What finally got you going?



  • Shrevejude
    I love playing poker and was playing with a friend (I win 98% of the time). After winning he said I need to watch out for "Little Judy". We both paused and then he added "Big Judy ate Little Judy". We laughed hysterically (me too) because it was funny AND true. It was the first time I'd ever been confronted without hearing the same old crap like "I'm worried about your health" or "I do such and such". Then I was watching The Biggest Loser and the woman developed an eating disorder worrying about meeting the trainer's goal weight loss. In the next phase instead of assigned her a pound loss goal he said "Six". Then went on to say eat 1500 calories six days a week - no more no less. I decided to give SIX a try and it's working wonderfully! So long story short - confronted without the usual stuff and a plan.
  • sassysteph77
    I was at a karaoke bar with friends, one of whom is a morbidly obese man. A picture was taken of the two of us and, I don't know if it was the lighting or a bad angle... but I looked ROUND and he looked normal. That was the wake-up call I needed! I weighed myself and found out that my BMI was 29, just 1 point away from obesity. I started using MFP to track my calories and found that I was consuming 3500 calories every day. Now I have between 1000-1200 (800-1000 net) and have lost 13lbs in 6 weeks.
  • Shrevejude
    What is PCOS?
  • TheZaxian
    TheZaxian Posts: 15 Member
    What is PCOS?
    Polycystic ovary syndrome - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polycystic_ovary_syndrome
  • sheri833
    After my son was born the sixty pounds I put on didn't come off!! I only lost 20. I was horrified because with my first all the weight came off the day she was born. I had to go shopping and almost had to buy plus size jeans. That was the moment for me as well as staying out of breath when playing with my daughter. I have always been a little over weight and tried getting healthy but never have. I am having a hard time now because my husband and I eat out alot and we love food. Unfortunately he gains nothing and i gain weight fast. This time I am trying to stay positive and motivated this time.
  • cccoursey
    cccoursey Posts: 116 Member
    It just finally dawned on me that if I wanted to truly love someone. I am going to have to love myself first. Right now, that is not where I am. I do not like how I look. I do not like how I feel. I do not like the person in the mirror. It isn't just physical. I need to do this. To accomplish this goal of physical transformation. To have a physical, tangible, change that I can see. To know I can do this, accomplish this goal, and I can help others to do so as well. I have always done a lot for others and not enough for myself. I push what I need aside too often. Learning and understanding that I can't help those around me, that I cannot truly say I love them, until I can successfully help and love myself was, and is, a harsh lesson.
  • RosaliaBee
    RosaliaBee Posts: 146 Member
    Last time I went to the Drs for a routine check-up the nurse did my weight and checked my BMI, I wasn't quite into the 'morbidly obese' range but wasn't too far off it either. My blood pressure was good and most of my blood test results were normal, the only thing negative to come back was high cholesterol. Oddly enough the Doctor didn't suggest a weight-loss programme he just told me to go on a low cholesterol diet, still it was enough for me to start logging my foods to check the cholesterol count and cutting out all saturated fats and so-on. I knew I wanted to lose weight and get fit, it was just feeling motivated enough to get on with it that was the problem, I thought if I'm going on a low cholesterol diet I might just as well go all the way and lose weight while I'm about it. Really pleased I've started now. Already feeling much brighter and perkier!
  • kellenas
    kellenas Posts: 154
    I am 38 and realizing that my body has more aches and pains than it used to and I really just want to be healthy. I'm also getting married for a second time next year and having a wedding for the first time, so I'd like to be svelte in my wedding dress :bigsmile:
  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 661 Member
    I was at Wally World getting a 44 lb bag of dog food, when I bent down to pick it up my pants split alllllllllllllll the way up!!!! lmao...... I bet they heard that thing 3 aisles away!!! lol... The woman I was with, her face was just absolutely priceless, then we both started laughing...lol.. Yeah that was the turning point....
  • kenijosa4
    kenijosa4 Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you for posting that video, it was awesome!
  • claudiakendall98
    claudiakendall98 Posts: 242 Member
    My wake up was every day with pain.Pain in my back, high BP high cholesterol ,Arthritis, starting of fatty liver which I thought were gallbladder pain ,too many pills to take I was not obese but obviously had weight to loose. SW was 174 ,CW 149 ,GW 125 to 130 pounds.I have ditched liver pain and aches and pain trough exercise but still have high cholesterol and Blood pressure is even higher which sucks as I was hoping to ditch the pills.Oh well I will just be as healthy as I can be and look as good as I can .
  • suppakana
    suppakana Posts: 307 Member
    In all honesty what got me going was progress. When I was in high school I was a couch potato: I thought a lot about losing weight, but didn't care or do anything about it. I was a slug. I graduated and had to get a job - couldn't eat (no munching!) unless I was on break, and had to be physically active outside in the sun - I worked at a roller coaster park. I lost 20 pounds that first summer. That first loss was such an incredible inspiration to just keep going...
  • scottyg70
    scottyg70 Posts: 388 Member
    Mine was vanity also. I never had an issue with my weight for most of my life and as my metabolism slowed, I still kind of sloughed it off. It took looking at pictures of myself on a trip to San Diego to realize...wow..I've gotten kind of big!! So that was the turning point for me.
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    I was always a chubby kid from overweight parents... we learned terrible eating habits. It was a "treat" to have fresh fruits and veggies but we always had chips around the house. I just learned to live with it thinking "oh well this is as good as it gets - I'll just be chubby forever" but I really wanted to lose weight for my wedding... I lost 20lbs and looked great in my wedding photos but I still had about 15-20lbs to lose and hit a terrible plateau... I stayed at 153 for months no matter what I did so I gave up... gained it all back and then some.

