Eating right, working out, NOTHING

exquisitesd Posts: 4
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been working out almost daily. I have never eaten better in my life and nothing! I have gained back what I had lost and I have not lost an inch in 3 weeks:( SOOOOO Depressed!

Anyone else go through this in the beginning?:explode:


  • Sporty98
    Sporty98 Posts: 320 Member
    Hello exquisitesd!

    YES! I'm with you! I dropped about 6 pounds pretty quickly when I joined MFP....Then, I lost nothing for over a month! It was my T.O.M. and so I gained back 2 pounds, and then spent the month trying to shed the 2 pounds I'd gained back! NOW, it's my T.O.M. again, and I weigh more than I did last month!

    The frustrating thing is not the scale's inability to move, but rather that I am following all the "rules", eating well (like you said, better than ever before) and working out daily! How can I work that hard and NOT see results!?!?

    I guess I have to believe that if I go like this long enough, my body will HAVE to shed the pounds....and if not, then at least I am feeling good, taking care of myself, and setting a good example for those around me as far as how to take care of oneself.
    Good luck to you and take care!
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Yep, lost 3 pounds in the first week and have put it all back on again in the second week, even though I'm eating super healthy foods, controlling portion sizes and working out a lot more than I have in the past. I do however notice I'm slowly toning up and people have noticed I lost weight in my face. Must be the muscle versus fat weight. I am trying not to worry too much about what the scale says, because surely what I'm doing can't be bad for my body. We all want to see immediate results but it took quite a while to pile on these pounds and they're not gonna go in a day! Keep hanging in there and I am sure we will see results!
  • Sporty98
    Sporty98 Posts: 320 Member
    Well said, PercyPig! I didn't gain weight over night, so I guess I shouldn't expect it to come off that fast! AND, I know that I am toning up, and gaining physical strength. I suppose having a tight, toned body is WAY more important than the number on my scale! =)
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Take measurements, they seem to tell a better story then scale especially at the beginning. I would recommend a HRM/calorie counter to give you an idea of what you are burning, and eat your calories. I have found by combining those things it has helped. Slow but steady gets the win! Keep the faith!
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    I didn't weigh myself in the beginning for a few months. People would tell me I was looking good, but didn't know how much I lost. I say put the scale away and weigh yourself in a month or two.
  • One thing that I noticed when i was trying to work out EVERY day, my weight loss slowed down significantly. Most places/people recommend 30 minutes 3 times a week. If you are going to work out every day, you need to alternate, if you are doing the same exercise every day, your body is "used" to it and it's not trying to burn any extra. Try alternating your workouts, drink LOTS of water and limit sodium. I know how frustrating this no change can be, but hang in there, your hard work will pay off.
  • carolww
    carolww Posts: 143 Member
    The scale didn't move for me for about the first three weeks. It was disappointing really, because normally you lost quite a bit the first week then it slows from there. Then suddenly.... whoosh 3lbs in the space of a few days. When I look back, I've been doing this for about 6 weeks and have lost 6lbs... averaged out, its a pretty normal weight loss. I think that you have to just keep going... and bear in mind that its an excrutiatingly slow process. Good luck.. keep going
  • christabeltoria
    christabeltoria Posts: 129 Member
    If you lost a bit at the beginning, you should probably go to the Goals page and reset for your lower weight. You might be eating more calories that your new weight requires.
  • Sparksfly
    Sparksfly Posts: 470 Member
    If you aren't losing:

    REALLY measure your portions, perfectly. (Break out the measuring; cups, spoons, and scale)

    MFP says to eat back all of your exercise cals, don't. I think with little to lose, your deficit is already small enough at 1200-1300 cals a day...try to only eat less than half back.

    Water, water, water! Drink it and love it. Try to make it all you drink!

    Eat a hearty breakfast. None of that sugary cereal and milk for 150 cals. Try the heavy breakfasts mom used to make for you before school (eggs and breakfast meat, steel cut oats (oatmeal), peanut butter sandwich..etc!). 300-400 cals for breakfast is a good number to strive for and what a breakfast you can have for that many cals!

    High protein snacks are beneficial for weigh loss. I have been eating two hard boiled eggs everyday and am finally getting over my plateau.

