In real need of encouragement and motivation :(

avalonfloyd Posts: 44
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
I feel so disheartened. After the Halloween weekend, I've gone up 2 pounds. I know that might not seem like a lot, but I've been steadily losing for about 2 months now, so it's really getting to me. I've been exercising just as much, and I've been trying to stay on track with what I eat. I know it's bad, but when I start gaining, I get this mentality that "well, I might as well eat as much as I want, because I'm not losing anything," and I start snacking hard core. Last night I ate a bag of popcorn even though I was already full from supper.

The only other person who I have to talk to about this is my cousin. She's losing weight too, but she's almost at her goal weight (135, which is just laughable to me, with my goal of 195), and she looks great. I just need a little encouragement and some advice as to how to get my motivation back. I used to go into my morning workout routine pretty happy, and it was a natural thing for me to do. Now I go in hating it, thinking it's not making any difference.

With Thanksgiving coming up, I really need to step it up, but I don't know what to do! I only have a stationary bike, elliptical machine, yoga ball and some light hand weights. What can I do?


  • andreadawn1012
    andreadawn1012 Posts: 52 Member
    It's definitely easy to get discouraged, trust me I gained 3lbs over the weekend, but I quickly shed them by getting back to my routine. When life hands you lemons, make lemonade. Don't throw in the towel after a weekend slip up.
  • andreadawn1012
    andreadawn1012 Posts: 52 Member
    It's definitely easy to get discouraged, trust me I gained 3lbs over the weekend, but I quickly shed them by getting back to my routine. When life hands you lemons, make lemonade. Don't throw in the towel after a weekend slip up.
  • vanzeem
    vanzeem Posts: 107
    Every one has set backs, it's how you deal with them that counts!! Don't be down, just keep going. Part of loosing weight is learing how to deal with every day normal stress and situations. If you were already loosing then you know you can do it!!!!! Maybe you could check out a library for workout videos/dvds???? or look online for exercises you can do with the equipment you have. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Oh sweetie. I get that way too only I have been having weeks of slip-ups followed by a few days of being on track, and the cycle repeats. Please don't let yourself get like that. Just keep on doing things right and you'll go back down..I promise!!!:smile:
  • princesslmc2
    princesslmc2 Posts: 264 Member
    Everyone has those rough days. This weekend, I was traveling... I stepped on the scale this morning and had gained 2 pounds since Friday. BUT... I wasn't drinking nearly as much water as usual, and while I tried to choose the more healthy options at restaurants, I know the sodium was still crazy. So back to my normal routine today and loading up on the water to see how that effects the scale for tomorrow.

    Plus TOM will add 2-5 pounds on the scale too.

    Hang in there.... it's just one day. Keep making great choices to make the next weigh-in super worth it!
  • Mamoonie
    Mamoonie Posts: 328

    don't be discouraged! We all have days, weekends or even weeks like this.
    The most important thing is to forget about yesterday and re-start today. Yes, TODAY, not tomorrow or next week.. that could end in "never".
    Don't munch on what's happened, you can't change that anymore. Forget it, forgive yourself, and get yourself in gear. Get on that bike and ride for 5 minutes. Yes, 5 minutes only, but do it NOW. You'll see, once you're up there you might want to do a few minutes more.
    Hardest thing is to get started again. Once you're up and going, you'll find your routine again, so get up and start NOW.

    You'll do it, I really believe you do :-)

  • The same thing happened to me. I gained 4 pounds for no reason! I have been eating the same the whole time and about a week ago I gained 2 pounds then the very next day I gained 2 more!!! I have been working since then to get those pounds back off. I have been fighting with them for about a week and I have managed to lose 3 of the four I gained. I know how frustrating it is to lose weight that you have already lost once. Just hang in there and stick with it. The weight will come back off and you will go back to losing!! Just stay positive!
  • MonsteRawr
    MonsteRawr Posts: 95 Member
    First things first, stop getting so down on yourself! You're human! There will be bumps, there will be mistakes, there will be tacos at 2am. (Guilty.) It happens. Today is a new day with a new chance to succeed. Whatever happened yesterday, happened. Forget about it, and look forward towards a new day of smart choices!

    As for getting your motivation back, maybe try to find something new in your workout routine. I know that once my mind decides that something is hard and painful and stupid, that's it, that workout is ruined. I'm afraid I can't suggest any specific workouts to try, since I stick with the ever-classic-but-highly-unimaginative running. But I do know that if I'm feeling down-heartened, new music sometimes helps. I downloaded Katy Perry's Teenage Dreams yesterday, (don't judge,) and that helped to pep my step. Could you try working out with your cousin? Maybe a little outside accountability and encouragement would do the trick.

    Hope I was even remotely helpful.

