Opinion about my guilty pleasure

Soda... Damn stuff is so hard to put down. I've tried all kinds of things and I swear this stuff is addictive. So instead of trying to keep it out of my diet 100%, I try to do moderation and only allow myself one a day and ONLY if I have the calories for it.

So I'm wondering.. if I have the calories to drink a soda is it messing up my diet? As long as I'm under my 1400 calories a day it should fit in but I'd like opinions on it.

And I'm not looking for people to tell me everything is fine. I'm trying to find a way that works for me so I won't tell this diet to go jump off a cliff instead of give up my soda ;) But if having that soda is going to throw off the weight lose no matter my calories than I should look into other options.

And before anyone suggest, I have tried all kinds of alternatives including diet, tea, other flavored drinks, flavored waters, etc. Nothing is the same as my coca-cola.


  • climbing_trees
    climbing_trees Posts: 726 Member
    If you have the calories, drink up! :)
    I like to use my spare calories on alcohol and taco bell. Enjoy life a little ^__^
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    Coke Zero.
  • bf43005
    bf43005 Posts: 287
    IMHO it's better for you to drink soda & fit it into your daily calories then deny yourself for awhile, break down and drink a case of soda. No, soda isn't "healthy" for you and it's got a lot of sugar. So I'm sure you would lose more or faster if you cut it out all together. But you should enjoy your life. And hey you never know, if you stick with this you might find your taste buds change if you cut out other sweet stuff and you won't enjoy it anymore. Good luck!
  • eyecandyrayce
    eyecandyrayce Posts: 260 Member
    Coke Zero.

    Tried it for awhile. Hate it. It makes me crave the real stuff even more lol

    But thank you for the suggestion
  • tubaman58
    I am a diet coke addict, try for moderation...... be careful, the diet soda doesn't add calories, but it has a bit of sodium and can trigger cravings for other foods.....

    If that's the worst "guilty pleasure" you have, then you are doing pretty good :)
  • loconnor466
    loconnor466 Posts: 215 Member
    If you have the calories, drink up! :)
    I like to use my spare calories on alcohol and taco bell. Enjoy life a little ^__^

    Same here, except for the TacoBell!
    Everything in moderation I think is really the key. If you deprive yourself, you will only want it more. But if you start cutting down a bit, you might find after a couple of months you are not craving it the way you once did.
  • oroblar
    oroblar Posts: 68 Member
    I suffered from the same thing and am weaning myself from it. I used to drink one or two a day before getting onto fitnesspal and logging what I eat. The problem for me does not fall in the calories category, but it completely wipes out my sugar allowance for the day. 1 can has 41 grams of sugar. I allow one a week and look forward to it every week. Just my two cents.
  • Showcase_Brodown
    Showcase_Brodown Posts: 919 Member
    If you are hitting your calorie goal, I see no problem with including soda in your diet. I know, it's blasphemous.

    However, if it causes you to screw up your goals, reconsider.
  • CorlissaEats
    CorlissaEats Posts: 493 Member
    You have a lot to lose according to your goal so at this point the focus is on the deficit. Start by practicing meeting your deficit goal. As you get closer to your goal, you will likely notice that what you actually consume does matter more. Make small changes a few at a time. Work on weaning yourself off of it as you progress. Its a corn syrup product I believe- depends on your area. The formula is different in other countries. Your body tends to store sugar and corn syrup products and not use it up. Its best to get off of it. You might start to notice (eventually) just how good you feel when you don't drink it.

