Do you feel bad when you miss your workout/cardio session?

I do, I really really do feel AWFUL and I know it's only one day but for some reason I just can't shake the feeling of me failing and quitting. Probably because that's how usually it's start with, missing one day, then skipping every other day, then two in a row and so on and so on. My goal is to loose Body Fat % I'm putting all my food intake on MFP to keep track of cals and such. I hate this feeling I'm just venting out here in the community and if you want to share on how you feel and how you beat that awful feeling please let me know. Thanks


  • Sarahnade42x
    Sarahnade42x Posts: 308 Member
    Missing one day isn't quitting. Letting yourself miss more days because of that first day is quitting.
    The best thing you can do is stop beating yourself up about it and get right back on track! Hell, even do a double workout the next day if it makes you feel better (that's what I do). Keep up the good work!
  • joannadalina
    joannadalina Posts: 112 Member
    Sometimes I do. But I use that feeling as motivation to go hard the next day. Things happen, **** comes up, you're gonna miss a workout every now and then. The key is to just miss a workout, not to give up on working out.
  • SweetestHoney
    SweetestHoney Posts: 95 Member
    As long as I eat healthy most of the time and workout at least 3 days a weak I'm good. I used to punish myself for missing a day. Now I let it go. The scale shows it's working.
  • xiamjackie
    xiamjackie Posts: 611 Member
    I used to feel AWFUL about it. I would actually cancel or postpone plans with friends, or purposefully not make them because I didn't want to miss my workout. Then I realized I was passing up a lot of stuff to do what... work out? I'm going to look back on my life and see that I did what.... spent a lot of time in the gym?

    Life happens. Plans happen, appointments, dinners, movies, get-togethers, work, family activities- they all happen. Make time to work out, but also make time for all the wonderful things life offers. If you have to miss a workout one day because you have the joy of the opportunity to actually live life, then so be it. Make time the next day, or the day after that to fit gym time in when you aren't as busy. No sense in feeling horrible about it.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I do because my body is now used to working out so when I miss, I feel that energy that wants to get out. Last night I ended up doing a DVD at home because weather conditions wouldn't permit me to drive to the gym.

    I don't feel horrible about it but it's like brushing my teeth now, a good habit.
  • DianneP6772
    DianneP6772 Posts: 272 Member
    No. I do tend to want to make up for it though. Next day - more, more, more. So afraid that those pounds will jump back on.
    So you don't give up - you just try to make up for it - or just get back on track the next day. One day won't hurt you - and i keep telling myself that!
  • mrsamanda86
    mrsamanda86 Posts: 869 Member
    As long as I eat healthy most of the time and workout at least 3 days a weak I'm good. I used to punish myself for missing a day. Now I let it go. The scale shows it's working.

    Pretty much this.
    I try to go 4-5 days in a week's time, but 3 is the absolute minimum that I give myself and if I can't make it four days, or just don't want to, I make myself do something at home... today, my son is sick and it's my rest day from being sore due to new workout routine... I've done 40 push ups so far. Just making myself do ten every time I have to go upstairs for something(if I try to do them downstairs my dogs think it's play time and I end up with a huge pit bull puppy jumping on me LOL).
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    I do - and Xmas isn't helping :(

    I'll need to work out tonight to burn off my Xmas lunch today :'(
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I don't know, it hasn't happened yet.
  • If you miss one day it is ok! don't need to feel too bad about it :) it's only when it (missing workouts) becomes a habit that you have to be upset with yourself! consistency is the key :)
  • I workout 7 days a week, that means cardio 7 days and just started strength training last week "Pinched Nerve Issue" can't really lift like I want to.My Nutrition Part is GREAT. I manage a boxing gym with Pros and Amateurs so my feeling this way is because it's around me all the time and feel the effects of excuses. I am going to punished lol my self with some great workouts today, following a 5k for my cardio. Thanks guys I just thought I was the only one who felt like that. I love this
  • That's what I'm going to do today :)
  • tristaj90
    tristaj90 Posts: 330 Member
    Normally i take it easy on the weekends (i use that time to spend time with my son but we ACTIVELY play and I also clean house)... but during the week i work at a desk and on my hour lunch i KILL my workout. The other day I pulled a muscle in my leg and it devestated me to have to take a rest day. However I'm back in action today :)
  • OH NOT GIVING UP, also we are relocation our Gym to another location so ...Yep crap happens :)
  • That's AWESOME, I don't do scales because we have to use the on boxers when they need to make weight. I use the tape and the mirror to see if any results are happening.
  • I used to feel AWFUL about it. I would actually cancel or postpone plans with friends, or purposefully not make them because I didn't want to miss my workout. Then I realized I was passing up a lot of stuff to do what... work out? I'm going to look back on my life and see that I did what.... spent a lot of time in the gym?

    Life happens. Plans happen, appointments, dinners, movies, get-togethers, work, family activities- they all happen. Make time to work out, but also make time for all the wonderful things life offers. If you have to miss a workout one day because you have the joy of the opportunity to actually live life, then so be it. Make time the next day, or the day after that to fit gym time in when you aren't as busy. No sense in feeling horrible about it.

    I spend too much time at the gym also , Manage a Boxing Gym that's why I was bum out because I shouldn't have no excuses at all. I should of sparred yesterday. OH Well TODAY IS GOING TO BE A KILLER WORKOUT :) THANKS I DON'T FEEL BAD NO MORE :)
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    I don't feel guilty if I miss, but if I planned a workout and something comes up to make me miss it, then yes I get a tad upset.

    Missing one day doesn't mean you're a failure. Sometimes things come up, and sometimes you just don't feel like going. That's okay. Just accept it and do your next workout as planned.
  • I do because my body is now used to working out so when I miss, I feel that energy that wants to get out. Last night I ended up doing a DVD at home because weather conditions wouldn't permit me to drive to the gym.

    I don't feel horrible about it but it's like brushing my teeth now, a good habit.

    YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES...I'm used to working out and I feel my body is telling me HEY SOMETHINGS
  • ArtemisRuns
    ArtemisRuns Posts: 251 Member
    Why feel guilty? I miss the workout or the run, but there is always another day.
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    I do feel bad when if I miss a day. I'm in a production right now that's just opening tonight so this past week has involved going straight from work to rehearsals until 10 at night and so I haven't had proper time to go out and run. Instead I have spent my lunch breaks at work walking up and down stairs for half an hour. It makes my elbows sweat but it still doesn't feel like enough. lol. That said, I have come to the point before where I was under-eating and over-exercising (for what I ate in a day) and ended up getting stuck on the scale for weeks no matter what I did. I forced myself to eat more and not exercise at all for a few days and then get back at it......magically the numbers started falling again. So, there CAN be some benefit to taking it easy for a day or two.