3 weeks till my wedding...

I totally slacked off and waited until the last minute...does anyone know any super awesome workouts that will make me almost perfect in 3 weeks...hahahahahaha ah procrastination. I don't really need to lose weight just need to tone up A LOT. So if anyone has any amazing workout/workout plans that show results fast pleeeeease help me!!!


  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    It's not going to happen in 3 weeks. Start eating at a calorie deficit, and enjoy this time leading up to your wedding. I know it can be stressful, and trying to do super human workouts isn't going to help that!
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    3 weeks? :huh: No. "Toning up" is actually cutting fat while retaining lean body mass so the muscle shows through. You can do some strength training/weight lifting while eating at a deficit, and make slight progress, but expecting perfection is setting yourself up for failure.
  • iamsam334
    iamsam334 Posts: 3 Member
    Haha I know I am not going to be perfect I was joking about that (well, half joking anyway haha) I guess I kind of just want to know what people have done that made the biggest difference in a short period of time.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    3 weeks? :huh: No. "Toning up" is actually cutting fat while retaining lean body mass so the muscle shows through. You can do some strength training/weight lifting while eating at a deficit, and make slight progress, but expecting perfection is setting yourself up for failure.

    I generally agree, but I think this is putting it a bit too mildly.

    No meaningful or noticeable changes are going to happen in 3 weeks. You could potentially cheat a bit, dehydrate yourself the day before, that sort of thing. Maybe look into Lyle McDonald's rapid fat loss plan for the few days leading up to your wedding, but again, that's not really what you're looking for.

  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Haha I know I am not going to be perfect I was joking about that (well, half joking anyway haha) I guess I kind of just want to know what people have done that made the biggest difference in a short period of time.

    turning off the lights
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,123 Member
    Well... I don't know what to tell you there... but many people have seen very good results in going ALL IN with a very intense HIIT program such as Insanity, 30 Day Shred, etc.... but obviously you're not going to see perfection in 3 weeks.. but you might just see enough of a change to be happy with your wedding photos.

    Eat very clean and work hard the next 3 weeks and you will at the very least FEEL great.

    Good luck and congrats!
  • Poofy_Goodness
    Poofy_Goodness Posts: 229 Member
    does anyone know any super awesome workouts that will make me almost perfect in 3 weeks...

    Nope, and anyone who says they do is a liar.

    I really don't know of anything that will make an appreciable visible difference in 3 weeks.

    Maybe try corset training.
  • TdaniT
    TdaniT Posts: 331 Member
    T25 will help out. Three weeks of watching your calorie intake and eating less fatty foods with exercise will make that little bit of difference. IMO
  • Hi!
    I know for me I saw some big differences after taking lots of Zumba classes. They are really fun, and you get toned too!
  • Healthy_Shelley
    Healthy_Shelley Posts: 26 Member
    Check out Jackie's Circuit Training workouts! They are a great way to tone up (she talks about getting "red carpet ready"). These are two DVDs I've tried.

    Personal Training With Jackie: Xtreme Timesaver Training (2010)

    Personal Training with Jackie: Power Circuit Training (2009)

  • try a TRX workout.. see if any of your local gyms have one.
    it will really help.
  • I've gotten excellent results in 4wks doing Insanity...I dont think that I'd recommend starting a very tough progrm like Insanity during an already very stressful time in your life but maybe it'll help relieve some stress. Try insanity I think you'll be pleased.
  • StarlaDesiree
    StarlaDesiree Posts: 33 Member
    You seem to be at a pretty healthy weight already, so I think you could probably see a bit more tone in a few weeks. Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 works very well for myself. P90X also works really well, but the workouts are longer and more intensive, tougher to fit in to a busy schedule. Congratulations on the wedding, I'm sure you will look beautiful whether you tone up more or not.
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    Well... I don't know what to tell you there... but many people have seen very good results in going ALL IN with a very intense HIIT program such as Insanity, 30 Day Shred, etc.... but obviously you're not going to see perfection in 3 weeks.. but you might just see enough of a change to be happy with your wedding photos.

