first time back in a month

edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
ok everyone. i fell off the bandwagon and haven't logged in for about a month. i went on vacation and everything went downhill from there. i went from 122 pounds to about 128 or 129, i need to weigh today. i really need some encouragement to get back on the bandwagon. i have been eating so much junk i don't even feel that good anymore. it gives me an upset stomach and almost makes me feel like i have indigestion. it's really time to clean up my diet again. it's just so hard to get started, and i had been avoiding logging in to fitness pal because i felt like a failure. but just making myself log into makes me feel so much better and like i have a little bit more control! i also haven't worked out in quite sometime either, i know this is going to have to be a priority as well. i would really appreciate any encouraging words, or some advice from anyone who's been there and done that! thanks so much!


  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    My advice is to not dwell on the weight that you have gained back, just put in your mind that it can be lost again. You cannot think of yourself as a failure, things are going to get in the way sometimes, thats life. Just take baby steps.
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    It's okay, I've been there before. I always start workout programs or healthy eating regimes only to quit later. After a month or so, I realize if I had just stuck with it, I would have had awesome results. A month flies by pretty quick too! I was angry at myself for not sticking with things, so I just said, forget it, start now and don't look back.

    Today is a brand new day, everything else is in the past. You can do this!

  • thank you guys! i needed that! yes! baby steps!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    I totally understand where you coming from. I have done almost the same thing. I was really serious about diet and exercise before my wedding. Then the wedding came and the honemoon came - and now I am trying to get back on track without the motivation of the wedding and honemoon ahead of me. It was three weeks without formal exercise and logging in. I am slowly getting back in the groove. but its hard!!! Let's do this together.... lets focus on eating healthy and exercise and no so much the little weight we gain. Once we do that I am sure the weight will fall back to normal. My first step is to start logging in again. That really helps me. It makes me aware of how much I eat - so that makes me aware that I better exercise to burn some of those calories LOL.. Good luck !!!
  • Been there, done that (many times), including not liking myself very much. New day, new me, new mission. Believe me, if I can do it so can you :) Good luck, keep at it, keep logging & remember we are behind you! Our 'behinds' are behind you too :laugh: :laugh:
  • that's how i feel too! the first step is logging in! i'm with you! i just saw that the last time i weighed in i was 121 pounds. now i'm 128. time to get back in focus!
  • thank you! i always fall off the bandwagon when i'm around my boyfriend, he doesn't support my hard work like he should. i don't think he realizes what a struggle it actually is for me, or cares. so needless to say, i ALWAYS gain weight when he comes home or when i go to see him. it's "try a bite of this..." or "try a bite of that..." or thinks it'll be funny to throw me off my diet, or tempt me. it makes me so incredibly ANGRY! i know he doesn't want a fat girlfriend, so i don't see the point in him trying to undermine me. maybe he's trying to give me a complex. who knows?
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    If your boyfriend is like most men - he just thinks you are beautiful and skinny just the way you are and you are silly for thinking "you need to lose weight." They are not as hard on us as we are on ourselves. I am sure he not trying to hurt you - he probably thinks you look great and shouldn't worry about your weight. My new husband now supports me with my healthy eating but ..... sometimes he tells me to "take a break" He doesn't think that I need lose weight - never did- not even 10 pounds ago.
  • i do love my boyfriend, but honestly, sometimes i think he would like me to have a complex because of his own securities. like when he calls sometimes and i answer, "hey handsome! :)" and he replies, "hey fatty!" sometimes i'm like, seriously, why does he do that? i just don't get it!
  • DG82
    DG82 Posts: 105
    Omg I felt like I was reading my own story when I saw this post!! I was able to get down to 138 earlier this year by REALLY buckling down and making a huge effort to track all my food and also exercising for at least 20-30 mins most days of the week. I was SO happy with myself for finally being able to lose a few lbs and motivated, etc. :-)

    Now, fast forward ( I was single at the time of my weight loss earlier this year, around March) and now I have met an amazing man and we've been dating for almost 7 months now. I wouldn't say that I've gained weight back b/c I'm happy though, I'm not the type to "let myself go" just b/c I finally have a man. We went on vaca and since coming back (early August from my week on vaca) I went up to 150ish (150-153). I am so disheartened, upset, mad at myself... all those negative feelings. I have never reached the weight that I'm at now either and for my height I should probably weigh at least 10-20lbs less (I'm only 5'3"). All of my clothes have now gone from being slightly loose to being VERY tight and uncomfortable on me and that is so depressing. I hate to say it too but I'm an emotional eater and will indulge on unhealthy snacks after getting home from work most nights (which is probably my biggest downfall) other than that the fact that I've completely been pushing off exercising hardcore once again. Last night I finally played my Wii fitness and RE-started the 6 week challenge. I hope that I'm able to really push myself even more above and beyond this time in my efforts. Wish me luck and good luck to you as well!! :-)
  • i know that we are not the only people that struggle with this, but sometimes it sure does feel like it! i'm right there with you! we just have to start again! all is not lost!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    How is everyone doing today??? It's a new day!!! I got up and did my power 90 dvd today so I started off good. I will try to keep my eating in check.... struggle struggle LOL !!!

    Hope everyone has a good healthy day!!!!
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936

    NO beating yourself up. It's in the past. The changes you made in the last month have NOTHING to do with today (or with your value as a human being).

    The clean up might be challenging for a few days as you come off the junk. My cravings are always sharp after an indulgent vacation. But, you said yourself, you feel terrible eating the junk. You can beat the initial cravings since eating healthy foods will make you feel SO much better physically (and mentally).

    No pressure on the workout front, just get moving. Take it easy and do something fun that doesn't feel like 'work'.

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!

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