HELP!!..Having a hard time eating Healthy

Hi all, last year when I didn P90X for the first time, I was dedicated!! I ate healthy, worked out each day and I was determined to get fit and no one was gonna stop me. I changed my eating completely, hated any kind of fast food rest., tracked what I ate, ect..
Well here I am today and have failed! I don't eat healthy like I should, I am finding it hard to cook healthy foods and have healthy snacks in the house when my husband and son don't like what I eat. I have been eating just whatever lately, but in small porportions. I also feel like eating healthier is so much more expensive and sometimes find it hard to buy the healthy foods I need.. sigh.. these are all excuses I'm sure, but I need help getting back on track, and make a goal to stick with my workouts daily..
Any advice would be appreciative! Thanks.. Kim


  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    Hi all, last year when I didn P90X for the first time, I was dedicated!! I ate healthy, worked out each day and I was determined to get fit and no one was gonna stop me. I changed my eating completely, hated any kind of fast food rest., tracked what I ate, ect..
    Well here I am today and have failed! I don't eat healthy like I should, I am finding it hard to cook healthy foods and have healthy snacks in the house when my husband and son don't like what I eat. I have been eating just whatever lately, but in small porportions. I also feel like eating healthier is so much more expensive and sometimes find it hard to buy the healthy foods I need.. sigh.. these are all excuses I'm sure, but I need help getting back on track, and make a goal to stick with my workouts daily..
    Any advice would be appreciative! Thanks.. Kim

    What is your definition of "healthy"? ... Non-fat, processed diet foods are not "healthy"... I find it hard to believe that your husband and son don't like "healthy" foods, they don't like eggs (for example)?
  • alechua
    alechua Posts: 224 Member
    Hi. same here, been having a hard time to eat clean so I stopped eating completely clean, like I allow myself to eat bar of chocolate given that I'm still hitting my calorie goal. I feel deprived after eliminating all junk foods and so I allow myself a small treat everyday. I'm still eating fried chicken, ice cream but in a small portion. Still, I make sure most of my calorie intake is healthy, :)
  • kalawhon
    kalawhon Posts: 162 Member
    They eat debbie cakes, chips, pizza, "junk food", and I eat fruits, veggies, (my sons 5 and very picky) and my husband is just a chunky butt that won't eat anything weird, and eats whatever he wants. Yes they eat eggs but scambled, they dont' like boiled eggs.
    My definition of healthy is eating chicken, egg whites, whole grain, lots of protein, less carbs, more veggies/fruits than the normal junk foods.. that stuff gets expensive.

    It's hard being the health nut in the home and my family not want to help me or be there to do it with me and exercise.

    Just need some healthy options, I'm tired of eating chicken, (i normally grill it on the george forman grill and add a few spices with bbq sauce and eat it that way.) Need some different ways of eating Chicken really.

    I guess you can say I'm just tired of eating the same thing. I need to change some things up.
    I would normally eat egg whites with turkey bacon in the a.m, midsnack eat a apple (fruit), lunch chicken with brown rice, veggie, evening snack, protein bar or v8 juice, and dinner is normally whatever i cook which is somethign not so healthy.

    I guess its really just an excuse.. I can do it if I wanted to I'm just complaining.. :(
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    - Whole stuffed baked chicken -- easy peasy and feeds you and family for more than a meal add vegetables and a salad

    - A roast beef -- add veggies to the side and a salad - again you get more than just 1 meal out of it

    - pork loin --add veggies and a soup and there you have a couple days of food

    BUY WHAT MEAT & veggies are ON SALE - then work your menus
  • kalawhon
    kalawhon Posts: 162 Member
    Same here, CAndy plays a HUGE factor for me bc I LOVE chocolate!!! I love sweets and it's hard for me to choose a fruit over a piece of chocolate candy bar... I eat icecream too but try not to eat a whole lot at once. In the back of my mind I say things like, I can eat this piece of candy, it's not gonna hurt me, I'll just burn it off later working out, but really sometimes that doesnt' happen and I don't have the chance to workout so that candy is stuck to my tummy. lol .. its hard .. :/
  • kalawhon
    kalawhon Posts: 162 Member
    Thank you!! I need to invest more into cooking different things, lol. I am new to cooking so I'm still learning.