    Eat very clean and work hard the next 3 weeks and you will at the very least FEEL great.

    Good luck and congrats!

    This - you definitely will notice results in 3 weeks using Insanity or Focus T25, providing you eat right as well.
  • numejak
    numejak Posts: 43 Member
    Focus on depleting your glycogen stores. For every 1 pound of glycogen your body stores in your liver, muscles, kidneys and intestines, your body retains two pounds of water. That's 3 lbs. of the cliche "water weight" per 150 lbs. body weight that can be easily shed in three weeks! Glycogen is the form in which your body stores excess blood glucose (mainly from carbs being broken down after eating.) Shedding "water weight" can reduce puffiness of the face and make you feel lighter and less bloated.

    Suggestions you might look into include intermittent fasting, calorie restriction/ deficit, exercise, proper hydration, lowering carb intake, balancing your fats and proteins, and getting proper rest. NOTE: I said lowering carbs - NO need to cut carbs out completely!

    The metabolism depends on a cycle of insulin to no insulin states of the blood, so ingesting the right amounts of the right food, at regular intervals will speed up weight loss (both use of glycogen AND stored fats). So use your food wisely, and talk to a doctor or nutritionist to get the best weight loss advice.

    I am not a nutritionist or healthcare provider, so these are only areas of interest for you to research on your own. Good luck and congrats on getting hitched!

    Add me as friend if you like... jake
  • iamsam334
    iamsam334 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks everyone, I am not looking for a miracle I know it's not going to make a big difference in this short amount of time, just want to do what I can! I'll check out all these ideas! Thanks again!
  • Sam, it will depend on whether you have historically worked out or not whether you can make a noticeable difference in three weeks. It CAN be done (particularly considering you don't want to lose weight, just tone up). I have always done lots of exercise over the years in one way or another (gym or dancing), and when I've gone through a lazy period and need to start toning up, I generally see results after a couple of weeks of daily localised exercise, pushing it but without killing myself. But that's only because my muscles are used to being toned, so they stand to attention pretty quickly. If you're not used to regular exercise, you can still try to tone specific areas more than they are now (although you might not be ready to pose alongside Madonna ;)

    There really isn't a magic formula, it's just putting in some daily effort to do a complete routine, depending on what you want to tone up. If you look around on google, there are lots of suggestions, just pick one that makes you feel like you're really working the zone you want to tone.

    Everyone has their favourites (although maybe favourite isn't the right word lol). For the butt, I find the (Brazilian) butt lift plié really effective - also tones thighs well. For abs: lie on your back with legs straight up in the air, arms outstretched. Using only your abs, slowly swing your legs to the right until they almost touch the floor, slowly back up and repeat to the other side. For boobs, nothing beats holding a soft ball out in front of you and squeezing/releasing. Arms: sit on the floor in front of the stairs (your back towards the stairs), place hands on one step up and lift yourself in the air, back down without touching the ground then repeat. For calves, using the same step, hang off the step by the balls of your feet (heels in the air), and lift/lower heels slowly.

    None of these are exotic or magical, but they are very effective. The "secret" is doing them slowly, concentrating on the muscles you want to tone and repeating until it burns - then keep going a bit longer :o

    I understand that the people here who have said it's not possible just want you to have realistic expectations, but if you really do want to tone, go for it, work hard and you WILL see (and feel) results in 3 weeks. No miraculous weight loss or size-dropping will occur, but you will see a difference - I do in less time than that. You'll need longer than that to be (and stay) truly toned, but it's a good start.

    Congratulations on your wedding!! XD
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    I would suggest starting a program of some sort that you can see making a part of your life after the wedding too - try a JM video, or one of the Beachbody programs, but don't expect results in 3 weeks, instead, expect to totally rock the night of your first anniversary!!

    Now, breathe, and take time to appreciate and enjoy everything going on around you - this is a big time in your life.