    Part of my strategy to cut pop was to mix apple juice and club soda. It gave me the bite and carbonation that I really love about pepsi but it was natural sugar and fewer calories. Im down to just apple juice and water now for my evening treat beverage. Its something that worked for me.
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,789 Member
    Nothing is going to magically stall your weight loss if you're in a caloric deficit. There is literally no food or drink that will stop you from losing or make you gain as long as you're at or under your target calories. If you enjoy the soda and it fits into your day, have it without a single worry.
  • setaylor86080
    setaylor86080 Posts: 210 Member
    I know this might sound stupid but try to think of this as a lifestyle change and not a diet. It helps to keep you on it. not something you can give up if it is just the way you are. Anyways, if you have the calories then help yourself. I would continue to try to find something to replace it but that is up to you and what you want. I can't drink soda anymore it kills my stomach. instead I am all about water with Lemon.
  • daniellemm1
    daniellemm1 Posts: 465 Member
    I hear your pain. I was the biggest diet pepsi addict (I know it has no calories but it also causes bloating and has no nutritional value whatsoever) It took me three months to give it up. I am now at the point where I will drink it when we go to a restaurant or in a mixed drink but that is it. My craving for it has really decreased.

    If it fits in your calories it is probably fine to have it but maybe cutting down would be beneficial so you can have those calories for food instead. It is completely your choice but if you choose to cut down/eliminate it be prepared to take some time to do it so you don't freak out :)

    Good luck :)
  • CrossFitSandra
    If you can fit it in to your calories without skimping on your macros, I say enjoy it!

    If you're looking to cut it out, I would recommend going slow and gradual. Go from one bottle a day to one can a day of those little mini-cans a day, and by then you might be able to quit easier.

    Or, you could get a hrm (for accuracy, if you don't already have one) and working off that soda every day. That may or may not make it seem worth it when you have to run for 30 minutes to "earn" your soda.

    And you're right; Coca-Cola is manna from heaven. I don't have one every day - more like once a month when we go to the movies or something, but when I do I appreciate every second of it.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    if that is your treat enjoy...make it a ritual. Ice cold, in your favorite cup, with the bendy straw...whatever. Soda for me is also something I really enjoy. I've been able to do diet, but it's still not the same as an ice cold Pepsi.

    PS-I cant have regular soda in my house as I have not been able to do it in moderation. I can start justifying that extra can like no ones business, so unfortunately for me I have to avoid, or go all or nothing and buy a liter and make it a meal.
  • SkinnyFatAlbert
    SkinnyFatAlbert Posts: 482 Member
    IIFYM then go for it but why drink your calories when you can eat them?
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    I usually have a diet coke a day. I dont know if i would lose more weight if i didn't drink it but you can defiantly lose weight while drinking pop if it fits in your calories. I struggle with binging and having that one coke a day helps me to not binge.
  • DannehBoyy
    DannehBoyy Posts: 546 Member
    You sound really motivated which is great! So I'm gonna say just force yourself to drink only water. Honestly, I hated just drinking water around a month ago, so i forced myself to drink it. Now i prefer the refreshed clean feeling after drinking it rather than having a can of cola. Hope this helps :)
  • AlyssaJoJo
    AlyssaJoJo Posts: 449 Member
    We bought a soda stream for this purpose. The Bf would easily down a case in two days - but with the sodastream we drink A LOT less of it. We try only going for the all natural ones - personally the none all natural ones taste funny to me - but he loves them all. You can also try to move your self to just using the soda water and mix it with juice vs drinking an actual soda. I will do that with dry drink packets or those mio things!
    HEAVNSOUL Posts: 5 Member
    it's the Sugar, not the Calories. I don't think there really is an alternative here if you are hooked on it. Unless you can get it down to a couple times a week (or if you have a cheat day, drink it that day) instead of one a day. i was (kinda still am) addicted to diet coke, so the Sodium kills me and the soda keeps me bloated. when i stay away from it for a couple days to a week, my bloating goes down and I feel slimmer that much quicker.
    weird.... i wish the bad stuff... was the good stuff. lol
  • scottyg70
    scottyg70 Posts: 388 Member
    I used to be totally addicted to Mt. Dew and giving that up was one of the hardest things. I still have one every so often and if you're within you're calories then it should be fine. But remember, it's empty calories and you could be eating/drinking something much more filling and nutritious.