Looking for other ladies 25-35 who in a healthy wieght but l

I am a 28 and considered in a healthy weight. I'm 5'2" but need to loose the fat and tone up to get healthy. I have been looking at the message boards for support but I feel like so many peoples goals are more significant than mine. I'm just looking for others who don't have huge weight loss goals but are serious about getting fit and haelthy for support. Any takers? I need a fitness pal(s).


  • Rachaely
    Rachaely Posts: 113
    I'm with you! I'm considered a healthy weight, and I'm not looking to lose much weight. I'm looking to lose the fat and re-tone my muscle!
  • redheadedtomboy
    redheadedtomboy Posts: 5 Member
    This sounds about right for my life right now!
    I "should" lose about 15-20 lbs, but I am pretty healthy/fit and enjoy rock climbing and working out. I got out of shape due to a car accident and I want to make sure to log my food so I don't get further off course.
  • Mama06
    Mama06 Posts: 110 Member

    I am 32 and not quite at a healthy weight yet, but I have lost 6lbs this month and completely toned my muscles (yeah there is still chubbyness on top but I am achieving AMAZING definition). I have been doing Jillian Michaels's 30 Day Shred this month. Although it may be for slimmer people than I was when I started, I was strong enough to do it so I did and I LOVE it! I have 3 days left but I already have achieved AWESOME toning results.

    I have to watch my calories because I have to lose weight, but since you don't need to lose weight but build some muscle mass and tone I HIGHLY recommend the 30 Day Shred!! I bet because you are already thin by the end of the 30days you would look fabulous and be able to really see the definition and sculpting that this routine gives without calorie counting.

    Anyway- Good Luck!
  • manditalita
    Great! I'm so glad to have your support and I'm here for ya'll too! I think I might try the 30 day shred as soon as I get on track with loging my calories and exercise. Just want to get into the swing of things before I get lost. So my goals for this week.
    My goals for this week:
    *Log food and exercise every day (even weekends)
    *Look into the 30 day shred so I can be ready to start it next week.

    Any one else do before and after pics?
  • manditalita

    I am 32 and not quite at a healthy weight yet, but I have lost 6lbs this month and completely toned my muscles (yeah there is still chubbyness on top but I am achieving AMAZING definition). I have been doing Jillian Michaels's 30 Day Shred this month. Although it may be for slimmer people than I was when I started, I was strong enough to do it so I did and I LOVE it! I have 3 days left but I already have achieved AWESOME toning results.

    I have to watch my calories because I have to lose weight, but since you don't need to lose weight but build some muscle mass and tone I HIGHLY recommend the 30 Day Shred!! I bet because you are already thin by the end of the 30days you would look fabulous and be able to really see the definition and sculpting that this routine gives without calorie counting.

    Anyway- Good Luck!

    Mama06- where do I learn more about the 30 day shred?
  • Rachaely
    Rachaely Posts: 113
    Great! I'm so glad to have your support and I'm here for ya'll too! I think I might try the 30 day shred as soon as I get on track with loging my calories and exercise. Just want to get into the swing of things before I get lost. So my goals for this week.
    My goals for this week:
    *Log food and exercise every day (even weekends)
    *Look into the 30 day shred so I can be ready to start it next week.

    Any one else do before and after pics?

    That is the best attitude to have (getting in the swing of things first). I started out slow...if you don't you'll overwhelm yourself! Logging food is the first good step and yes even on weekends. I've only been on here for four weeks, and yeah, my calorie intake increases on the weekend but now that I see how many calories are in certain drinks, I've even changed that! (Such as vodka, soda & lime instead of Captain & Coke.)

    Make sure you ALWAYS have mini-goals. That's the biggest thing I've learned since starting to exercise my own and not on a team. If you don't, everything just seems unattainable and it's easier to give up :(
  • sublimechik28
    sublimechik28 Posts: 74 Member
    i did the 30 day shred its freaking awesome now im doing jillians no more trouble zones and that one is freaking toning city i love it! my before n after is my profile pic
  • manditalita
    Thanks girl! :-)
    What's every one's goals for next week? If you put it out there we can keep an eye on each other.

    BTW I have looked into the 30 day shred but it's hard to find programs I can do because I had head, neck, and brain surg, I am limited. BUT!!!! I did find hip hop abs and am all set up to get going on that next week in place of the 30 day shred!

    PS! I have the fitness ch and they have this show with belly dancing... at first I thought it would be easy but dang it kicks my butt and helps with muscle isolation and posture! Check it out!!
  • manditalita
    Ok, I woke up and a few things have been bouncing around in my mind this morning. Love to get your feed back ladies about your thoughts on these things.

    *I feel like even though my goal is only 10 lbs right now I feel like it's harder to loose. I get dissapointed 'cause I see other ladies dropping thier 30 40 + and I have only dropped a couple. Kinda feel discouraged sometimes.

    *Some where recently I heard "Health is wealth". So does that mean healthy people have more money or is it that being healthy is a sort of weath in it's self?

    *Last... I looked in the mirror after my shower today and was surprised to be comfortable being in front of the mirror. I didn't just shake my head and throw my robe on. And to put the icing on it I feel super bloated right now and crampy... but still comfortable. Breakthrough?

    How are the rest of you ladies doing with your goals? Any other stories or "huh..." moments for ya'll?

  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I wold love to be part of a challenge. I'm 32. i'm 5'5" and at the middle to high end of a healthy weight. I gained 15 lbs over the summer and am trying to work it off and get rededicated to eating right. I was 3 weeks into a 5k training program when I started having knee pain and am now waiting for surgery to remove a lump from my knee. I could also use some extra motivation help.
  • manditalita
    Well you have come to the right place! What helps keep you motivated? Have you posted your goals on your profile? Welcome! I'm sorry to hear about your knee but I will help keep you motivated any way I can, just let me know. :-)
    STR0NGisSEXY Posts: 128 Member
    This is me, too. My weight is only 135... but my body fat% is high, and heart attacks and stroke run in my family. Eek! Gotta get healthier!
  • francesstewart1
    Me too! I am 25yrs, 5'5 and 145 pounds. I want to be 130!
  • manditalita
    So how is everyone doing? Success or trouble... put it out there and let's keep each other motivated!!