December Overeating?

So it's December, which means my birthday, christmas and my mums birthday, so thats 3 massive days of over 3000 calories, as we are eating out on the birthdays and christmas lunch on christmas. I seriously dont know what to do as i wont be able to do any exercise on these days, and all these days are within a 10 day period. Help!!


  • rachelamber_x
    rachelamber_x Posts: 104 Member
    On the days you are going out try and choose something lighter off the menu, maybe look at the menu online in advance to help you choose.

    For Christmas, personally I'm just going to eat everything then cut back for the next week. If you don't want to do that and want to keep to your goal, load up on vegetables and some lean meat and avoid some of the high calorie sides.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    There are 365 days in a year and I seriously doubt you are going to tied down and force-fed on these celebration days!

    Eat what you like but in smaller portions perhaps?
  • tegalicious
    Just eat. And log what you ate. And move on. Three days will not override your hard work. Just make sure you don't turn three days into three months of overeating.

    ETA: I also have lots of holidays in December that I will be over calories on. Anniversary, my birthday, Christmas and New year's eve. I will eat, log, and move on. No guilt. I know that if the majority of my days are good that a few days of being over isn't going to totally ruin all my hard work.
  • girlinteepee
    girlinteepee Posts: 33 Member
    Plus drink lotsa water in between to get the full feeling, lil mini exercise breaks, more walking and smaller portions
  • 2dare2dream
    2dare2dream Posts: 104 Member
    I totally understand your dilemma, this time of year can be a true test of our ability to maintain sensible eating but allowing ourselves a little treat here and there. As the dates in my calendar fill up with parties and invites i have been thinking alot about this
    situation and looking at past years experiences. One of the good things about family days is that there is often lots of children about, this allows you the opportunity to get some exercise in without standing out, start a few games off with the kids, wrap up and have a game of tag or chase which allows the kids to burn off that excess energy but also gives you the chance to burn a few cals.
    when it comes to alcohol, you can either miss out and use the excuse of medication and not mixing them or you can just have one and keep laying your glass down so that you always have glass and dont need top up when offered. As for food choices, then you can limit yourself to small plate and remind self when tempted about how much exercise it would take to burn off those gooey cals lol. spend more of the time talking and catching up with those family members and friends you havent seen in a while and enjoy the day for what it really is, a celebration and a coming together of those you love and care about.
    At the end of the day, we have to learn to manage these situations in our everyday live and be able to live and work round them. However you spend your holidays and celebrations, i hope you have fun and a peaceful, joyous holiday.
  • Absterdam
    In your other thread you said you were NINE POUNDS away from being UNDERWEIGHT. I don't think holiday splurging will hurt you.