I blew it today

jsheph1 Posts: 79 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Due to time constraints and an oncoming cold, I took the day off from exercise. I was going to my dad's birthday party, so I ate light for breakfast and lunch, but I wasn't expecting to consume nearly two thousand calories between dinner, cake, and ice cream. Oh well, back on it tomorrow. I really need to avoid my parents house. Seems their lightest meals are around 1,000 calories and they always ask me if I want one of the six varieties of ice cream they always seem to have in the freezer.

Hopefully this doesn't set me back more than a week. Somebody tell me this is Ok and no reason to give up.


  • liz72
    liz72 Posts: 35 Member
    One day shouldn't set you back. Just choose to do the right things tomorrow. It's possible it would be more of a mental setback than a physical one, so don't let it get to you. It's definitely not a reason to give up.
  • Look, one night of over-eating is not gonna blow the whole thing. Tomorrow is another day, just resolve to exercise a little more, drink a little more water.....YOU GOT THIS!
  • Swoopette
    Swoopette Posts: 118 Member
    Not a horrible thing to go over your calories. Nice to fool the body once in awhile, just not to make it an everyday thing. Fix your broken wagon and get back on it tomorrow. When I have super bad days I just make sure I drink about 16 glasses of water instead of 8. Or you can work extra hard at the gym tomorrow.

    Not to worry we all fall off the wagon some more than others. I usually fall on a friday as at my work I have chips and I LOVE CHIPS!! But I am still losing or even maintaining a week here or there. Don't beat yourself up, totally not worth it
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    Oh well, back on it tomorrow.

    :ohwell: you know what - what's done is done, let's make sure you don't do the same thing tomorrow. not that this will make you feel better, but it was a BIRTHDAY and that's the sort of occasion where it's hard to not partake in all the fun and festive foods!
    at least it was your Dad's bday and not just you hiding out in the house with beer and ice cream (oh - that's me :laugh: sometimes!)
  • LastFighter
    LastFighter Posts: 175 Member
    I once went to the Keg and had 5000 calories in 1 meal. It will be ok. Just work out extra hard the next couple days and it will be like nothing ever happened.
  • One day wont hurt. Just get up tomorrow and get back on track.
  • No reason to give up..it was only one meal. Start over tomorrow. Good Luck
  • etrips
    etrips Posts: 22
    Look at the alternative....You could give up and just die fat?
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