Real pushups vs fake ones (AF FA)

So the one thing I always thought I was really good at was pushups. Turns out, I was wrong. Very very wrong. For everyone who is doing pushups for numbers, stop... just stop. If I were to guess, you're doing it wrong. Okay maybe not everyone is but still...

Bit of background. About 2 years ago I was on what the Air Force fondly calls "the fat boy program". Ran 1.5 miles in 15:09 and had a 42" waist. I maxed my pushups (53) and did about 40 situps. They recently changed the fitness assessments to civilians testing people because we (as military members) weren't holding each other full accountable and as much as i hate to say it, we only hurt ourselves.

For our pushups to count we have to meet certain criteria (AFI 36-2905):

"1. Your hands will be placed on the floor, slightly wider than shoulder width apart.

2. You must lower your upper body until your upper arm is at least parallel to the floor and elbows bent at 90 degrees before pushing back up to the starting position. If you do not come down that far the push-up will not count.

3. Start in the up position with your elbows fully extended, feet no more than 12 inches apart, and your weight supported by your arms and toes. You must keep your back straight at all times and lower your upper body until your upper arm is at least parallel to the floor, then return to the up position with arms fully extended. This is one repetition."

The point (finally) is that since I started doing pushups the "right" way I've noticed 1) the pushups are harder to do and 2) I'm actually seeing results. Most of us are here because we want to get in shape. The moral of the story is dont shortcut. Your pushup numbers may be high but you really arent improving your fitness as much as you could be.

P.S. For any that care. Last assessment for me was 1.5 miles in 11:30, 53 pushups, 56 situps and a 37" waist.


  • FelipaJ
    P.S. For any that care. Last assessment for me was 1.5 miles in 11:30, 53 pushups, 56 situps and a 37" waist.

    Good Job!!!
  • paul100
    I'm not sure about the "until the arm is at least parallel with the floor" bit. In my book it's a proper push up when your nose touches the floor and you've kept your back and neck properly straight. If you bend your back or your neck then it doesn't count...
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Awesome! You totally settled a debate between me and my husband... ok I am NO WHERE near doing a good real push up... I'm still doing modified push ups, and probably not a very good job at that...but back to the debate. I start out on the floor...thats the only way I can get started for some I push up (arms extended)...go down (hopefully at least close to parallel, I'll have to ask my husband to watch me), and then back up..."I" count that as ONE...he says its two because I'm supposed to count the initial lift off the floor....
  • JustJessie
    JustJessie Posts: 162 Member
    The PE department at the middle school I work for recently got a number of these devices.

    They are call the perfect pushup. You basically have to lower yourself down far enough to have your chest push against the top of the device for it to count each pushup.