Weight Loss and Illness

I literally just started this journey yesterday, and my wonderful supportive body decides "Hey, Lets catch a cold and make it THAT much harder to make a major change in your life!" I was only able to do about 12 minutes of moderate cardio before I got nauseous. I tried to make up some of the difference by walking, but I got fatigued so fast I was nearly crawling back to my apartment in agony :sad:

So... Anyone have advice for the semi-bedridden? I don't want to start my journey off doing absolutely nothing, Then again I don't want to overwork myself and end up making everything worse.


  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,640 Member
    If you are sick I would rest and let your body heal up before trying to do any exercise. Just drink a lot of water, stay under your calorie goal, and get that vitamin c in :)
  • CharleePear
    CharleePear Posts: 1,948 Member
    Eat extra protein, that's why there is that old chicken soup thing people do for sick people. Don't exercise, it will take longer to get better. Rest. And yes definitely plenty of water.
  • Thanks guys! I'll try not to let the sickness get me down too much,
  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    You are morphing into my wife!!! She just carries on as if nothing was wrong and wonders why it takes her 2-3 weeks to get over a cold, whereas I usually shift it in 2-3 days!!! Work on the food, forget the exercise, take lots of Lemsip or similar with extra honey and lemon to make you feel better and get some rest!! Personally, I find a hot bath helps a lot, closely followed by a reasonable quantity of your favourite spirit! The bath raises the body temperature and helps to kill the germs in the same way as the body will raise it's temperature to fight the bugs, and the alcohol i supposed to kill them as well (I had a boss who swore by half a bottle of whisky as a cure for a cold! Personally, I think it just helps you feel a bit better!)

    Hope this helps and you get well soon!