Need breakfast ideas.



  • KombuchaCat
    KombuchaCat Posts: 834 Member
    Green smoothie! Check out a website called "Simple Green Smoothies" for some great recipes.
  • You can also try protein pancakes. You can make big batches of them and store them in the fridge. Then just heat them up for a few seconds in the microwave. This is a really simple recipe but you can play around with it and add berries, nuts or seeds. Just be careful with the calorie content when adding nuts!!

    Protein Pancakes
    3/4 cup rolled oats
    4 egg whites
    1 scoop protein powder (I like BioTrust)
    cinnamon to taste
    non-stick cooking spray

    Just mix everything and let stand for 5-10 minutes. Cook until lightly browned and set. I like to top with Greek yogurt or a bit of natural peanut butter.

    Let me know what you think!!

    Is there any way I can sub protein powder for something else? I don't really use it.
    It sounds delish though!
  • Green smoothie! Check out a website called "Simple Green Smoothies" for some great recipes.

    As much as I love smoothies, they don't fill me up or keep me full during the workout. I usually make a post-workout smoothie for a snack.
  • koos22
    koos22 Posts: 22
    If eggs go fast, you could buy a carton of egg whites and hide it :P

    Protein powder is a good investment! You can make pancakes with it, egg whites, a scoop of oats, and a pinch of baking soda. That's it.

    Here's another recipe:

    You can put whatever you want in them, really... Best breakfast everrr
  • When I eat oatmeal I like to put in 1/4 to 1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt, 1 tablespoon honey, 1/2 - 1 scoop protein powder and a tablespoons of some kind of nut butter and of course a generous sprinkle of cinnamon. This transforms the oatmeal to a protein packed breakfast that will keep you full and enough carbs and fat for that quick energy boost.

    I don't use protein powder - should I though?
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    1/3 cup oats, 1/3 cup egg whites, 1/3 cup cottage cheese. Tons of cinnamon. Blend into a pancake batter.
    Mix and let stand for 10 minuites as below and then cook. Same same.
  • silveropes
    silveropes Posts: 36 Member
    Yogurt is great. If I were you and milk goes fast in your house make a gallon of homemade yogurt. that way you can control the sugar and flavor. IF your looking to bulk up a smoothie is to add oats that have been turned to powder in the food processor or blender.

    Make waffles add in protein powder and oat powder you can cook them then freeze them for mornings on the run.
  • If eggs go fast, you could buy a carton of egg whites and hide it :P

    Protein powder is a good investment! You can make pancakes with it, egg whites, a scoop of oats, and a pinch of baking soda. That's it.

    Here's another recipe:

    You can put whatever you want in them, really... Best breakfast everrr

    Haha. I'm considering buying a mini-fridge and keeping it in my room with all my food that I don't want others to touch. :P
    Hmm. I'll look into getting protein powder then. :)

    Thanks for the link!
  • Yogurt is great. If I were you and milk goes fast in your house make a gallon of homemade yogurt. that way you can control the sugar and flavor. IF your looking to bulk up a smoothie is to add oats that have been turned to powder in the food processor or blender.

    Make waffles add in protein powder and oat powder you can cook them then freeze them for mornings on the run.

    Thank you so much. :)
  • unamoss
    unamoss Posts: 28 Member
    Greek Yoghurt is awesome in so many ways. My fav is with fruit although I've tried mixing it with oats etc. The best part is that I never run out of "dairy" for my concoctions because I use Almond Milk and Yoghurt and no one else in the house tends to touch the stuff. lol:wink:
  • 1/3 cup oats, 1/3 cup egg whites, 1/3 cup cottage cheese. Tons of cinnamon. Blend into a pancake batter.
    Mix and let stand for 10 minuites as below and then cook. Same same.

  • Greek Yoghurt is awesome in so many ways. My fav is with fruit although I've tried mixing it with oats etc. The best part is that I never run out of "dairy" for my concoctions because I use Almond Milk and Yoghurt and no one else in the house tends to touch the stuff. lol:wink:

    Haha. I use Almond Milk aswell - unfortunately another person in the household loves milk. Because of that we go through a gallon of milk a day. Sometimes more. Even if we say "do not drink" they still do =P.
  • dc5729
    dc5729 Posts: 14 Member

    I do sympathise, breakfast is so important when you are dieting but I get really tired of eggs bacon and low fat sausage. Like you I love porridge (oatmeal) but just know that if I made it, on would go the full cream milk and syrup and that would prompt my sweet craving to kick in.

    You could try some of these semi vegetarian options which I quite enjoy.

    Grilled fresh tomatoes on whole meal toast

    Virgin Mary - a big glass of tomato or vegetable juice (I add lemon juice and Tabasco ) plus a bowl of chopped veggies and zero fat yoghurt (try adding a few nuts , blueberries and even sliced banana)

    Smoked salmon and scrambled eggs makes a nice breakfast again a few toasted pine nuts for a crunch.

    When I have a little more time I make a no dough pizza - just dry grill tomatoes mushrooms and peppers plus some diced ham and melt over two slices of low fat Swiss type cheese. I also add some toasted bread cubes for more texture

    Take care and best of luck
  • You can use cottage cheese or use simply egg whites and oats and maybe some vanilla extract.
  • 9thChakra
    9thChakra Posts: 141 Member
    Ready for something new?? BREAKFAST KASHA!!!!

    I also needed some new options and created this a while back and I love it for breakfast.