    I feel really bad about myself and hate looking in the mirror... don't like getting un-dressed in front of my husband because of my weight (he's very thin), etc... but I guess this last time what really made it click in a whole new way (very different from the first time... I would stay in the gym for hours just to work off the crappy food I ate) was seeing my parents struggle with their weight and their health as a result. My dad has high blood pressure, diabetes, and sleep apnea. My mom can barely go for a walk around the block without getting winded. I don't want that to be me. I decided to try again the RIGHT way and not just look at calories in/calories out... to eat BETTER whole foods, trying to cut artificial ingredients wherever possible and to exercise to build muscle and increase my metabolism.. not just to work off calories so i can eat more.

    So... this time because I've done all this before I guess my body has been super resistent to the idea of losing weight again... its taken a lot of trial and error... starting at 183 (April)... down to 174 (July)... back up to 180(Sept)... now I'm at 176 following the New Rules of Lifting for Women and I'm finally losing again and I feel great about the changes I've made this year... its like a whole new me. I'm no longer obsessing about the number on the scale but seeing how small my waist is getting and feeling stronger everyday :)
  • JenGranzow
    JenGranzow Posts: 116 Member
    I'd had two children in the span of 2.5 years, and I was absolutely the fattest I had ever been. I hid from the camera, I felt horrible when I saw pictures of myself. I had a million excuses. I belong to an online "bookclub" (I use quotes because as with many bookclubs, it's not really about reading so much), and quite a few members there had started MFP. I blew it off as a fad, and determined not to get caught up in that nonsense. My pants got tighter. I started to notice that without exception, every single member of the bookclub who had begun using MFP was having success. In particular, one friend who has been an incredible inspiration to me, and to whom I owe an enormous debt of gratitude, had lost nearly 100 pounds by exercising and tracking what she ate. She went from an overweight, typical mom look to smokin' hot. The difference was unbelievable. She was just like me. A mom to two young children, a wife, a working professional with a demanding career. The difference was that I was her before picture. I realized that my excuses held no water - I was not too busy, I was not too tired, and I *could* do what I needed to do to be that after picture. I wanted it, because I wanted (and still want!) to be healthy and to be a good example to my daughters. In just over a year, I lost over 70 pounds and I have kept it off for 1.5 years now. I went from busting out of a size 16 to wearing 2s and 4s. I recently logged my 950th consecutive day on MFP, and I am incredibly thankful for Stephanie and for MFP, because they truly, truly changed my life. I hope that if anyone is reading the replies to this thread and hasn't fully committed to getting healthy yet, that something in one of the replies will flip the switch for them, and they'll find their way to fitness. It is so, so worth it.
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    I recently logged my 950th consecutive day on MFP...

    WOW. Good for you! THAT is commitment!
  • septembergrrl
    septembergrrl Posts: 168 Member
    I went to the pool with my kids and realized I got winded swimming a single lap. I was a pretty serious swimmer when I was younger, so doing poorly at it was a sign I'd really let myself go. That was the last straw -- but I'd already been noticing my size 18s were getting tight, and I couldn't stand the thought of going up a size.

    i made a MFP account and started logging the very next day.
  • SoftHeat
    this did. watch the video at the bottom.


    i think i had one of the best work outs ever after watching that video. completely changed how i feel about fitness and life.

    Wow! Thanks for posting this link!
  • SoftHeat
    I jacked up my back carrying groceries into my apartment. When I researched possible injuries & risks I realized that being overweight was the first issue listed. I spent 2 days lying on the floor in the only position that was mildy comfortable. That gave me plenty of time to think that 28 is too d@mn young to have back problems from being overweight & out of shape.
  • jlar09
    jlar09 Posts: 99
    One day I ate three pieces of cake instead of one and thought, "This is absolutely ridiculous. I'm done." So I cut out sugar completely for two weeks before I started MFP. 45 days here and about 20 pounds less than I did 45 days ago shows me that it's working. But the cake was the trigger.