strange happenings

Last winter I started to work from home and gained about 10 pounds. Nothing crazy. But I have literally been working for a YEAR to try to get those pounds off!!! I work out really healthy..I've tried different kinds of diets to jumpstart my weightloss...eating 6 meals a day...juicing...protein shakes. The only time I was able to lose any weight is when I did this crazy cleanse thing for 11 days and I lost a few pounds. But it came right back so that was dumb! ha

I'm currently eating clean healthy foods...mostly paleo. I have been doing T25 for 5 weeks hardcore (I was working out before this as well)..and nothing. No changes in weight or in measurements. AT ALL!

I'm trying not to focus on the scale/measurements but the fact is I'm eating really healthy...working out everyday...not allowing "cheat days" and I haven't weighed this much in years.

Do you think something is out of wack?...or am I doing something wrong....?


  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Are you following T25 nutrition guidelines and also measuring your food? How long are you giving these things a try before you switch to something different?
  • loriq41
    loriq41 Posts: 479 Member
    Well if you only need to lose 10 lbs then of course it will take forever. But alot of times what I see on here is someone that professes to eating the right amount but there diary is spotty or they do not log everyday. So my suggestion is too be supervigilant (I cannot see your diary), consistent and weigh everything.
  • TheZaxian
    TheZaxian Posts: 15 Member
    I note that you say you are eating healthily but don't mention calories - are you tracking them or are you just 'eating better'? Because obviously even if you are eating good food, if you're eating surplus calories then you're eating surplus calories, regardless of whether they come from 'bad' or 'good' things.

    If you are tracking calories I can only suggest that either you're eating more than you think (this is the usual suspect - particularly if you're eyeballing things rather than weighing them), or (if you're tracking exercise cals and eating them back) you may be overestimating your calories burnt there.