    Best of luck!
  • im feeling the same way and i decided that im just going to try a little harder! im going to workout a little longer...and eat a little better and see if it helps! :) I just keep thinking that once i do reach my goal its going to feel SO good!!! :) good luck and you can do it!!!
  • bucky17h
    bucky17h Posts: 120
    It's definitely easy to get discouraged, trust me I gained 3lbs over the weekend, but I quickly shed them by getting back to my routine. When life hands you lemons, make lemonade. Don't throw in the towel after a weekend slip up.

    Awesome well said! Pick yourself up and start over, we all need to do this from time to time
  • fresaivette
    fresaivette Posts: 6 Member
    Dear Friend in Pain :),

    I felt like you a few days ago. I am almost on my goal 116 (now I am 117.4 pounds). Do not let my weight don't take my words seriously.

    I read a book about nutrition last year about everyday is a new start... If you are spiritually, it work the same way! I tell my friends that when we brake up our eating and fitness in general goal or plan, is a little satan (hate that word) that it is trying to tempt us to drop everything. So, DON'T LET EVIL TO DISSAPOINT YOU WITH YOURSELF!!!

    Begin again! Any times you have to. Of course you won't make out of this a bad habit. But girl, life is too complicated to complicated even more.

    So, the best time to begin is NOW... Thanksgiving??? Is Turkey day, so eat a lot of Turkey with veggies and you know what... if you can keep on track until that day... check how many calories a dessert you might have has so you can see what you can do about it. Lately, I am a fan of OXYGEN managize and also COOKING LIGHT magazine, and I try to make desserts that comes in those magazines and take it with me to any place or Restaurant I ussually go. If I don't want to cook, small bars like fron the brand Eat good, Eat Great or Met RX must be on my purse as I am a sweet person (mostly if I go out).

    Conclusion, Stop being sad and dance for an hr increase your workout in any way and... BEGIN AGAIN!

  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    My suggestion: You need to re-think this process. If one "up" week is going to derail all of your progress, then something hasn't "clicked" because girl, it happens. It's a very real part of the process. You have to be mentally prepared for these gains and know that they're ok, it happens, you can move on from it.

    This whole "lifestyle change" is 90% mental. Time to have a talk - with yourself - about this lack of motivation. Train your brain to think of these setbacks as OK. Practice finding motivation within yourself by talking to yourself (or writing, or whatever!). You have to change your whole mindset for this to work, believe me. That's the "big secret" to weight loss that you'll rarely hear on tv/print adds etc. because you know what? It's FREE lol.

    It's also really hard to do :( But look, you have found MFP! The support is there - keep at it girl!
  • I don't know your current routine, but when I get discouraged, I try a small change in my habits. For example, last week I started eating every 2 hours after breakfast. All the same foods just smaller quantities at a time. At the end of the day I've still eaten within my calorie range but I've noticed my energy has improved during the day. I think this little change made the difference and I feel better about myself.
  • LindaSueBakk
    LindaSueBakk Posts: 145 Member
    I started MFP and had a loss the first three weeks. Thought I did OK the 4th week, but had a gain. I was sad but kept at it and had a 2# loss last week. I'm 58 so really don't have a reason to have my weight fluctuate. At your age, you do. As long as you do things right the weight will come off! A gain could easily just be water weight. Don't look at the scale as much as you look at how you feel. Do you feel better than you did before MFP? If so, that's a plus. You should also look at what you're eating. Add more fiber, more fruits and vegetables. Don't give up - a lot of us are in the same boat and we're cheering for you! If you want an "old" friend, I'm just a click away!
  • I really like your mini goal approach....I think I will do the same. Thanks
  • Thanks for all the encouragement everyone! It really perked me up. I sort of ranted in my post, then dragged myself off to the exercise room. I got on the elliptical telling myself I would do 5 minutes. Instead of just setting the timer for 5 minutes and counting down, I let it count up, so that I could do another minute or two if I wanted. Well, I had my music going and a fast song came on, so I kept going and got to 10 minutes. I was pretty happy that I did double what I had planned. I took a break for some stretching and crunches, and my cat loved on me - purring and rubbing up against me. He's not that lovey dovey much, so it really cheered me up, like he was rooting for me. So I got back on the elliptical for another 5 minutes, at a high setting, then sat down to ride the bike for what turned into 30 minutes.

    When I got off the bike, I saw I had all these encouraging words from everyone and that's really cheered me up even more. I know I shouldn't get so down for a couple of pounds. I mean, even with the extra pounds, I've still lost 14 overall, and that's no small thing in my book! I will try to be more positive about it. I'm glad I found MFP, because the people are great and even just keeping track of what I eat and the exercise I do has been a real god's send.

    Thanks again, everyone! :)
  • conniemae
    conniemae Posts: 6 Member
    A two pound gain could be water retention --try drinking morewater and add lime (my choice over lemon) . Maybe you should try a brisk walk and breathe to mix things up. Do not lose hope and please remember it takes alot of patience ! You can do it!
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