Fitness competitions

Okay I am 5'5" ish 238 #s I have 51% BF. I am going to get in shape by lifting and cardio and eating "clean". And hopefully get ripped enough to be in competitions. I do not want to be a giant and I still want to be feminine but I hate my flab and want it gone! Thankfully my hubby and I are training together so at least I have him supporting me instead of feeding me! Any one out there with some positive tips to help me along the way? I also want to know if this is even possible at my weight. Has anyone else went from flab to fit? Also want opinions about excess skin. I have had 4 kids so I know I will have a little but is it possible to tighten your skin as you go once you are so far out of shape? My ultimate goal is to have my "penthouse" *kitten* back and to not have this massive double chin!


  • melissahackett
    melissahackett Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there, I'm Miss age 29 with four babies :) I competed in my first competition in April 2012 in the Atlantic Classics .. :) I am returning this upcoming March 2014 and Im looking for some motivation as well as helping others achieve this goal. It was one of the best self confidence boosts for me stepping on stage :) I enjoyed every minute of it :)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    At your weight? not right now.

    But my friend is 5'8" she lost over 100 lbs and came down to 128 to compete. She looked bad- not enough muscle- she needed to have been weight lifting all along- but that's besides the fact- she's fixing that and going to compete some more.

    Anyway- YES it's totally possible- but your current stats- it's going to take best guess off the top of my head probably a year and a half to really get the progress you want. - 2 lbs a week works out to roughly 14 months. And the progress will slow as you get closer and closer to your target goal.

    I would suggest start fighting the fight- calorie deficit- cardio and weight training- lose the first 75 and then start talking to a coach.

    It's possible- you may not win- but I read lots of stories of older women (read 50's) who competed in their first competitions- there are ALL types- it's possible- but you have to realize it's a LONG commitment- not for the faint of heart- and not for the un-dedicated but it's absolutely do-able.

    Check out some articles/threads on there are lot more competitors over there.

    Good luck honey!!!