exercise and fresh piercings

I want to get my lip pierced today, but I also want to do my usual gym routine. Is there any issue with me doing one then the other? Would working out first make my blood pump fast and my piercing bleed lots? Or would getting the piercing first be bad coz of sweat getting in the hole?

I've tried google and haven't really got a straight answer. Does anybody else know?


  • kittenful
    kittenful Posts: 318 Member
    This is what I've found: Yes! By all means stay active. The basic rule here is: it hurts, don't do it. If it's not bothering you, you're not doing any damage. Just make sure to take a shower and clean your piercing after any excessive sweating. Your sweat is sterile when it comes out, but rapidly collects bacteria.
  • Shnookington
    Would it be better to get the piercing before or after I work out?
  • kittenful
    kittenful Posts: 318 Member
    Perhaps on a rest day? That way, you have a bit of time to get used to it. Just make sure you keep it clean per your piercer's instructions. In fact, just give your piercer a call. Seek their advice. Might be best, that way. ^_^

    *Edited to add missing punctuation. Bah.
  • Grider056
    When I got my penis pierced I waited about 3 weeks before lifting. Especially deadlifts and squats.
  • Shnookington
    I don't plan on getting my penis pierced, my lip will be bad enough =P
  • Grider056
    Well well... No knob slobbing for a while .