Anyone managed to lose weight with diet alone?

I was thrown from a moving vehicle, which then rolled over me, and then as a bonus I was run over by a second vehicle as well. Broke my arms and legs in multiple places, as well as my neck and pelvis. On top of this, I was in a rural Indian village at the time, so the medical attention was not all it could be and I have not healed as well as I should have.

I gained about 15 kgs in the year since the accident and I'm trying to get it off. Problem is, I can't exercise. I can walk about five hundred meters before I start getting pain, and low impact stuff like yoga, pilates, swimming have all been tried without success.

I'm finding the weight loss process to be excruciatingly slow. So, my question is, is there anybody here who has managed to lose a substantial amount of weight with dietary changes alone? Pictures would be awesome, too. I'm starting to really lose hope.


  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    In the weeks where I had injuries and didnt move, I still lost weight. Its 80% diet, 20% exercise :) You can do it. Possibly speak to a doctor about what you can do? Maybe they can help with your diet.
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    I started my diet June 17th. Lost 10 lbs give or take with little to no exercise in about a 6 wk period. Joined the Y the end of July. Started exercising 3 hrs of cardio/6 days a week and strength training 3 days a week. In the last 9 weeks I have lost 27 lbs and doubled my strength (what I can lift). I average about a pound more per week in overall weightloss but I'm gaining muscle and losing more fat. Good luck!
  • Wow, that is one crazy story! Thankfully you survived, but I am sorry that you are still dealing with your injuries! :/

    I personally work out (probably not as much as I should), but one of my friends on here hardly exercised at all (0-1 times a week) and lost about 50 lbs in what I think was about 6 months, if I'm thinking correctly. After losing all that weight she eventually started to exercise, but this definitely shows that it can be done without! Also, I know that pain pills can make you gain weight due to constipation and whatnot, so if that's a problem for you I suggest upping your fiber... may help you to drop a couple lbs ;D lol

    Best of luck to you and feel free to add me :)
  • zoukeira
    zoukeira Posts: 313 Member
    I know you tried swimming but have you tried aqua jogging?

    And I agrees with the poster before, most of weightloss is done in the kitchen, but if you're anything like me it's much faster with added exercise.
  • Whiskybelly
    Whiskybelly Posts: 197 Member
    I had no choice for 3 weeks of last month - not as severe as your story, sure, but still unable to do much. I still lost 7 pounds.

    All I did was stick to my food diary like it was law. Every calorie counted, and kept an eye on my sodium content as well.

    Granted, I'm no Adonis, but my philosophy is that exercise is a means to keep my calorie count at my set level if I end up eating more than I should. Obviously the main reason is to help tone up, but as long as I keep thinking of it as my way of getting that slice of pizza at lunch instead of the sandwich I've found myself more motivated to keep doing it - and it's worked for me at least.

    That's my attitude to the relationship between diet and exercise.
  • Yup- pretty much all of it. I walk and stuff, but I don't go to a gym (no money), cant exercise in my apartment since we are on the top floor so jumping around really isn't an option, and honestly I was so out of shape I couldn't really exercise to begin with. Lately I have been more active due to working more, having to walk there, shopping nearby (don't have a car so I walk) but since i was a kid I was never really that active- its not in my nature I guess. I hate sports. I was 130lbs in high school so it wasn't like I was fat. That's just in the last 3 years that happened, whole other story.
    Point is, yes, you can lose weight, you just need to focus on the diet aspect a hell of a lot more than other people.
  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    I lost 40 kg in 9 months eating 1200 cal a day and didn't do any exercise whatsoever. It can be done but unfortunately my crappy thinking didn't change and I gained it all back. This time I'm lifting weights and doing cardio and am focussing on being happy and healthy. The weight loss isn't as fast as before but my frame of mind is way better. Best of luck.
  • Kari089
    Kari089 Posts: 109 Member
    You can definitely lose weight with diet alone! it is the most important aspect of weight loss. Exercise makes you fit and strong and gives you a great emotional boost. It can speed up the weight loss a bit but the eating habits still have to be changed.

    Obviously, seeing as you are injured you have to do only what you can. A few other people here recommended some great ways to exercise so perhaps that is something you can do to keep you body moving until you get better. :) Good luck!
  • SandyAnnP
    SandyAnnP Posts: 252 Member
    Yes you can. I also think that age is a factor. When I was MUCH younger I could diet without exercise- had a desk job- and still lost weight.
    You have to work out how many cals you can have with a sedentary lifestyle and stick to it, maybe find some kind of exercise like just moving in water to help you, but I know it can be done. it is not going to be easy, but YOU CAN DO IT. Look at what you have survived so far! Your life is precious. I wish you every success. Keep at it. Hugs from " Down Under" Sandy. :happy:
  • it is the most important aspect of weight loss. Exercise makes you fit and strong and gives you a great emotional boost. It can speed up the weight loss a bit but the eating habits still have to be changed.


