I need exercises to do! Please help



  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    Im not trying to make excises but thanks those works of encouragement help! I just know my body and I know I am going to have to start slow and work up not go at it full force

    If your body is really hurting that much, you should concentrate mostly on what you are eat and perhaps learn some yoga.
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    Hi I my self am a chronic pain sufferer. I have joint pain in my back and knees from chronic lyme disease and neuropathy from nerve damage from the lymes and shingles.....I know you said you cant walk much but how about try to get up every half hr and walk around the house an extra 5-10 mins. Light weight lifting for your arms also will help and yes yoga!!! There is yoga videos on you tube for beginners and some one also mentioned Leslie Sansone, theres a few of them, the first one I did. I only completed 20 mins and then the next time I completed the next 20 mins. I believe it was 47 mins long for the 3 mile walk. Then I found the 2 mile walk one and I do 25 mins of it now, just do what your body can do but each time try your best to add in a little extra
  • atcross
    atcross Posts: 26 Member
    My mom has fibromyalgia as well as messed up knees and shoulders and she's been doing water aerobics for a couple of months and loves it. Her class is taught in extra warm water (around 100 F, I think) which helps with some of the pain and stiffness. From personal experience, I recommend yoga but listen to your body and let yourself progress slowly. As far as weight loss goes, I agree it's mostly about diet. I think you'll also find that once you've lost some weight, exercise will become easier and less painful because your joints will be under less pressure.
  • harleygroomer
    harleygroomer Posts: 373 Member
    Start with walking. A very good and easy start.
  • jhloves2knit
    jhloves2knit Posts: 268 Member
    Thank you all! I have fibromyalgia and Rheumatoid arthritis in my legs back and arms... I wake up in major pain everyday I try to walk as much as i can be being its winter now and I live on a busy street and babysit I dont want to take my friends son out in this crap... So I needed to find something that would be inside but still help I will look things up on youtube and check other sites mention It is a great help to me for all your suggestions

    Sometimes I put on some fast music and walk in place or around the house.
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    I know you asked for exercises to do but heres a group that im in for pain http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/52156-chronic-pain-fibromyalgia
  • lmckillo
    lmckillo Posts: 127 Member
    The best advice is to start with something easy....just start walking is great advice. Doesn't have to be far just start. I find that if my runs are shorter I am more apt to do them, then if each run is a torture test. Something fun and easy and your more apt to do it. Doesn't get much easier than that. Another thing is don't look at the big picture, set small goals for yourself. Lets say you want to loose 10 lbs, set that goal but set small goals in between. Lets say by the end of December I want to loose 2 lbs. This way it does not become overwhelming. Start small and before you know it the weight will be coming off.

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  • mssierra2u
    mssierra2u Posts: 86 Member
    If moving around is challenging, I'd divide my time between walking (I love leslie sansone videos) and working with dumbbells at home. There are lots of great videos on you tube. With the weights, focus on slow, controlled movements. The weight work will help your body maintain the muscle mass you have, and makes more of your lost weight be fat. It's wonderful that you are making this change in your life, and the life of your family. Take it one step at a time.... and measure yourself now, because sometimes the scale wont move but other measurements will.
  • donnaleighh
    donnaleighh Posts: 178 Member
    Walking is your friend .... just walk, breathe in some fresh air, soak up some sunshine and keep on walking ....

    There are also great Walk at Home videos (Leslie Sansone) which you can find if you search, and which you can do if you find it hard to get out.

    But ya - be good to yourself, walk as much as you can and start working on good nutrition.
  • Binkie1955
    Binkie1955 Posts: 329 Member
    Exercise is overrated as a means of losing weight. it's almost useless. it's good for other things which we can discuss.
    for weight loss it's diet. start with the keto calculator website, set your MFP goals to what the calculator says and we'll all be more than happy to help. Best best is to get the Carbs down to 50-75 grams a day and set the calories to what the keto calculator says.

    for exercise if you are heavy start with walking laps in the pool at gym. just walk laps in water. you'll be surprised.
  • DeeDeeMee
    DeeDeeMee Posts: 133 Member
    Go with the yoga. Stretching will really help with the ME and also help to warm your body up in the mornings so you'll suffer less pain during the day. There's a great series of yoga which was actually made for TV called Namaste Yoga by Kate Potter. They're 25 min sessions so not too demanding or time consuming. If you can get hold of them they'd be worth trying.

    If I recall correctly the thing with ME is that if you don't exercise it can actually get worse BUT doing really energetic exercises can also make it worse so yoga is really helpful and then in the warmer weather add gentle walking for short amounts of time or gentle swimming. I'm not sure that I'd join a gym because the exercises there tend to be more focused on things like weights, running or walking on a treadmill or using other machines which won't really benefit you at this stage as they're too heavy for you.

    For weight loss on its own it is about calorie consumption rather than exercise, but the exercise side of things should actually make it easier by smoothing out your metabolism and muscles etc. I also recommend consulting your GP as they should be able to help you with some low dose arthritis and pain medication which should help to relax your muscles a bit, and they will also be able to advise you on your current BMI and help to devise a weight loss program that is appropriate for you.
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  • lindsaymarcin
    lindsaymarcin Posts: 81 Member
    What about trying wii fit or one of the dance games? They are fun without a lot of strain and get you moving. I don't know if there is a mall around you, but I have started mall walking because I hate being out in the cold too long.