Green Tea Pills

I just ordered a bottle of Irwrin Naturals triple tea fat burners. Now I realize that they most likely do not burn fat, however, I want to use them for an energy boost or possible pre workout. Anyone have any experience with these? Thanks in advance. :)


  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Well, most green tea pills have caffeine in them, so they may give you an energy boost.
  • dalgraham
    Have you ever taken them?
  • Kestrel45
    I take green tea/apple cider vinegar complex capsules. They may be a placebo, like many other pills, and it's hard to pinpoint exactly how and if it actually does anything because there are too many other factors involved, but I like them because they make me feel like I'm doing something to help ^_^
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Have you ever taken them?

    I've taken green tea pills, but not that brand. They did give me some energy, but the caffeine triggered migraines so I stopped taking them. I didn't lose any weight or anything when I took them.
  • hwoeltjen
    hwoeltjen Posts: 199 Member
    Green tea generally has three stimulants, caffeine, theobromine and theophylline. Usually, a cup of green tea has about 25mg of caffeine. That's about 70% less than a cup of coffee, depending on the type of coffee.

    You can also get decaffeinated green tea, although the stimulant effects are lowered at that point.

    In general, no pill burns fat. I would remove that from your logic when deciding what supplements to take.
  • somnomania
    somnomania Posts: 4 Member
    I just recently started taking green tea pills, as did my mom. We got them to aid our mutual issues with both mental and physical energy, and mental clarity, and I have to say they've helped a lot. I'm not necessarily more alert or less sleepy, but it definitely clears some of the cobwebs out. I think I've heard of green tea being an aid in losing weight, so perhaps it's more that it manages energy consumption better.
  • hotjodels
    hotjodels Posts: 118 Member
    I do take green tea pills as well as garcinia cambogia pills I don't know if they actually give me any extra energy or if they help with losing weight but I take them anyways just in case. I do think when I remember to take them regularly (3 times daily) that they do help to keep me feel fuller longer so I don't find myself snacking as much or craving carbs which is a plus. : ]
  • dalgraham
    thanks for all the answers! I realize that there are no "magic" pills especially when it comes to weight/fat loss. Just curious to know everyones experiences with them :)