Hello everyone back and pretty ashamed!!

Hello my name is Amanda. I am back to Myfitnesspal and pretty ashamed that I got to where I am again. I had lost 40 lbs over last winter into spring and it seems its all back again. Not only that, but it happened so fast because I just started eating everything in site and I can't believe I did it again. Well anyways I am back and committed. I always found this place to be so helpful so if anyone wants to keep me accountable I would love it.


  • Hi Amanda, my name is Melissa. I'm back too! I've lost 40 lbs twice and now am heavier than ever before!! So ashamed and embarrassed!! I also have 90 pounds to lose to my ultimate goal. Started MFP yesterday and going to the YMCA yesterday. I am determined. I am miserable and don't want to feel this way anymore!!!!
    Friend me if you'd like.
  • eyecandyrayce
    eyecandyrayce Posts: 260 Member
    Try not to be too hard on yourself. I did the same thing. I lost about 20 pounds and then stopped watching what I was eating and gained it all back plus some.

    What is important is that you are back!
  • sa11yjane
    sa11yjane Posts: 491 Member
    Absolutely NO need to be ashamed!!!!! It's great that you're back; be positive- you know you have done it before so you can do it again! Well done for getting back on track and good luck with your weight loss journey x
  • TheSwollMinister
    TheSwollMinister Posts: 246 Member
    I'm a pretty good motivator if you want to add me. Great job on coming back and giving it another go!
  • kuriyamakeito
    kuriyamakeito Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, Amanda! I feel like I'm in exactly the same position. I was doing great up to the middle of 2012--lost 70 lbs! But then I just stopped paying attention to my food, stopped exercising, and was eating (what I felt was) everything in sight. I ballooned back up to almost exactly the same weight and just feel really unhealthy.

    I'm back as of yesterday and could really use some people to encourage and be encouraged by. I have new goals and really want to be back on track to being healthy.

    You can do this! We can do this! :)
  • jjcrew22
    jjcrew22 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement everyone. I am at least counting everything I put in my mouth so that is a positive!!
  • I agree with what the others have said, no need to be ashamed. Stuff happens and it can be really hard to stay motivated and maintain discipline when it comes to eating. at least you're in the right place to get back on the wagon. I find that if I allow myself one, maybe two, small cheat treats a week it keeps me sane. Nothing ridiculous but maybe a beer or two with dinner on Saturday.

    This can be a really tough time of the year to stay motivated but if you get some good accountability buddies it can really help!
  • Freedomgurl585
    Freedomgurl585 Posts: 196 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Nell and I'm back also! Lost 47 pounds...gained 7 back in 2 months. Still have 60 more to go but I'm back and better than ever. Lets go HARD this time around! Add me, plz.
  • mojpal
    mojpal Posts: 44 Member
    Hi nobody should feel ashamed for gaining the weight back, sometimes things happen and we're just lose control over food. I think most people here know the feeling. If anything I think we should be proud of ourselves. Being here means we want to do something about it.
    I'm giving it another go too, this time with some support, so everyone please add me as a friend and we can encourage each other.
  • sarahg148
    sarahg148 Posts: 701 Member
    I think we all go through ebbs and flows of losing/maintaining our weight. The important thing is that you didn't bury your head in the sand and pretend that nothing has happened before you've gained even more weight. Welcome back!!!:drinker:
  • mteague277
    mteague277 Posts: 145 Member
    I think some of us have to go through that once to realize you can't just stop once you get to your goal or close to it. We have to tell ourselves we are worth more than being unhealthy and unhappy! We deserve to live long lives and enjoy activities we can't do when overweight. We deserve to be able to walk up stairs without huffing and puffing. We deserve to be pain free while going for walks. Our kids and family deserve to have a parent/sibling/spouse that love themselves. We can't self sabotage, because we deserve better :) You can do it this time! Be postive, allow yourself a bad day but don't let it turn into a bad week, bad month, bad year. Indulge sometimes but not all of the time. Find what works for you! Learn to have a healthy relationship with food. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • I'm kinda starting again, lost 90lbs gained 25 back in the last 6 months, old MFP acct friends are making comments about me gaining and it's making it worse. I think I just need some new friends on here and it looks like I found more just like me.
  • Don't be ashamed! I have gained over 20 lbs in a few months! Feel free to add me, we both could use some encouragement!
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    one thing I wanted to add is that we should probably move away from this idea that once you lose it all that is it. Weight fluctuates due to portion sizes that creep up, inactivity creeps in, for women hormones change, we get older ...

    I think it is important to recognise when one has gained weight that is outside the normal variations and then moves to address it before it becomes a marathon again. It's not a failure on your part, it means you are human.

    I used to be a lot heavier and then last winter I saw the scales creep up 6kg (13lbs) seemingly over night, so here I am. I think what I learned with that is that I need to keep weighing myself weekly to keep track where I am.

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • Exactly the same happened to me, i ended up opening a new account - will add all my info when i get a secondThe main thing is we are here; you've got to be in it to win it. :) feel free to FR.