Weight watchers anyone?

Is anyone currently on or have been on weight watchers? And did/do you like it?


  • twnzmom
    twnzmom Posts: 182 Member
    Not on Weight Watchers now just going by the MFP, weight Watchers worked for me but I hated going to the meetings especially after a long day at work. This is the same thing basically except now I use the time I would have spent in a meeting exercising. They are both good.
  • Anna19911
    I guess i like the idea of the meetings because it motivates me even more knowing i HAVE to go and get weighed.
  • nikki91950
    i was a member in the past, but don't go to the meetings anymore, but count my points, along with calories on this website :) i love it and have to thank it for all my success!
  • Luv2bme
    I was doing weight watchers and loved the results. This was over 6 years ago and til this day I still follow the calorie rules. I loved weight watchers because, even though sometimes the meetings were too much after a long day @ work, I had to weigh myself in front of people and that motivated me to make sure I lost weight at the next weigh in. It's much easier for me to cheat when no one is watching... Also, much like this site, there are a lot of motivating people with their success stories. It's a chance to get to know new people in your neighborhood who are going through the same struggles of trying to lose weight, possibly get together to work out, etc... At the time I joined I think there were 2 options to choose from for losing weight... I chose the point system where I can eat small portions of WHATEVER I wanted as long as I didn't go over my daily points...
  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    I guess I'm a little different. I'm tracking calories on MFP and going to WW meetings for the face to face support. I lost 84 pounds on WW about 20 years ago. Counting points on WW is similar to counting calories here, both places teach you to eat the healthy stuff to optimize your food during the day.
  • mary020378
    I did join weight watchers about 6 years ago. i did like it. what i liked about it most i joined with my cousins wife at the time and that had helped a lot. i think anything you do for weight loss you need a lot of support and maybe a friend or family member willing to go on this weight loss journey with you. and to be honest this website is pretty similar to weight watchers.
  • redefiningmyself
    redefiningmyself Posts: 476 Member
    I used to go and I liked it. I stopped because its expensive, and a the time, they were changing up the program every year and I got tired of having to learn a new system.

    I don't know how the new point system works, but the old methods were very good at teaching people how to eat healthy balanced diet and excellent at teaching portion control and tips.
  • PatriciaO
    Have been on Weight Watchers before and lost 50 lbs. Loved it but it was expensive and hard to track points. Easier on this for me, but going to the meeting made me more accountable. Basicly you just have to be committed . I have really enjoyed this site because if you know your calorie limits it is easy to follow
  • Anna19911
    For the people who did the program, how soon did you get the results you wanted?
  • nikki91950
    i had about 40 pounds to lose in order to be considered in the "normal/healthy" range for my height, and it took me a year to get there. i counted points, and dropped the weight. i never stepped foot in a gym and did nothing for exercise besides walking.
  • Lona728
    Lona728 Posts: 105
    I have done WW a lot over the years. It always works as long as you are committed. The reason I am not going now is the money. You don't have to buy anything, just pay the weekly fee. But that was too much for us. When I started losing weight this time around I found myself doing the points system anyway. Now that I am on here I am counting calories. I really liked the accountability that WW gives you. The most I have lost on WW was 40lbs in 3 months. There were other factors helping me out though. I was 18 and was also breastfeeding my son. Breastfeeding burns around 500 calories a day, so that helped out a lot too! That was with no exercise. It's a great program and I highly reccomend it to anyone wanting to lose weight.
  • Anna19911
    Bump =)
  • mizzjessie
    I lost close to 60lbs 2 years ago on WW. I liked it but didn't like the cost of it and found the time to go to the meetings hard with a small child. I am on my 2nd week of MFP and have to say I am enjoying this much more then WW. I plan to continue with this because I am enjoy it and the cost of WW is just to much.