Biking for life (not just exercise)

jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
To make a really long story short, I won a bike. I have been pondering getting one for a while, and one virtually fell into my lap. :)

But, to be honest, you won't catch me racing anytime soon (and my bike is a city bike, not a race bike), so I started thinking more about the idea of a bike as transportation and not just recreation.

Moat of the places I go on a regular basis are within 3-4 miles. And sometimes I walk to them, or take the bus. But sometimes the timing doesn't really work well for me. So I am hoping to use my bike to replace those short car trips. I loaded up on gear: racks, bungee cords and baskets. But the 3 mile radius is ideal for a bike ride, it only takes about 20 minutes to complete and you won't even break a sweat! Not much longer than driving the same distance on busy city streets.

Over the weekend I did my errands by bike: grocery store, farmers market and the drug store! Even though I was "active" it wasn't aerobic. I didn't ride fast, and of course there are traffic lights on the city streets.

So my question for you, do you bike for fun or for life or both?


  • darkrose20
    darkrose20 Posts: 1,139 Member
    Neither. It's Florida. I'd be sweat drenched before I got to the store (olnly a mile away) to do any grocery shopping during all but about three months of the year. Who wants to go to a store smelling like a gym locker room?
  • Frood42
    Frood42 Posts: 245 Member
    I use my bike for both commuting fun and for recreational fun.

    7531 miles so far in my first year commuting, sadly not enough time to break the 8,000 miles barrier but I can always do that next year! :happy:

    Currently doing at least 40miles a day and a minimum of 200 miles the week, the temperature is starting to drop but that's not stopping me! :tongue:

    I'm based in London in the UK.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    When i started riding my bike to and from work, a few years ago, i started losing weight, and that was before i changed my diet! Commuting by bike is awesome, because you don't even realize that you are exercising, and you get to stay active during the day.

    I bike for transportation as much as possible, especially on shorter trips. I also love biking for fun on the weekend.

    If you use your bike as a transportation tool: PLEASE look into getting lights and a horn. Also, wear a helmet. THESE ITEMS COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE.

    Have fun out there! Welcome to the wonderful world of being an energetic, weight losing cyclist!
  • Thommothebear
    Thommothebear Posts: 25 Member
    exercise and fun only for me, I live so close to the shops it's not worth the hassle of securing the bike at the car park, easier to walk so I rarely need the car anyway and my workplace is 95 miles away so not really a choice for commuting. I do use my bike a lot though.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    I use a bike for loads of things including my daily trip to/from the station as part of my daily commute, local trips to avoid using the car, exercise ranging from short duration/high intensity to many hours and long distance.

    Having a variety of cycling needs/wants is great justification for having a variety of bikes in my "toy cupboard" (a.k.a. the garage). :smile:
  • jerbsod
    Neither. It's Florida. I'd be sweat drenched before I got to the store (only a mile away) to do any grocery shopping during all but about three months of the year. Who wants to go to a store smelling like a gym locker room?
    I live in Australia is 35 degree+ C atm. I go cycle everywhere.. when I get off my bike sweat is pouring but damn it, I look gooOOood besides, modern cycling garment's fabric weak sweat away and its doesn't' smell. I have a towel in my bag and a clean jersey.
    sponge off change jersey and off i go..:p
  • bernicesmission
    I have just purchased a city bike and am using it to cycle to work which in my tiny town is easy only 25 minutes max, sometimes i just walk , it helps burns some calories, avoid traffic jams and i just like it! I am planning on attempting my first long ride to a coastal town which is 22km away, the only thing i dislike is the saddle soreness need to invest in a seat cushion pad thing! Happy riding!
  • RiverMelSong
    RiverMelSong Posts: 456 Member
    Both. I'm Dutch, we do practically everything on our bikes.
  • SmudgeMonkey2000
    Neither. It's Florida. I'd be sweat drenched before I got to the store (only a mile away) to do any grocery shopping during all but about three months of the year. Who wants to go to a store smelling like a gym locker room?
    I live in Australia is 35 degree+ C atm. I go cycle everywhere.. when I get off my bike sweat is pouring but damn it, I look gooOOood besides, modern cycling garment's fabric weak sweat away and its doesn't' smell. I have a towel in my bag and a clean jersey.
    sponge off change jersey and off i go..:p
    Not quite 35 degrees here in the December UK, more like 5-10, but I still sweat on my 5k cycle to work - that's cos I'm super unfit though. I change into my work stuff when I get there and keep a can of deo handy. I've been cycling to work since about June this year, I've not lost any weight on my bike but I have gotten stronger and fitter, enough so that I've now started jogging in the morning. That with my MFP diet IS loosing me weight. I'll keep cycling when I reach my goal weight to ensure I stay fit. Plus it reduces fuel costs and reduces stress from traffic. And, I LOVE it!
  • Maaike84
    Maaike84 Posts: 211 Member
    Both. I'm Dutch, we do practically everything on our bikes.

    This :) Last year I rode my bike to work in the snow, even.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    I wish commuting to work was an option here where I live now (40 miles). I enjoy biking soo much when in Paris and Amsterdam, their street stop is amazing for biking.
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    So my question for you, do you bike for fun or for life or both?

    Both... I commute on my bike (minimum 13 miles (21km) each way), I ride for fun/exercise at the weekend; longer endurance rides...

    I 'found' cycling again in 2011 & haven't looked back since :happy:
  • jerbsod
    Not quite 35 degrees here in the December UK, more like 5-10, but I still sweat on my 5k cycle to work - that's cos I'm super unfit though. I change into my work stuff when I get there and keep a can of deo handy. I've been cycling to work since about June this year, I've not lost any weight on my bike but I have gotten stronger and fitter, enough so that I've now started jogging in the morning. That with my MFP diet IS loosing me weight. I'll keep cycling when I reach my goal weight to ensure I stay fit. Plus it reduces fuel costs and reduces stress from traffic. And, I LOVE it!
    maybe you underestimate the energy spent? I spend 800 - 1k cal cycling daily ( so my HR monitor says)
    granted I have steep hills along the route.. but even 15kms of flat shout net nearly 500Kcal
    + yu develop lean muscles and it really works abdominal area when you climb steep stuff
  • Snowoutspokin
    I've been using bikes for fun, fitnesd and life for several years.
    I no longer commute as im now a stay at home mom, but I do runerrands on my bike.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    Both. I'm Dutch, we do practically everything on our bikes.

    Hopefully my city can be more dutch like soon, and more people will bike to the basics. We still have a lot "main streets" dispersed in most residential areas, so it is definitely possible. As pond as you don't live somewhere too hilly!

    No plans to get any cyclist clothing for me!
    When i started riding my bike to and from work, a few years ago, i started losing weight, and that was before i changed my diet! Commuting by bike is awesome, because you don't even realize that you are exercising, and you get to stay active during the day.

    I bike for transportation as much as possible, especially on shorter trips. I also love biking for fun on the weekend.

    If you use your bike as a transportation tool: PLEASE look into getting lights and a horn. Also, wear a helmet. THESE ITEMS COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE.

    Have fun out there! Welcome to the wonderful world of being an energetic, weight losing cyclist!

    My commute is about 35 miles, so too far to bike. I'll probably do a transit + bike route on bike to work day. But it is too dark now, and I've only been at my job for 2 months and it is an area I don't know well. The street I work on is far too dangerous for biking. It sucks for pedestrians too.

    I'd like to see us (in the US) get to a place where the perceived safety of biking and the reality means people will feel OK forgoing a helmet - this is happening with bike shares.

    I do have a helmet and lights. I'll likely get a few more reflective items, and I am waiting on my bell.