How to stop eating when you are not hungry?

amberpaigee Posts: 74
edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition

This is such a huggge problem for me, but it only surfaces in the winter! I never seem to be able to stop eating even when I am full, if I am offered food I will eat it! If anyone has any tips for me I would really appreciate it!

Thank you so much, :flowerforyou:


  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    you need to find something that replaces that impulse. If you have a hobby, try doing that more often, if you don't have a hobby, find something that fun and is hard to do and eat at the same time.
  • krisdw
    krisdw Posts: 25 Member
    I have the same issue, but it seems to only be with food I shouldn't eat. For instance, if it's pizza or cake or something, even if I put it away, it feels like it's all I can think about.. and even if I'm full, I have to constantly tell myself to stop or I'll keep eating it all.. and sometimes I do. I don't know why, it's really strange.

    The only thing I've found that helps, is when I'm watching what I eat or am on a diet like now, and I see myself doing well and losing weight, I lose all desire to eat unhealthy food and even when something normally tempting is in front of me, I all the sudden have much more control to not eat as much of it, if any at all.
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    eat alot during the fall and then hypernate in the winter :p or you could snack on celery grapes and other zero calorie options
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    Just speculating, but your impulses could be tied to sesonal affected disorder(S.A.D). Shorter days, more of a hybernation mode. Get more exercise, and try to get out in the daylight more if possible.
  • Brady_
    Brady_ Posts: 108 Member
    CHEW GUM! i have this problem allll the time, and i try and keep gum in my purse and chew on it often, and if your starting to get tempted or wanna snack, chew gum. also keep lil candies to suck on or something, low calorie lil fruit or choco things to suck on kind of curb the craving sometimes for me!
  • ange4
    ange4 Posts: 3
    I make myself drink a BIG glass of water and usually when I am done drinking it I can walk away without the snack.
  • try brushing your teeth after your eat or when you have the urge to eat, or try gum. brushing my teeth helped me alot so far because everything tastes super nasty right after lol
  • Chew gum and do crunches on the floor instead of sitting on the couch eating. (BTW I need to practice what I preach!! lol)
  • iAlly
    iAlly Posts: 66
    If you are not eating for physical hunger then you're probably eating for pleasure. So you need to find different ways to get joy and pleasure into your day. Try to make a list of things that make you feel good and next time you are in that situation see if you can choose something from your list rather than eating.
  • amyfly
    amyfly Posts: 137
    Sounds silly but when i'm having a hard time controlling my eating when I'm not hungry I go put on something tight - usually a pair of jeans that pinches too tight around my waist - it's kind of a ridiculous idea but the constant reminder of how bad they fit kills the urge to keep eating every time:)

    You can also try exercise - something simple like jumping jacks or running in place. Do it for a few mins every time the urge to go eat more comes on. If you still have the desire to eat again after that at least you burned off a few of the calories! Good luck:)
  • maharet111
    maharet111 Posts: 18 Member
    This might sound stupid..but I have pictures of myself when I was thinner, posted on my fridge, my pantry, and my bathroom mirror. It serves as a great motivator and a reminder on why eating healthy is important.

    As for the eating..I only stock my fridge with carrots, fruit, etc. So even if I have a snack attack, the damage is not that bad.
  • Thank you everyone sooo much, there are some really good tips there! Definitely going to try them out!!

  • HIzara
    HIzara Posts: 187
    Sounds silly but when i'm having a hard time controlling my eating when I'm not hungry I go put on something tight - usually a pair of jeans that pinches too tight around my waist - it's kind of a ridiculous idea but the constant reminder of how bad they fit kills the urge to keep eating every time:)

    You can also try exercise - something simple like jumping jacks or running in place. Do it for a few mins every time the urge to go eat more comes on. If you still have the desire to eat again after that at least you burned off a few of the calories! Good luck:)

    LOL but I agree. This is why I like wearing only tight clothes. It's a reminder that I still have weight to lose and that I like being skinny! :flowerforyou:
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    I am an uber geek so I have flash cards, seriously. They are small bits of card - like cue card sized. And on each one I have written a reason I want to loose weight - these are very descriptive, almost like little stories, or put an inspiring picture on. I carry them in my wallet everywhere I go. If I want to eat something that is "bad" I get out my cards and slowly look through them. Once I have finished I ask myself is this cake (or whatever) worth not having that? 9 times out of 10 the answer is no and I can happily refuse (if the answer is yes still I let myself have some!)

    Super geeky but it works for me :)
  • think48
    think48 Posts: 366 Member
    If you are out with people, one way to stop eating when you are full is to verbally and out load say "I am full." and push your plate away. That way you have told the people you are with that you are full and you most likely will be too embarrased to eat more. I learned that from a super skinny friend (not unhealthy skinny). It used to piss me off when she'd do it b/c I'd keep on chomping down. But now I totally get the point.

    The other thing I do if I'm alone is get a glass of water. I tell myself that I can have another bite after I finish my glass of water. I do that with caloried drinks too. If I'm really craving a Coke, I have to finish my glass of water first. Some times I don't want the thing I wanted before, and sometimes I do. On those times that I do want it, at least I have gotten my fill of water, lol. :)
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    Make yourself a massive salad each time you have a craving (I load mine with lettuce, veggies and toss in 2 tbs of my fave dressing).

    I always tell myself, 'when you finish the salad, you can have *insert item I was craving*'

    One of two things happens:

    - I don't make the salad because I don't want a salad. This makes me realize that if I don't want a salad, I also don't want what I'm craving.
    - By the time I make and eat the salad, the craving passes.

    Good luck!

  • sometimes when i have the urge to stress eat, i go into another room and read to try and get out of the environment and occupy my mind with something else.
  • i destroy my food. once im full, i pour a ton of salt or pour some of my drink all over it to keep me from going back
    and eating more. if im eating my meal at home, as soon as i feel full, ill just get up and throw away my food. once its
    in the trash, obviously im not gonna eat it!

    i have a big problem with over eating. i did it when i was pregnant and i continued it after my son was born.
    so i know how you feel.
  • think48
    think48 Posts: 366 Member
    i destroy my food. once im full, i pour a ton of salt or pour some of my drink all over it to keep me from going back
    and eating more. if im eating my meal at home, as soon as i feel full, ill just get up and throw away my food. once its
    in the trash, obviously im not gonna eat it!

    i have a big problem with over eating. i did it when i was pregnant and i continued it after my son was born.
    so i know how you feel.

    This is an AWESOME trick. I am definitely going to do this! I hate salt, so I'll be dousing my food with it. Sorry for the restaurants upped salt bill. ;)
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