*LADIES* Working out making you a hormonal time bomb?

Maybe I'm trying to find a reason for my over sensitivity lately. Besides it being my TOM, I'm also new to working out. I've skimmed a little here and there and read it may be possible estrogen is released when burning fat cells.

Is there truth in that or am I'm turning into a weepy hot mess for no reason at all?


  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    You can only bury the ***** for so long


  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    HOLY CRAP!!! I was filter owned. I had not clue there was a filter here.

  • melliebee
    melliebee Posts: 187 Member
    I have found my moodiness has drastically decreased since working out!! My honey has also noticed the same thing. I have tons more energy and get out of bed a lot quicker too..

    Have you changed your diet at all? Because when I changed my diet (took out a LOT of sugar and all caffeine) I definitely noticed a HUGE change in my moods..
  • rachie33
    rachie33 Posts: 3 Member
    working out makes me feel better......Maybe it's the whole TOM thing...
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    The only time I have any emotional problems related to exercise/dieting is when I start to feel like I can't eat the foods I want. I feel like I sacrifice so much of myself and my needs/wants already that if I can't have some junk food now and then I get super grumpy and kinda flip out. But that's more stress from being a stay at home mom to a toddler and a baby, and not being able to go shopping/not getting presents than it is from hormones released from exercise.
  • niknok28
    I became overly sensitive about the first week and a half that I began working out. It was no where near TOM. I'm the type of person who doesn't hold any thought or feeling back so there really wasn't anything different other than the exercise. I literally cried over dropping a piece of broccoli (uh, not like me at all) and then felt like ripping someones head off for no reason the next second. Increase in estrogen eh?! Hmm maybe that would explain it. Anyway it chilled out and I've felt fine ever since.
  • niknok28
    HOLY CRAP!!! I was filter owned. I had not clue there was a filter here.


    Hilarious! At least I know I can use crap and damn.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I'm a mess right now, but i don't think it's from exercising...it could be a link to it...but i feel like **** so i'm a weepy mess...i would put money on the fact that it's PMS...cured by calcium, evening primrose oil, getting laid and red wine...not in that particular order...
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Maybe you need a better/more appealing workout? I also find that I feel great from working out and off when I don't. Maybe you need to find a workout/ exercise that inspires you more? I like running cuz of the milestones I can feel like I'm achieving things. Maybe you should look into dance or swim or something

    Exercise gives you endorphins
    Endorphins make you happy
    Happy people don't kill their husbands
  • ginnyroxx
    I became overly sensitive about the first week and a half that I began working out. It was no where near TOM. I'm the type of person who doesn't hold any thought or feeling back so there really wasn't anything different other than the exercise. I literally cried over dropping a piece of broccoli (uh, not like me at all) and then felt like ripping someones head off for no reason the next second. Increase in estrogen eh?! Hmm maybe that would explain it. Anyway it chilled out and I've felt fine ever since.

    I'm going to pick your post out bc it's the one i like best :laugh:

    i am in my first 2 weeks of working out.

    and to the other responders - i guess then i'll just keep doing what i'm doing and hope this week ends soon and the next months are better. they freakin' have to be.
  • ginnyroxx
  • Gogo76
    Gogo76 Posts: 581
    I'm a mess right now, but i don't think it's from exercising...it could be a link to it...but i feel like **** so i'm a weepy mess...i would put money on the fact that it's PMS...cured by calcium, evening primrose oil, getting laid and red wine...not in that particular order...

    X3 on being a hot mess right now! I have PMS like crazy! I want to (read: I am) eating everything in sight that is bad for me. However the moodiness that I normally have is gone since I started working out. I am just a human garbage disposal right now when it comes to the sweet, salty, starchy, greasy, not-good-for-you foods. :indifferent: :ohwell:
  • ginnyroxx

    **** head
  • rymattsmom
    rymattsmom Posts: 369 Member
    you guys are tooo frickin funny!!!!!!!!!!!

    i have to agree, since i have started working out i am much more happier and have more patience, tolerance, and overall just feel soo much mentally better, everyone has noticed it.............goodbye to my antidepressants i was once on, plus vitamin D really really helps!!!!!!!!!!
  • AmberBarrios
    AmberBarrios Posts: 394 Member
    I actually find I am a raging ***** if I don't work out. LOL
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    In the last 6 months of working out and eating better, my PMS has drastically improved...until a few days ago. I still have a week until TOM arrives and I am a complete frickin' maniac. Crying one minute, pissed off the next and zero control over it! I hate it. PLus, I get cluster headaches/migraines at this time of year until we change the clocks (only a few more days), so my body is ultra f***ed up. Even working out doesn't help right now.
  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    Holy ship! Mfp has gotten so fruckin funny since I friended you. Mfp should be paying you for keeping us losers laughing!
    That was meant for you ham bites. I don't know how to work this thang!
  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    Ahahahahaha I've totally ****** this tread! Giggle. Snert. Snort.

    HAM BITES?!?!?! Oh Christ on a cracker.