To workout or not to workout..advice please??

Hello. I've been ill since Saturday..congestion, headache, cough, fever. Today I'm back at work and feeling SLIGHTLY better. I'm leaving on vacation on Saturday and would REALLY love to get in workouts today, tomorrow and Friday.

The question. SHOULD I? When are you too sick to workout? I don't feel great..that's for sure. And my boyfriend is afraid if I push myself I'll be sick for our vacation.

What do you all think???


  • nomoremuffintopness
    If you are better and feel up to it, I'd say go for it. If you stayed home from work and were feeling terrible, Id say skip it. When youre sick your body needs rest. But if you work out keep it light! Have fun on vacay
  • tater8589
    Honestly I say rest. He is right that if you over do it you will be more sick. If you MUST then try to do something light.Get some vitamins to help boost your immune system too. Also, this works for me... warm dr pepper or hot tea with a shot of Jack Daniels, always helps me kick a cold. Hope ya feel better and enjoy your vacation.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I'm no expert by any means but my opinion is if you feel up to it then go for it. I've read that as long as you are getting enough sleep then workouts will not hinder you when ill. I felt myself coming down with a chest cold over the weekend and continued to workout, I do high intensity training and weight lifting I can honestly say that I think pushing thru helped me recooperate must faster as I never got as sick as I did during my preworkout days.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I've always heard that a little exercise when you're sick actually helps you get better faster. As long as you don't overdo it and don't completely wear yourself out, you should be fine. Make sure you're eating really well and taking vitamins and you shouldn't be sick for long.
  • Sharonbed4d
    If your fever is gone, then do a light workout. I wouldn't do too much especially since you are going on vacation and you want to be fully recovered for that!
  • paul100
    If you have a fever then you should rest.

    Generally speaking it's OK to exercise through a cold, so long as all the symptoms are above the neck... if you have any kind of chest infection then rest until it's sorted out.

    On a related note people often confuse flu with colds... and claim they have flu when really they have a cold. Flu is a potentially serious thing and requires rest to recover. On the other hand you can keep going with exercise through a cold.

    The old joke is that to test if someone has flu or not stick a high value banknote on the outside of their bedroom window.. if it's a cold they'll hop out of bed and go and pocket it - if it's flu they'll stay in bed.
  • oats4breakfast
    If you're well enough to go to work, then you aint sick enough to skip working out.

    Leave your germs at home though. Don't drag those germs into the gym if you go to one.
    Personally, I hate it when co-workers come in to work sick, (you should consider staying home if you're questioning how well you actually feel) ; but it's worse when someone has a box of tissues and is sneezing etc while sweating all over the gym equipment.
  • cjkasseckert
    cjkasseckert Posts: 53 Member
    I would say try to fit something in.... even a walk. Sometimes I find that the increased airflow, fresh air and increased circulation helps clear up my cold a bit. Just my two cents.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    maybe something low impact like yoga or thai chi
  • Shash27
    Shash27 Posts: 172
    If you're well enough to go to work, then you aint sick enough to skip working out.

    Leave your germs at home though. Don't drag those germs into the gym if you go to one.
    Personally, I hate it when co-workers come in to work sick, (you should consider staying home if you're questioning how well you actually feel) ; but it's worse when someone has a box of tissues and is sneezing etc while sweating all over the gym equipment.

    I would LOVE to stay home..but my boss is the QUEEN of the guilt trip :-(
  • butterflyfaerie
    butterflyfaerie Posts: 94 Member
    If you must, I'd keep it light. I myself just got back from a workout despite having a sore throat and lethargy, and now I have both of those, but a lot worse.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Hello. I've been ill since Saturday..congestion, headache, cough, fever. Today I'm back at work and feeling SLIGHTLY better. I'm leaving on vacation on Saturday and would REALLY love to get in workouts today, tomorrow and Friday.

    The question. SHOULD I? When are you too sick to workout? I don't feel great..that's for sure. And my boyfriend is afraid if I push myself I'll be sick for our vacation.

    What do you all think???

    You have chest congestion? Do not do anything strenuous or anything that will get you out of breath. You will put unnecessary strain on your heart and lungs if you do.

    Regarding exercise, walking is fine, providing you do not get out of breath.

    The main thing is to be well for your vacation, after all you have worked, saved and looked forward to it surely, why spoil it just to get a couple more workouts in? It is not as if you will lose your shape and fitness just because you haven't trained for a week or two.

    Look after yourself and enjoy your vacation xxx
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    If you are running a fever you should skip the work out.
    If your symptoms are below your next its advised to go very easy or skip all together if there is any chest congestion that is impairing your breathing.
    Flu like symptoms, aching muscles - skip as you can't tell if you are pushing too hard.

    Gentle stretching exercises to keep your hand in would be beneficial tho

    Above all listen to your body, if you start exercising and start feeling worse STOP. Your body is having a workout all on its own fighting illness, pushing it before you are recovered could well see you prolong your illness
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    Get better. Your workouts will always be waiting for you when you're healthy :)

  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    If you're well enough to go to work, then you aint sick enough to skip working out.

    Leave your germs at home though. Don't drag those germs into the gym if you go to one.
    Personally, I hate it when co-workers come in to work sick, (you should consider staying home if you're questioning how well you actually feel) ; but it's worse when someone has a box of tissues and is sneezing etc while sweating all over the gym equipment.

    Well that is not quite true is it, really. All depends on what somebody's job is, they may be able to go to work, but working out might be out of the question due to, basically, feeling like *kitten*!

    What we have to remember is that we are working out because we want to - and the word "enjoyment" definitely comes to mind here, not because we are in the army and have to :laugh:
  • Fineraziel
    I had the flu last week (not a cold, but a big flu!). I did my workouts anyway and actually it made me feel better!

    So I would say, do it if you feel up to! :)