Cravings for Sweets


So I have so many cravings for sweets and will often end up binging on them unintentionally. This is a major problem in my weightloss journey. Does anyone have any advice on how to curb these or deal with these?


  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Maybe try to incorporate them into your diet in small amounts, rather than trying to cut out everything you enjoy eating and ending up binging. I don't know if that's the approach you've taken, but that can be a problem for some people. Being overly restrictive with what you're eating can definitely lead to binges.
  • findingmyw1ngs
    findingmyw1ngs Posts: 107 Member
    I've tried to do that, but it's like once I start eating a sweet, I can't stop and end up eating anywhere from 2-5 servings instead of the one I ment to have
  • piersonj
    piersonj Posts: 62 Member
    For me preportioning was the key. If I have a pie I cut the pie into the number of portions I want to get out of it and immediately freeze individual portions. If I want pie, I log the pie in my diary, get a piece out of the freezer and set it on the counter to thaw. It helps that I dislike microwave thawed pie and cake because it gets soggy. While I wait for my treat to thaw, I do something else, read a book, clean something doesn't matter what just so long as it ingages my mind. Once I am done, I rethink do I want pie? if yes I get the slice. If no, I remove it from my log and put it in the back of the refrigerator where I won't see it every time I open the door. If after eating my treat I still want sweet, I start the whole process over. Freezing works for me on pie, candy and cake (no frosting). For cookies, I preportion the cookies as soon as I bring them home and put them in the back of the cabinet.

    When I first started this processes, I some time need two or three rounds to stop the craving, now just the act of logging will sometime stop the craving. Also I think it is important not to eat anything you are craving in the kitchen. Make it so you have to make a conscience decision to have more, not just mindlessly reach into a bag and eat.
  • I am the same way ! Right now, I can go for the cherry pepsi can in the refrigerator.and it's killing me to be honest. You need to have strong willpower to deal with it. I know how hard it is but with willpower, you can succeed. :)

    I also keep strawberries in my refrigerator when the sweet cravings strikes and that seems to help. Try having strawberries or sweet fruits in your house when your sweet tooth acts up.
  • I have this problem the week before I get my period. I can't stop eating bad things like chocolate and cake like products. Does anyone have an alternative solution that would curve my cake/chocolate meltdown every month? It really messes with my progress because then I can't get back on board the moderation of bad foods.
  • findingmyw1ngs
    findingmyw1ngs Posts: 107 Member
    For me preportioning was the key. If I have a pie I cut the pie into the number of portions I want to get out of it and immediately freeze individual portions. If I want pie, I log the pie in my diary, get a piece out of the freezer and set it on the counter to thaw. It helps that I dislike microwave thawed pie and cake because it gets soggy. While I wait for my treat to thaw, I do something else, read a book, clean something doesn't matter what just so long as it ingages my mind. Once I am done, I rethink do I want pie? if yes I get the slice. If no, I remove it from my log and put it in the back of the refrigerator where I won't see it every time I open the door. If after eating my treat I still want sweet, I start the whole process over. Freezing works for me on pie, candy and cake (no frosting). For cookies, I preportion the cookies as soon as I bring them home and put them in the back of the cabinet.

    When I first started this processes, I some time need two or three rounds to stop the craving, now just the act of logging will sometime stop the craving. Also I think it is important not to eat anything you are craving in the kitchen. Make it so you have to make a conscience decision to have more, not just mindlessly reach into a bag and eat.

    Thank you
  • findingmyw1ngs
    findingmyw1ngs Posts: 107 Member
    I have this problem the week before I get my period. I can't stop eating bad things like chocolate and cake like products. Does anyone have an alternative solution that would curve my cake/chocolate meltdown every month? It really messes with my progress because then I can't get back on board the moderation of bad foods.

    Maybe try the suggestion a couple posts up about freezing and all that
  • jlar09
    jlar09 Posts: 99
    I eat a lot of protein shakes with frozen fruit in them, so that's normally how I get my sweet tooth fix. Sometimes I have two Honeymaid graham crackers for 130 calories. Once in a while I'll go to the local fro yo shop and get sugarless Blueberry fro yo for 33 calories/ounce and then top it with fresh fruit and 1-2 tablespoons of walnuts.

    Honestly though, I have had a lot of problems with sugar in the past (my weight loss trigger was eating three pieces of cake when I could have only eaten one) and so after the cake incident, I committed myself to one week of being sugar free. After I completed that week, I changed it to a month, and then after the month was over I committed myself to the rest of 2013 sugar-free. 2013 is over in about four weeks and I'm pretty sure I'm going to commit to having no dessert in 2014 as well.

    This doesn't work for everyone, obviously. But honestly, in the 2 months I have been sugar free, even though I craved it a lot (especially the first two weeks), after that the cravings have been significantly less and I have never broken down and binged. There's something to be said about having 2 months behind you that gives you the extra oomph to not eat the Snickers bar. Since I have a hard time eating sweets in moderation, it's just easier for me to not have them at all.
    HEATHERACU73 Posts: 46 Member
    sometimes savoring each bite helps me. If I wolf something down, I keep wanting it. But if I really slowly eat and savor the bite. I find I've satisfied that craving faster.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I tried cutting out sweets completely .....the craving did go away (eventually). However, I will not be sugar free "for life" ..... so I started incorporating small sweet snacks into my daily routine.

    I love chocolate......Ghiradelli squares are individually wrapped so I can have one of those. Individual servings (100 Calorie packs) help too. I save the treat for later in the day, provided I am within my numbers.

    No way can I have an open bag of Hershey Kisses in the house....still working to fine tune this.
  • rhondatime2chg
    rhondatime2chg Posts: 92 Member
    I've tried to do that, but it's like once I start eating a sweet, I can't stop and end up eating anywhere from 2-5 servings instead of the one I ment to have

    I am the same way, and am struggling with this right now. I did so well, and then boom, all I can think about is sweets.