    If y'all have any recipes that be great!! Thanks!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    They eat debbie cakes, chips, pizza, "junk food", and I eat fruits, veggies, (my sons 5 and very picky) and my husband is just a chunky butt that won't eat anything weird, and eats whatever he wants. Yes they eat eggs but scambled, they dont' like boiled eggs.
    My definition of healthy is eating chicken, egg whites, whole grain, lots of protein, less carbs, more veggies/fruits than the normal junk foods.. that stuff gets expensive.

    I think you need to re-define what you think healthy is ..

    There is nothing wrong with carbs - unless you have some kind of sensitivity - you can eat carbs and lose weight. Just make sure you are in a daily deficit and hit your carb macro for the day.

    Also, there is nothing wrong with scrambled eggs and/or regular eggs.

    Do you eat meat/pork? Lean meat is very healthy and high in protein? You can eat some of the things that you like, just eat less of them, and make you log and weigh everything..

    Your husband does not like what you cook? Then make him cook his own freaking meals...Why should you sacrifice your weight loss/health because he does not want to eat what you are cooking..??? thats insane..
  • Jennymcwb
    Jennymcwb Posts: 88 Member
    Your son is 5, you can change his eating/snacking habits now. Just get different fruits and keep cut up veggies in the fridge. I don't make separate meals and when my boys were little the only option besides the food in front of them would be a yogurt and a piece of fruit.
    Check out for meal ideas. There is a great chicken stuffed with spinach and anchovy recipe here in mfp, do a search.
    Boneless pork is an alternative, along with fish. Make a huge salad at beginning of week and have it for lunch, while changing up the protein in it. Good luck.
  • malvina149
    Hey, we all have to vent sometimes. It's okay!

    In terms of being bored with your regular meals (and I really get that), you might have to put in some effort to find new recipes. Cookbooks, magazines (I like Cooking Light a lot), web sites/blogs are full of great, healthy, and interesting recipes that will shake things up a bit. I find it fun to browse recipes myself. And you might find stuff that your family will eat too.

    Which, speaking of, it sounds like you might do all the cooking for your family and have to prepare different stuff for everyone. Which is a drag. If that's the case, I think you need to get your husband more involved. If he and your son need/want to eat differently than you do, then he needs to be willing to prepare their meals. Maybe not all the time if that's not realistic, but it would be a form of support when it seems to be lacking.

    I don't know if you've sat down with your husband and talked about the feelings you've expressed here and it's fallen on deaf ears, but if not it's long overdue. I will mention that your husband might be having a lot of feelings himself and could be resisting healthy changes because he feels judged by you ("chunky butt" judgments are probably seeping through to him).

    Ultimately it's true--you need to take your own path regardless if anyone will join you. But if you need more support, look for it in a health or exercise group, at the gym (if you go) and right on MFP. Good luck!
    They eat debbie cakes, chips, pizza, "junk food", and I eat fruits, veggies, (my sons 5 and very picky) and my husband is just a chunky butt that won't eat anything weird, and eats whatever he wants. Yes they eat eggs but scambled, they dont' like boiled eggs.
    My definition of healthy is eating chicken, egg whites, whole grain, lots of protein, less carbs, more veggies/fruits than the normal junk foods.. that stuff gets expensive.

    It's hard being the health nut in the home and my family not want to help me or be there to do it with me and exercise.

    Just need some healthy options, I'm tired of eating chicken, (i normally grill it on the george forman grill and add a few spices with bbq sauce and eat it that way.) Need some different ways of eating Chicken really.

    I guess you can say I'm just tired of eating the same thing. I need to change some things up.
    I would normally eat egg whites with turkey bacon in the a.m, midsnack eat a apple (fruit), lunch chicken with brown rice, veggie, evening snack, protein bar or v8 juice, and dinner is normally whatever i cook which is somethign not so healthy.

    I guess its really just an excuse.. I can do it if I wanted to I'm just complaining.. :(
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    The key to being successful is not denying yourself your favorite foods. So have the chocolate sometimes. Do you have a publix or a walmart near you, if so walmart price matches publix for example

    If publix has emerald almonds buy one get one free for $4,99

    If walmart is selling emerald almonds for $3.49 you will get them buy one get one for $3.49

    All you need is the ad with you showing the publix bogo sale or the winn dixie ad as they will honor the bogo at their price and walmart is always at least a dollar cheaper. If you have coupons you score a bigger savings cause you can use coupons too on these deals.

