Hey Everyone! I am Your Accountability Partner!

Hi friends,

My name is Amanda and I am so excited to be here! I have been trying to get back on par with my health goals and would love to connect with anyone that is serious about losing weight and living a healthier cleaner life.

Chat soon!

Amanda Danielle


  • _sam125
    _sam125 Posts: 14 Member
    added :)
  • Nix_Way
    Nix_Way Posts: 201 Member
    Hi Amanda!!
    I log daily and comment as often as I can! I'm real with my friends and honest! LIke today, I ate WAAAAAAY over my daily calorie goal. Ooops! Ah well. I will have bad days, but I will mostly have good days.

    I started this journey at over 400 pounds so I will be on MFP for a long time!
    I really get alot of encouragment from cheering my friends on and seeing all the good things that people have done and accomplished thrughoout the day!

    I love that you say you are looking for friends who are serious about losing weight! Please send me a FR!!

    So glad you found MFP!! Its a wonderful community here and I have gotten so much encouragement and support from everybody!
    Nix :flowerforyou:
  • Hey Nixsway!

    It looks like you're doing well! Over 50 pounds down! That's my entire goal!!!

    Keep going hun! You can do it!

    Amanda Danielle
  • Rozoune23
  • Sassyiam63
    Sassyiam63 Posts: 6 Member
    Great job! YOu must already feel like a new woman!!!
  • msschaller99
    msschaller99 Posts: 35 Member
    Would love to have another buddy to help me stay accountable.
  • Crystallee145
    Crystallee145 Posts: 147 Member
    I love new friends to help with accountability!
    It's a hard road, but with help it's possible
  • Awww! I'll be your accountability partner! Always feel free to connect with me!

    Amanda Danielle