tissue, etc). Their macros in grams would be:

    Protein: 1 x 150 x 0.8 (LBM) = 120g x 4 calories = 480 calories divided by 2,000 (calorie target) = 24% - round up to 25%
    Fat: 0.35 x 150 = 53.5g x 9 calories = 473 calories divided by 2,000 = 24% - round up to 25%
    Carbs: balance of 50%
    Remember, protein and fats are minimums and so do not worry about going over on these, carbs would be the variable in this case and you would be under on that macro in order to meet your calorie target.

    To change the MFP settings go to My Home -> Goals-> Change Goals-> click Customize and update the macros.
  • Aljoneshop
    Aljoneshop Posts: 17 Member
    I just sent you a FR. Having my log open helped me a lot with staying under and logging everyday at first too. Eat what you want as long as you keep it within your goal. it's a lot easier to stay on track that way. My diets always failed in the past because I couldn't eat my Taco Bell when I wanted. With MFP, I can make it work! Keep at this, after about a week, it starts to get really easy! Find a workout you don't hate and that will be easy too!

    Just accepted. Oh man now I'm craving Taco Bell!! haha. Luckily I have a to drive too far to get to one. My biggest thing is not blowing it on the weekend when I only see a .4 lb loss on Friday. I get ticked and say forget it and eat my bread and wine (in larger quantities thought!). Thinking I should weigh myself after the weekend to insent me to stay focused on Saturday nights.