    -Wolff's Kasha (Whole Granulations) - if you don't know what this's buckwheat. There are other brands...but I've named one I use so you can at least look it up online to get the idea.
    -Water or broth of choice
    Above is all you need to make the Kasha. It's a 2 to 1 liquid to dry ratio. It make take a few attempts to cook it to your desired texture. I suggest following the directions exactly but for 1 I use 1/2 cup liquid and 1/4 cup buckwheat. It's similar to cooking rice in that you bring the water to a boil, add the kasha, stir, reduce temp to a simmer, cover without peeking for 10 minutes, remove from heat. I've run into problems when I've turned the simmer too low or not low enough, resulting in liquid not absorbing and leaving things too wet or moisture drying up and burning kasha slightly.

    The fun part:

    Add-in time!! Prior to starting the kasha I choose my veggies and/or meat add-ins and prep them (I like dicing or mincing items).
    As soon as I pour the kasha in the water to cook, I heat up my add-in skillet.

    I typically use med-high heat and use either canola oil or coconut oil on the pan (you can also experiment with just using water to steam/sautee your add-ins).

    My standard items for add-ins are:

    Al Fresco - (I like the Apple Maple Chicken Sausage)

    I also will sometimes change it up with:

    Frozen spinach (this is great because I can have it on-hand in my freezer ready to go. It can actually take longer because it's frozen so I either add it first until it's thawed or microwave it to thaw it and then sautee)

    I like it because I'm getting whole grains and whole veggies in the beginning of my day and not doing dairy (which sometimes bothers me).

    Hope you like it!


    P.S. For your oatmeal situation...I grew up with instant, just add water oatmeal that was ridiculously sweet and therefore likely hid the taste of the just water/oats situation. As an adult I wanted to use the old-fashioned whole, plain oatmeal. I first made it with just water and did not like it. But then I substituted just a little if it calls for a cup of water I pour 1/8 c. milk in the measuring cup first and then fill it to 1 c. with water. It really helps the taste/texture. If you are used to using all may want to consider eating the just water version for a while and then add back just the little bit of milk. This may be a good option for keeping the flavor, texture you like but cutting down on the amount of milk you consume.
  • luvred51
    luvred51 Posts: 163 Member
  • Hi

    I do sympathise, breakfast is so important when you are dieting but I get really tired of eggs bacon and low fat sausage. Like you I love porridge (oatmeal) but just know that if I made it, on would go the full cream milk and syrup and that would prompt my sweet craving to kick in.

    You could try some of these semi vegetarian options which I quite enjoy.

    Grilled fresh tomatoes on whole meal toast

    Virgin Mary - a big glass of tomato or vegetable juice (I add lemon juice and Tabasco ) plus a bowl of chopped veggies and zero fat yoghurt (try adding a few nuts , blueberries and even sliced banana)

    Smoked salmon and scrambled eggs makes a nice breakfast again a few toasted pine nuts for a crunch.

    When I have a little more time I make a no dough pizza - just dry grill tomatoes mushrooms and peppers plus some diced ham and melt over two slices of low fat Swiss type cheese. I also add some toasted bread cubes for more texture

    Take care and best of luck

    I'm glad you understand! :) What great ideas. Thank you so much for sharing.
  • You can use cottage cheese or use simply egg whites and oats and maybe some vanilla extract.

    I never tried cottage cheese before. But after seeing that there's so many uses I perhaps will give it a go!
  • jharb2
    jharb2 Posts: 208 Member
    I eat peanut butter on whole grain toast every morning. sometimes top it with a banana
  • Ready for something new?? BREAKFAST KASHA!!!!

    I also needed some new options and created this a while back and I love it for breakfast.


    -Wolff's Kasha (Whole Granulations) - if you don't know what this's buckwheat. There are other brands...but I've named one I use so you can at least look it up online to get the idea.
    -Water or broth of choice
    Above is all you need to make the Kasha. It's a 2 to 1 liquid to dry ratio. It make take a few attempts to cook it to your desired texture. I suggest following the directions exactly but for 1 I use 1/2 cup liquid and 1/4 cup buckwheat. It's similar to cooking rice in that you bring the water to a boil, add the kasha, stir, reduce temp to a simmer, cover without peeking for 10 minutes, remove from heat. I've run into problems when I've turned the simmer too low or not low enough, resulting in liquid not absorbing and leaving things too wet or moisture drying up and burning kasha slightly.

    The fun part:

    Add-in time!! Prior to starting the kasha I choose my veggies and/or meat add-ins and prep them (I like dicing or mincing items).
    As soon as I pour the kasha in the water to cook, I heat up my add-in skillet.

    I typically use med-high heat and use either canola oil or coconut oil on the pan (you can also experiment with just using water to steam/sautee your add-ins).

    My standard items for add-ins are:

    Al Fresco - (I like the Apple Maple Chicken Sausage)

    I also will sometimes change it up with:

    Frozen spinach (this is great because I can have it on-hand in my freezer ready to go. It can actually take longer because it's frozen so I either add it first until it's thawed or microwave it to thaw it and then sautee)

    I like it because I'm getting whole grains and whole veggies in the beginning of my day and not doing dairy (which sometimes bothers me).

    Hope you like it!


    P.S. For your oatmeal situation...I grew up with instant, just add water oatmeal that was ridiculously sweet and therefore likely hid the taste of the just water/oats situation. As an adult I wanted to use the old-fashioned whole, plain oatmeal. I first made it with just water and did not like it. But then I substituted just a little if it calls for a cup of water I pour 1/8 c. milk in the measuring cup first and then fill it to 1 c. with water. It really helps the taste/texture. If you are used to using all may want to consider eating the just water version for a while and then add back just the little bit of milk. This may be a good option for keeping the flavor, texture you like but cutting down on the amount of milk you consume.

    Your enthusiasm is contagious. :P This seems like such a good idea. I'll have to find out where to get Kasha. :D Thanks so much for sharing. I'm pretty excited to try it. Hah!