Any tips - Southwest Florida

Approaching my 60th and decided I wanted to get in shape. Retired a few years ago only about 10 lbs. overweight but really want to lose it and tone up. Started tracking my eating about two weeks ago. Tracking my eating has helped a lot but I am afraid it will grow boring soon. Any tips or ideas?


  • madiken4
    madiken4 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, welcome! I've been logging for about four months now and have had great success with it, and I haven't found it boring. I think one of the keys is having a good, but small group of friends on here to go through it with you along the way. It probably won't take you that long to lose that ten pounds and tone up, so stick with it! You can add me as a friend if you'd like. I live in the southwest area of Florida, also, but I've never heard of the town that you live in. Good luck, you can do it!