    What a crazy story.. sounds like you are very lucky to be alive. Don't fret the slow weight loss, just keep at it and watch your calories like a hawk.
  • SlinkyNewMe
    SlinkyNewMe Posts: 213 Member
    You are very fortunate to have survived such a terrible accident. You survived such a big challenge so it is possible to survive this new challenge to lose weight too.

    You say you can walk for 500 metres before pain kicks in. So, why not try walking for only 100 metres every day? Then, when that feels OK, up it to 110 metres every day. Walk as slow as you feel you need to. Try and build up over weeks, months, even. Hopefully the stronger you get, the more you will feel able to do.

    Also because it is harder for you to exercise, it feels as though it is very important for you to focus more on beneficial eating habits.

    Best of luck to you, you sound like a very determined person.
  • hellnokitty
    hellnokitty Posts: 19 Member
    Thank you all so much! These are great responses and I'll definitely think about everything you've said :)
  • sunshine12870
    sunshine12870 Posts: 92 Member
    Hi Honey
    Im so sorry to hear what you have been through x

    Please feel free to add me if you want so that you can see everything in my profile and food diary etc.

    But the answer to your question is "YES" .

    I have terrible ill health that limits me immensly at times, but put that aside i had extensive major surgery in April this year, i was then completely bed ridden for 8 weeks, and then in a wheelchair right up to this month as i cant really move around or do anything.

    I started healthy eating 3 weeks before i joined MFP and lost 7 lbs, Joined MFP approx 9 weeks ago and have lost a further 21 lbs. A total loss of 28 lbs/ 2 Stone :-).

    Of course exercise is going to help, but if you cant, then you cant, and as you can see its not essential.

    You just have to make sure you are on the right calorie level for you height, weight and activty level etc etc, there are calculators to help you with this, and you will be just fine.

    If i can do it, YOU CAN :-) xx
  • Philllbis
    Philllbis Posts: 801 Member
    I had a back injury that sidelined me for 3 weeks. I actually lost more weight in those 3 weeks than when I was working out. I think you can still lose weight obviously without working out but you probably won't change your body shape.

    I hope you can find some exercise that will work for you.
  • After my Hip op last year I was stuck in bed for a while. I gained a few pounds mostly from being inactive and pretty depressed. I wasn't really able to exercise buy I got my diet into shape and bought a jym from which really helped me to get moving again. I think you can loose weight with just diet but your best to try and do at least a little bit of exercise. Good luck
  • SZD10
    SZD10 Posts: 6
    Great discussion board. I just did a Google search also needing reassurance that diet alone can help reduce weight. I already know this as I'm a qualified PT and I'm a fitness junkie but my motivation has suddenly caved. I think I'm in dire need of fitpal friends so feel free to add me. I've got abut 5-6 kg to achieve goal, lost 28.5 in last 7 months and really feel like giving up.

    To hellnokitty: so sorry to hear of your experience, despite my current motivational issues, one thing I know is that determination, discipline and consistency will always get you results. Yes the ratio is 80% diet and 20% exercise. I think also, that once you have lost some of your weight, walking that little bit further will become easier and less painful as you will be physically carrying less weight.

    All the best.
  • I have lost 90 lbs in 3 years through diet alone..It is possible. I tried everything before to no avail but I cut out wheat, red meat and dairy on advice of Dr. Worked great!!!
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    I was thrown from a moving vehicle, which then rolled over me, and then as a bonus I was run over by a second vehicle as well. Broke my arms and legs in multiple places, as well as my neck and pelvis. On top of this, I was in a rural Indian village at the time, so the medical attention was not all it could be and I have not healed as well as I should have.

    I gained about 15 kgs in the year since the accident and I'm trying to get it off. Problem is, I can't exercise. I can walk about five hundred meters before I start getting pain, and low impact stuff like yoga, pilates, swimming have all been tried without success.

    I'm finding the weight loss process to be excruciatingly slow. So, my question is, is there anybody here who has managed to lose a substantial amount of weight with dietary changes alone? Pictures would be awesome, too. I'm starting to really lose hope.

    Yes it is entirely, 100% possible. Exercise might make it easier but it is not needed.
  • I've lost all of my weight so far with no exercise; so, it's definitely possible.
  • F00LofaT00K
    F00LofaT00K Posts: 688 Member
    30 lbs so far!!!

    Below is my starting weight of 196lbs.


    This is about 15 lbs down.


    Another 15 (my current weight) and the clothes I was wearing no longer stay in place for a picture.