    They will even sale you meat bogo if you have the ad of Publix or winn dixie with their bogo deals

    I find it hard to eat healthy during the winter because some things just taste better when its cold lol.

    One recipie you might try on the chicken is take boneless skinless chicken and put it in a crock pot, then take a package of taco seasoning and add a jar of salsa to it and stir and then pour over the chicken and cook til its done. It's very low cal and taste delicious. Serve over your favorite rice or put in a tortilla with chesse :}
  • bf43005
    bf43005 Posts: 287
    Cooking "healthy" has been a problem in my house as well because of growing up seeing the way our parents cooked. It's taken a lot of time, and we still aren't there yet, to cook on our own.
    For starters I bought a bunch of under 400 calories type cooking books. I have a dry erase board on my fridge that is divided into two weeks. My husband & I put together a menu for those two weeks and then buy what we will need to make those specific items. We also buy meats & stuff that is on sale to stock up. I make sure to take out whatever is for tomorrow to defrost so there isn't an excuse, I will be wasting chicken/beef if it's already defrosted and we don't make it for dinner. That helps us stick to it.
    Sounds like it's a little harder in your family because your husband & son aren't going to eat what you eat. Well you mentioned pizza. So make two homemade pies, one with cheese and sauce and all that for your husband and kid and then make a veggie one with less or no cheese and use fat free cheese. You could even try to put that on the pizza for your husband & son and see if they even notice.
    It's going to be harder if you don't have support at home. You just have to try and be strong and stick with it. Maybe there is a friend you can partner up with for ideas and support?
    Best of luck!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    They eat debbie cakes, chips, pizza, "junk food", and I eat fruits, veggies, (my sons 5 and very picky) and my husband is just a chunky butt that won't eat anything weird, and eats whatever he wants. Yes they eat eggs but scambled, they dont' like boiled eggs.
    My definition of healthy is eating chicken, egg whites, whole grain, lots of protein, less carbs, more veggies/fruits than the normal junk foods.. that stuff gets expensive.

    I think you need to re-define what you think healthy is ..

    There is nothing wrong with carbs - unless you have some kind of sensitivity - you can eat carbs and lose weight. Just make sure you are in a daily deficit and hit your carb macro for the day.

    Also, there is nothing wrong with scrambled eggs and/or regular eggs.

    Do you eat meat/pork? Lean meat is very healthy and high in protein? You can eat some of the things that you like, just eat less of them, and make you log and weigh everything..

    Your husband does not like what you cook? Then make him cook his own freaking meals...Why should you sacrifice your weight loss/health because he does not want to eat what you are cooking..??? thats insane..
    This. For one thing, egg whites and turkey bacon are not healthy. Whole eggs and regular bacon are much healthier choices.
  • pineapple_jojo
    pineapple_jojo Posts: 440 Member
    Just try going with less processed stuff - like everyone has been saying, eat lean meats, veggies, fruits etc!! Go easy on oil, butter and cheese. Avoid frying and boil, roast, grill and steam instead. Don't avoid foods or demonise them just recognise the high calorie ones and go easy on them. If your husband doesn't like what you cook let him cook his own food. As for your son, he's 5, he doesn't get to choose what he eats - that's up to you. Set him off on a healthful eating path now, you'll be doing him a favour. Good luck!

    Edited for a slightly unclear sentence!
  • lilred806
    lilred806 Posts: 195 Member
    I like the 100 Days of Real Food website. She has great recipes and has tips for budgeting and meal planning. She also has tons of tips for getting kids to eat different foods. Even if you dont use her definition of "healthy" foods there is a lot of good information on her site.
  • kalawhon
    kalawhon Posts: 162 Member
    Thank you so much!!!
    Just try going with less processed stuff - like everyone has been saying, eat lean meats, veggies, fruits etc!! Go easy on oil, butter and cheese. Avoid frying and boil, roast, grill and steam instead. Don't avoid foods or demonise them just recognise the high calorie ones and go easy on them. If your husband doesn't like what you cook let him cook his own food. As for your son, he's 5, he doesn't get to choose what he eats - that's up to you. Set him off on a healthful eating path now, you'll be doing him a favour. Good luck!

    Edited for a slightly unclear sentence!
  • kalawhon
    kalawhon Posts: 162 Member
    Thanks everyone for your help!