    WORK OUT...HARDER! For me, if I am not sweating or breathing heavy, then I need to up the intensity. Try work out classes at a gym! The other people around you and the different routines will help motivate you to workout harder!

    haha those are my weight loss tips to live by! Enjoy and happy workouts!
  • KellyBurton1
    KellyBurton1 Posts: 529 Member
    I always found I had to keep changinging my goals to find what work for me and even then I dont lose the weight very fast. I could go a month before I lose one pound and then all of a sudden 2 pounds then 1 and again and then nothing. Im so use to it now it doesnt phase me anymore. Keep with it, you'll see it.
  • Suedre
    Suedre Posts: 435 Member
    Here's the way I see it: You have absolutely no control over what your body does with your weight. You do have control over three important things: Diet, exercise, focus. If you've managed your diet and exercise the only other thing you can control is your focus. Let go of worrying about what you can't control, your weight. Change your focus to a performance based goal. Maybe you'd like run a mile, do a full 60 on the elliptical, complete a zumba class. Pick something you can't do comfortably now and work on it for two weeks or until you CAN do it comfortably. I suspect that if your diet is clean 90% of the time and your focused on your performance goal the weight will come off as a natural side effect. It does for me! :)

    Good luck, I hope you get through your slow spot.
  • keep doing what your doing. Sometimes it takes your body 6-8 weeks to reflect your hard work on the scale. I know its hard but hang in there. Quickest way to lose weight is to increase your cardio. Make sure you exercise you'll see the results even faster!! GOOD LUCK!!
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Change it up a little!! When you reach a plauteau, it is time to make a change. Keep the spirits up.
  • Wow thanks for all the feed back! It really helps to know people are here to talk to you and to know that I am not going crazy!

    I tried a new workout this morning so maybe changing things will help. Maybe the Wii boxing doesn't work me as hard as I thought, lol! I do THINK I see a little definition in my legs ( not much).

    I refuse to give up!

    I am moving to VA is Dec and I soooo want to lose 5 pounds before I go. Hubby is already there and I haven't seen him in over a month, I want him to say wow even though he thought I looked great before! My goal was 5 pounds in 8 weeks, huhhhhh... Still at the same goal just less time.
  • Lyndzo
    Lyndzo Posts: 142
    I am having the same problem. My ticker says 12 pounds but I keep going back and forth 5-10 pds. I believe it's because I am on an anti-depressant (which I am now weening myself off of). Medications can often cause weight gain. If I am still not losing once I'm off it I will seek medical advice.
  • That's true! Good point. I think I might be going through the same thing! It's been about 3 weeks for me too. . .
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    Your initial weight loss was probably water weight. That type of loss is pretty easy and rapid once you drastically change your diet. Now, it is time to WORK!

    MFP puts me at 1200 calories, but I think that is too low for me, so I muse 1500. I stopped eating my exercise calories and saw the weight starting to come off. Wii boxing is fun, but is hardly a workout. If it doesn't feel like exercise, it's probably not making MUCH of an effect on your weight loss. You can lose the weight with just dieting alone, but adding exercise will help a lot. Get that heart rate up!!!

    Oh, and drinks water. LOTS of water. Depending on what you are eating, you might be retaining a lot of water. Look at the sodium levels on your foods. If it's more than 300mg or so, make sure you are drinking a lot of water with that meal.
  • 1 week down of exercise/eating right and i already feel like i should see a difference in my scale and i dont!! i know i dont have much to lose (only about 10- 13lbs) but i think it would help me mentally to see the benefit !!!! i feel like i worked so hard this week and i thought your first pounds were the easiest to lose!!!! but im very motivated and wont give up!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 534281.png
    For Foods
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    what great answers. all of them i wouldve said. i have lost officially 2.4 pounds in 2 weeks. im trying to look on the positive, but then i remembered the past couple of weeks people complimenting me like crazy saying how great i look and they can definitely see the weight loss. i want to weigh 150 soon(its been 13 years and thats what i weighed when i met hubby) but i understand that number on the scale may never move. i did go a whole week without weighing, so if you arent doing that definitely wait, but you may not lose weight, but im sure those jeans are fitting better. good luck to you, and if you need a buddy, go ahead and friend me.
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